Your 2024 Benefits EnrollmentEligibilityMid-Year ChangesNew HiresOnce Open Enrollment ends, the onlytime you are allowed to make changesto your benefits elections throughout theyear is if you experience a qualified lifeevent. Examples may include gettingmarried or divorced, having a baby oradopting, or gaining or losing coverage.You must notify Human Resourceswithin 30 days of the life event to beeligible to change your elections. New Hire's benefits are effectiveimmediately following date of hire.Your benefits will be effective throughDecember 31, 2024.Enrollment FormsEnroll HereAll enrollment must be completedthrough the Employee Navigatorplatform.Eligible:FT Employees working 30+hours per weekLegally married spouseNatural or adopted childrenup to age 26, regardless ofstudent and marital statusChildren under your legalguardianshipStepchildrenChildren under a qualifiedmedical child support orderDisabled children 19 yearsor olderChildren placed in yourphysical custody foradoptionIneligible:Divorced or legallyseparated spouseCommon law spouse, evenif recognized by your stateDomestic partnersFoster childrenSisters, brothers, parents orin laws, grandchildren, etc.
Important ContactsMedicalMedical Mutual of Ohio | 800.362.7100www.medmutual.com Group # A03106DentalVisionMMO-SDC | 800.762.3159www.superiordental.com Group # A03106Life/AD&DMMO-VSP | 800.877.7195www.vsp.com Group # A03106Medical Mutual of Ohio | 866.925.2542www.medmutual.com Group # A03106DisabilityEAPUnum | 866.679.3054www.unum.com Group # 424330Unum | 1.800.854.1446www.unum.com/lifebalanceMarsha KochExecutive Director of MinistryServicesmarshak@cedarcreek.tv419.661.8661 ext. 106Your OneDigital Service TeamJackie Cleland | Senior Account Manager, Benefits Consultant | jcleland@onedigital.com | 216.642.3871Linda Vinyard | Client Advocate, Account Manager | lvinyard@onedigital.com | 216.642.3826Jason Hinchman | Managing Consultant | jhinchman@onedigital.com | 216.750.2386Carla Emery | Wellbeing Strategy Consultant | cemery@onedigital.com | 216.642.4676
How to handlemedical bills (4:46)In-NetworkBenefitsMMO3200 HRA PlanMMO4000 HRA PlanDeductibleIndividual: $3,200Family: $6,400Individual: $4,000Family: $8,000Office VisitsPCP: *0% CoinsuranceSpecialist: *0% CoinsuranceUrgent Care: *0% CoinsurancePCP: *0% CoinsuranceSpecialist: *0% CoinsuranceUrgent Care: *0% CoinsuranceProceduresInpatient: *0% CoinsuranceOutpatient: *0% CoinsuranceEmergency Room: *0% CoinsuranceInpatient: *0% CoinsuranceOutpatient: *0% CoinsuranceEmergency Room: *0% CoinsurancePrescriptionsGeneric: *0% CoinsuranceBrand: *0% CoinsuranceNon-Preferred: *0% CoinsuranceSpecialty: *0% CoinsuranceGeneric: *0% CoinsuranceBrand: *0% CoinsuranceNon-Preferred: *0% CoinsuranceSpecialty: *0% CoinsuranceOut-of-PocketMaximumIndividual: $3,200Family: $6,400Individual: $4,000Family: $8,000Premiums (Bi-Weekly)Employee$15.26$0.00Emp+Spo$39.34$7.32Emp+Chld$37.82$5.68Family$66.49$17.47Medical PlansMedical insurance helps you pay for preventative care,routine health needs, prescriptions, and advanceprocedures by cost-sharing with your insurance provider. The rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) that governthe terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern in all cases.The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type, andeligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.*Deductible Applies First
Unused funds at the end of the year will not roll over.Your funds are non-transferable and are forfeited if youremployment with CedarCreek Church terminates for anyreason.Unused funds and more3200 HRA PlanIndividual: $3,200Family: $6,400First: Employee PaysSecond: HRA PaysAfter Total Claims: MMOPays AllIndividual: $3,550Family: $7,1004000 HRA PlanFirst: Employee PaysSecond: HRA PaysIndividual: $4,000Family: $8,000Individual: $3,500Family: $7,000After Total Claims: MMOPays AllWhen you enroll in the HRA medical plans, CedarCreek Church automaticallysets aside money to help you and your covered dependents pay for qualifyinghealth care expenses. Your HRA dollars are automatically used for medicaland prescription expenses for you and your covered dependents after yourdeductible has been met.HRA Savings PlanThe rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) thatgovern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern inall cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type,and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.Health Reimbursement AccountIndividual: $6,750Family: $13,500Individual: $7,500Family: $15,000
Health Savings PlanEligible expensesThe rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) thatgovern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern inall cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type,and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.2024 HSA Max Contributions:Individual: $4,150Family: $8,300Health Savings AccountTake advantage of triple tax savings through an HSA. Reduce your taxable income bycontributing to this account, purchase qualified healthcare items free of tax, and earntax-free interest on HSA investment dollars. Unused funds will roll over from year toyear.You must be enrolled in the company HDHP Medical Plan to be eligible for anHSA.If you are age 55 or older, you can contribute an extra $1,000 each year through theHSA Catch-Up Contribution.Learn how HSAs canhelp you save fortoday and tomorrow.Are you Turning 65?Learn how your HSAwill be impacted.
