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BFAIR Benefits Guide 2024

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Message BenefitsGuide January - December 2024

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You may only enroll in benefits when you are firsteligible or make changes to your benefits duringopen enrollment. However, you can makechanges/enroll during the plan year if youexperience a qualifying life event:Marriage DivorceNew Baby/AdoptionDeath of DependentYour Dependent's Open EnrollmentYou/Dependent lose other coverageYou/Dependent gain other coverageYou/Dependent lose Medicaid coverageYou/Dependent gain Medicaid/MedicarecoverageMaking benefit selectionsGetting startedEnrollmentMid Year Changes //Qualifying Life EventsLog in to Complete Payroll Solutions (CPS). Youmust complete your enrollment during your newhire/newly eligible waiting period or annuallybefore open enrollment ends.Who can I add to my coverage?Note: You the employee must be enrolled in thecoverage you wish to enroll a dependent into.Legally Married SpouseBiological ChildrenStepchildrenAdopted ChildrenChildren in your custody for adoptionChildren under your legal guardianshipPermanently disabled children over plan agerestrictionsSee Full Event List HereDo you have questions about your benefits or your claims?Always call Benemax first - your Independent MemberAdvocate (IMA) can help! You’ll get one-on-one access toa local, licensed Benemax team member who will helpanswer questions you may have regarding your benefits.This is not a call center, but an extension of your employer’slocal service team dedicated to helping you.Independent Member AdvocateWe can help you to:Learn how your claims are paidUnderstand your covered benefitsUnderstand pre-tax accountsUnderstand and lower costsNavigate escalated claim issuesBenemax.service@onedigital.com800-528-1530, prompt 3Available Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5pm ESTBe sure to provide your name, employer name,and your question or issue. If you have a qualifying life event, you mustsubmit your changes within 30 days of the event(60 days for Medicare or Medicaid events), oryou must wait until annual open enrollment tomake any benefits changes. These eventsshould be entered online through yourenrollment platform. You may also be requiredto provide proof of the event to HR.

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EligibilityGetting startedCoverageWho is EligibleCoverage StartsCoverage EndsMedicalAll employees who work30+ hours per week.90 days from Date of Hire.Date of TerminationDentalAll employees who work30+ hours per week.90 days from Date of Hire.Date of TerminationVisionAll employees who work30+ hours per week.90 days from Date of Hire.Date of TerminationLife and DisabilityAll employees who work30+ hours per week.90 days from Date of Hire.Date of TerminationPre-Tax Account or Funding TypeWho is Eligible + DetailsFlexible Spending Accounts (FSA)Set aside pre-tax money to pay for out-of-pocket health costs and/or child and elder care expenses. FSAs are a form of self-insurance.Health Savings Account (HSA)Only for employees enrolled in the Access Blue NE HSA Plan.What options are available to me once my coverage is terminated?COBRA will allow you to continue your current eligible benefits for up to 18 months.COBRA becomes effective retroactively back to the day after your employment is terminated.Questions about COBRA? Contact Benemax now!800-528-1530 l

