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Employer Insight: FAQs on Benefits During a Furlough

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©2025 OneDigital | HR Consulng 1 Disclaimer: The statements made herein are informaonal only and are not legal advice. Because applicable laws change, the informaon provided may become outdated. OneDigital makes no express or implied representaons or warranes arising by law or otherwise, all of which are expressly disclaimed. What is the Dierence Between a Layo, Furlough, and Other Leaves of Absence? • Furlough: a temporary unpaid leave from work where the employee remains in an “employed” status. • Layo: an employer-iniated terminaon of employment that may be temporary or permanent. • FMLA: a federally mandated unpaid leave for family and medical-related care. • Other Employer Leave: non-legally mandated leave of absence that may be paid or unpaid. For the purpose of this FAQ, the focus is on employees who are on a furlough – a form of leave without pay (LWOP). What Eect Does a Furlough Have on an Employee’s Eligibility for Their Employer’s Benet Plan? Employers need to start by reviewing their plan documents to determine what their eligibility rules are and if a furlough is going to result in employees no longer meeng the eligibility requirements. Most benet plans set eligibility based on the number of hours that an employee must work (for example, 30 hours per week) and a furlough is likely going to result in an employee’s hours dropping below the required amount. When an employee’s hours drop below the required amount, unless the plan documents include an excepon, the employee’s benets should be terminated according to the plan documents. However, be careful if your plan is following one of the ACA methods for determining eligibility. Employees whose eligibility is determined using the ACA’s look-back or monthly measurement method might not lose eligibility due to a temporary reducon of hours: • If the employee’s eligibility is determined under the look-back measurement method and they are in a stability period at the me of the furlough, they will retain their eligibility classicaon for the extent of the stability period (even during a furlough). If a new stability period starts during the furlough, an employee who measures as full-me for that new stability period must be oered coverage for the extent of that new stability period. • If an employee’s eligibility is determined using the monthly measurement method, hours of paid leave or for which the employee is entled to pay are counted. If the employee works, uses paid leave or is entled to pay for at least 130 hours per month, they will retain their status as full-me for the duraon of the month and be remeasured for the next month. FAQs on Benets During a Furlough E M P L O Y E R I N S I G H T

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©2025 OneDigital | HR Consulng 2 Disclaimer: The statements made herein are informaonal only and are not legal advice. Because applicable laws change, the informaon provided may become outdated. OneDigital makes no express or implied representaons or warranes arising by law or otherwise, all of which are expressly disclaimed. When Would Medical Coverage be Reinstated Aer the Furlough? Upon return to work from a break-in-service of less than 13 weeks, an employer is prohibited from reapplying a waing period to an employee who already sased the waing period or restarng the look-back measurement. If an employee was in a waing or measurement period when the furlough occurred, the employee will generally resume that process at the same stage as before the furlough. For breaks-in-service longer than 13 weeks, the employer is permied to treat the employee as a new hire. NOTE: The ACA Rule of Parity allows a shorter period for employees with fewer than 13 weeks of employment. Employers have the opon to be more generous than the 13-week rule but must ensure their plan documents and the insurance carrier will permit reenrollment. Can Furloughed Employees Remain on the Plan Even Though They Do Not Meet Eligibility Requirements? Plans must operate in accordance with the plan documents, including the carrier’s cercate. If the plan allows for eligibility to connue during a furlough, then you may connue to cover employees up to the me specied within the plan. If the plan does not permit employees on furlough to be covered, their coverage must be terminated and COBRA or state connuaon must be oered, if applicable. Many benet plan documents state that coverage terminates on the day that eligibility is lost or may allow connued coverage only through the end of that month. These provisions can usually be found in a secon regarding terminaon or end of coverage or by searching for the words “absence” or “leave”. If Employees Can Connue Parcipaon in The Plan During a Furlough, How Do They Pay Premiums? Because furloughs are generally unpaid, the employer should establish a wrien policy that outlines when premium contribuons are due, how they must be paid, and when coverage will terminate due to non-payment. As a reminder, terminaon of coverage for non-payment is not a COBRA qualifying event. Employers are advised to consult an employee benets aorney for assistance in draing their policy. If coverage is subject to portability or conversion, the employer should include relevant paperwork with any noce of coverage cancellaon. Is a Furlough a COBRA Qualifying Event? A furlough is a reducon of hours and if this reducon of hours results in the employee’s loss of eligibility and terminaon of coverage under the plan, this would be a COBRA qualifying event and they must be oered COBRA connuaon coverage. Be sure to review plan documents for compliance.

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©2025 OneDigital | HR Consulng 3 Disclaimer: The statements made herein are informaonal only and are not legal advice. Because applicable laws change, the informaon provided may become outdated. OneDigital makes no express or implied representaons or warranes arising by law or otherwise, all of which are expressly disclaimed. How Does a Furlough Impact Life and Disability Coverage? Life and disability insurance contracts are wrien for acvely working employees. Coverage ends the month that the furlough starts or at the end of the next month, depending on the contract. It is very important that the employer not connue coverage unless the policy permits it. There are numerous court cases in which the employer was sued because claims were denied aer the employer promised coverage during an employee’s extended LOA or furlough. Upon terminaon of coverage, the employer must provide conversion and/or portability informaon in me so that the employee does not lose rights to keep the coverage. How Does a Furlough Impact Flexible Spending Accounts? Health FSA. Many cafeteria plans connue health FSA parcipaon when there is a reducon in work hours, including during a furlough. However, plans oen allow parcipants to reduce contribuons or pause parcipaon during the furlough period. If the parcipant ceases to be eligible for the plan, this is a COBRA qualifying event. Dependent Care FSA. Parcipants may wish to stop contribuons since dependent care expenses incurred during a furlough longer than 2 weeks are generally not eligible. (Please see “Temporary absence from work” on page 7 of IRS Publicaon 503.) Stay Informed . Stay Compliant . Stay Ahead. Workplace regulations are evolving, and the decisions made in Washington could directly impact your business. OneDigital’s team of HR, insurance and workforce compliance consultants are tracking key legislative and regulatory developments so you don’t have to. Get the latest insights on pending changes in healthcare, benefits, HR compliance, and workforce policies—so you can plan with confidence. Visit the OneDigital Hub: 2025 Federal Updates for Employers for more, or connect directly with our team of HR and workforce consultants.