Additional BenefitsEmployee Assistance ProgramYou encounter more than just health concerns throughout your life. Manage life'scurveballs with a confidential and complimentary program designed to providecounseling, support, and resources for a variety of personal issues like stress andanxiety, relationship struggles, substance abuse, eldercare, financial worries, andmuch more!Get the FREE support you need today!The rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) thatgovern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern inall cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type,and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.TelemedicineYour life is an adventure, and Telemedicine affords you the convenience ofreceiving medical care while on the go. Instead of spending your day and dollarsat an Urgent Care facility, connect with a board-certified doctor over the phone orby video chat to receive immediate and cost-effective care wherever life's journeymay take you.
Wellness BenefitsThe rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) thatgovern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern inall cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type,and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.CedarCreek Church believes it is important to reward you for taking care ofyourself. When you earn 500 points through the activity and awarenesscomponents of Motion Connected, you will be rewarded $300 per a quarter inyour HSA. You can earn up to an annual total of $1,200 in your HSA.
Medical Supplemental PlansAccidentCritical IllnessAccident insurance can helpyou pay for the out- of-pocketcosts you may experienceafter an accident and payregardless of any otherinsurance you have. • A limited benefit policy (nothealth insurance)• Spend benefits on what youneed — medical expenses,groceries, utilities• Benefits for common injurieslike fractures, dislocations, andconcussions• Benefits for emergency roomvisits, ambulance, hospitalcare, surgery and physicaltherapyBeing diagnosed with a criticalillness can be devastating,both personally and financially.Breathe easier knowing criticalillness insurance can help youpay your out-of-pocketexpenses and allow you tofocus on your health.The rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) thatgovern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern inall cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type,and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.Even with medical insurance, you could still be subjectto unexpected out-of-pocket expenses in the form ofcopays, deductible, and coinsurance. Thesesupplemental voluntary benefits provide lump sumpayments to be used towards your health careexpenses, or however you see fit.
In-Network BenefitsMedical Mutual of OhioSDC PPO PlanDeductibleIndividual: $50Family: $150Preventative Services100%Basic Services*80%Major Services*50%Annual Plan Maximum$1,750Ortho Services50%$1,500 Lifetime MaxPremiums (Bi-Weekly)Employee$6.07Employee+Spouse$12.39Employee+Child(ren)$15.61Family$23.10Dental PlanStay in-network to avoid balance billing (the differencebetween what an out-of-network provider charges andthe amount your insurance pays). The rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) thatgovern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern inall cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type,and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.*Deductible Applies FirstGood dental hygiene has substantial impact on youroverall health. Prevent both oral conditions andother diseases through regular preventative dentalcare.
In-Network BenefitsMedical Mutual of OhioVSP PPO PlanVision Exams$10 CopayLensesSingle: $25 CopayBifocal: $25 CopayTrifocal: $25 CopayFramesFeatured Frames: $170 Allowance$150 Allowance, then 20% DiscountContact LensesElective: $150 AllowanceMedically Necessary: 100% CoveredFrequency of ServicesExam: 12 MonthsLens & Contact Lenses: 12 MonthsFrames: 24 MonthsPremiums (Bi-Weekly)Employee$1.33Employee+Spouse$2.67Employee+Child(ren)$3.32Family$4.66Vision PlanYour vision plan covers either glasses lenses or contact lenses each year. If you receive contact lenses, they will beinstead of your glasses lenses benefit.The rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) thatgovern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern inall cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type,and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.Protect your sight and enjoy those sunsets evenmore with vision insurance. Receive bothpreventative and materials coverage!
Life/AD&D PlansBenefitGuaranteeIssueEmployeeIncrements of$10,000 up to$400,000 Max or5 times annualearnings,whichever is less$100,000SpouseIncrements of$5,000 up to$200,000 (cannotexceed 50% ofemployee'samount)$20,000Child$5,000 or $10,000$10,000The beneficiary designations for your lifeinsurance takes precedence over your will. Ifyou want your wishes to be followed afteryour death, you need to keep yourbeneficiaries updated. If you have not listedanyone as a beneficiary, your assets willfollow a default order to determine who willreceive it, such as your spouse, your children,your parents and then your siblings. Listing abeneficiary--and keeping it updated--willsave time, effort and potential conflict afteryou're gone.Beneficiary DesignationYou must submit an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form to theinsurance carrier if you select an amount of insurance over the"Guarantee Issue Amount (GI)". Any coverage amount over the GI issubject to the carrier’s approval. If approved, you will receive a letter inthe mail notifying you of the approval. Note: Voluntary life coverage isavailable up to the GI amount without the need for an EOI form at anemployee’s initial eligibility only. Evidence of InsurabilityThe rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) thatgovern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern inall cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type,and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.Basic Life and AD&DYou can't put a price tag on your life, butyou can protect your loved ones with lifeinsurance in the event of a prematureloss. CedarCreek Church providesthis benefit at no cost to youBenefit Amount:$30,000Voluntary Life and AD&DYou can purchase additional life and AD&Dinsurance for you and your dependents. Thisplan is optional and paid 100% by you throughpayroll deductions if you choose to sign up.
Disability PlansBenefit60% of weekly earnings toa maximum of $1,000 aweekDuration11 WeeksEliminationPeriodIllness: 14 DaysAccident: 14 DaysBenefit60% of your earnings to amaximum of $8,000 amonthDurationUp to Social SecurityNormal Retirement AgeEliminationPeriod90 DaysPre-existing conditionlimitations If you make a disability claim withinthe first year of being covered,check your plan details to see howpre-existing condition limitationsmight impact your coverage.The rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) thatgovern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern inall cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type,and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.Short Term DisabilityAccidents and illnesses happen and often when weleast expect them. Ensure you are financiallyprepared to stay afloat in the midst of a medicalcondition with disability insurance. This voluntary plan benefit amount ispaid on top of what you receive inState Disability benefits. Voluntary Long term disability insurancewill start paying out at the end of theshort-term disability coverage period. Long Term DisabilityCedarCreek Church provides these benefits at no cost to you
Medicare BenefitsLearn theBasics ofMedicareDon't let the alphabet soup of Medicare Parts A, B, C and D get your headspinning! If you're approaching age 65 (or are there already!) and your head isswimming with all your options, or you just want to discuss your current plan,reach out to OneDigital Advanced Health.At OneDigital Advanced Health, we take pride in being fierce advocates of yourhealth, success and financial security. We understand the complexities of today’shealth insurance marketplace, and we’re here to listen and find affordableoptions to meet your individual needs. Trust us to advocate for you, ensuring thatyou receive the utmost support and peace of mind as you navigate yourhealthcare journey.The rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) thatgovern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern inall cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type,and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.Speak to a trusted licensed agent today.We're here to assist you in navigating your options.1-888-530-2586 | TTY/TDD: 711M-F 8 am – 6pmORComplete a Medicare Service Request Form If you are located in Ohio,reach out to BrandyLachanski, your local Medicareconsultant. Brandy will meetwith you privately in our office,work over the phone, oronline. She'll review yourhealth history, medications,options, and choices to designa plan that fits your goals andbudget.Ohio Medicareblachanski@onedigital.com216.642.3984
COBRA BenefitsThe rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) thatgovern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern inall cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type,and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.COBRA provides certain former employees, retirees,spouses, former spouses and dependent childrenthe right to temporary continuation of healthcoverage at group rates. This coverage, however, isonly available when coverage is lost due to certainspecific events. The COBRA participant isresponsible for the full premium cost.If you or a dependent experience a COBRAqualifying event, notify HR within 30 days. COBRA: Continuation of Coverage
Employee NoticesBenefits EnrollmentEnroll HereThe rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan informationsummarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) thatgovern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern inall cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type,and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.Please review the following required employee notices detailing your rights andoptions. You can also request a paper copy of any of these notices at any time. Your company uses the online enrollment system, Employee Navigator, to makeenrollment and future changes easy on employees. This system will allow you tomake all of your benefit elections online without any forms. You can also accessthis system throughout the plan year to review benefit information or makedemographic or enrollment changesVIEW NOTICES HEREVIEW SBCS HEREMEDICARE PART D