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In-network careMedical Network Name:HMO Blue New EnglandHMO Blue New EnglandDeductible (DED)$1,000 Employee Only $2,000 Family$2,000 Employee Only $4,000 FamilyOut-of-pocket maximum5,450 Employee Only $10,900 Family $6,450 Employee Only$12,900 Family Preventive carePrimary care visitSpecialist visit100% covered (No Cost)$25 copay$40 copay100% covered (No Cost)Deductible, then $15 copayDeductible, then $25 copayUrgent careEmergency roomOutpatient hospital careInpatient hospital care$40 copay$150 copayCovered in Full after DeductibleCovered in Full after DeductibleDeductible, then $25 copayDeductible, then $150 copayCovered in full after DeductibleCovered in full after DeductiblePharmacy BenefitsPrescription drugsGeneric Preferred brand Non-preferred brandSpecialty(30 days / 90 days)Covered in FullCovered in FullCovered in FullCovered in Full(30 days / 90 days)Covered in full after deductibleCovered in full after deductibleCovered in full after deductibleCovered in full after deductibleOut-of-network care available?Emergency Room & Urgent Care OnlyEmergency Room & Urgent Care OnlyYour cost for coverageEmployee onlyEmployee + SpouseEmployee + Child(ren)Employee + FamilyBi-Weekly$ 91.27$ 205.06$ 172.35$ 294.36Bi-Weekly$ 85.39$ 191.83$ 161.24$ 275.37SBCFind a DoctorPrescription Drug ListRewards ProgramTelemedicinePreventive CareMental Health SupportMedicare BasicsWhere to Seek CareMake the right Call!HMO Blue NE BasicCopay with BenemaxAccess Blue NE HSA Plan with BenemaxPillarRxMedical insuranceThe information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.Questions about your benefits or claims?Contact Benemax now!800-528-1530 l benemax.service@onedigital.comYour benefit plan consists of two components: the insurance carrier plan and theBenemax Wrap®. Please refer to your plan documents for full details on how thesetwo components work together, what is covered, and when. Note: on this page allplan coverage shown represents in-network coverage. For out-of-network coveragereference your plan documents.SummarySBCSummaryBCBS e-Kit$0 Cost Generic MedsPilllar Rx & $0 Cost Generic Medication Lists subject to change January 2024Cost Share Program (Pillar Rx) - Members on the HMO Blue NE Basic Copay - who take aneligible medication can get their medication for $0-$35 by using manufacturer’s coupons. Ifyou taking an eligible medication, you will receive a letter and a phone call from Pillar Rxasking you to join the program. IMPORTANT! Make sure to enroll; if you decline to enroll, youwill be required to pay 30% of the cost of medication.

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Understanding YourMedical Plan +Who pays for what and when?HMO Provider LetterDo not make a payment to your provider until youhave reviewed your claim responsibility amount onyour Benemax Claims Connection portal.Learn More HereSample EOBIf your provider needs help understanding how both layersof coverage work together, you can share with them thisletter.Present your provider with both your BCBSMA ID cardAND your Benemax card. Be sure your provider's officetakes copies of BOTH cards. Ensure your providerknows Benemax is your secondary payer.Learn why CLICK HEREFor any questions, contact:800-528-1530benemax.service@onedigital.comXXXXXYour Namewww.mybenemax.comHMO HSA Provider LetterYou or a member of your family visits yourprovider (doctor/hospital) and shows both theirBCBSMA ID card and their Benemax Card. 1.Your provider will bill BCBSMA.2.BCBSMA will process your claim, notify yourprovider, and send a Claims Summary to you andyour provider.3.Benemax receives a report of your claims fromBCBSMA.4.Benemax reviews your claim and (ifapplicable) makes additional payments onbehalf of your employer.5.Benemax posts a Benemax Explanation ofBenefits (EOB) on your Claims Connectionportal. You are responsible to pay the amountdue to your provider as shown.6.Claims SubmissionThere is a weekly automatic claims feed from yourmedical carrier to Benemax. Members and providersmay also submit claims using any method below.Email: 508-242-6198Mail: Benemax , POBox 950, Medfield, MA, 02052You should include an EOB or Claims Summary and acopy of the Provider Bill. Click here to access ClaimsConnection CardsVirtual Benefit Manager (VBM)Benemax’s Virtual Benefit Manager® (VBM) offersonline customer service and information. View:Submit a benefit questionReview educational videosAccess your Claims ConnectionCheck your claims statusDownload a Benemax Explanation of Benefits (EOB)Link to your medical carrier websiteHMO Blue NE Basic Copay Plan: If you are enrolled in thisplan, you will receive a Benemax debit card to pay forprescription drugs that are approved by BCBSMA for $0copay. You should ONLY use the card forexpenses covered by your plan. Thecard will allow other expenses, but youwill be required to repay any non-qualified expenses you charge.The information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Final rates are dependent onactual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract, and other notices contained in this document,applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.Access Blue NE HSA Plan: If you are enrolled in this plan,once the single or family deductible is met, you will receive aBenemax debit card. After your deductible is met, this cardallows you to purchase prescription drugs that are approvedby BCBSMA for $0 copay.

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Employee OnlyFamily2024 Maximum$4,150$8,300Health SavingsAccount (HSA)55 or older? You can contribute an extra $1,000 peryear in catch-up contributions.The information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.Learn how HSAs canhelp you save fortoday and tomorrow.ContributionsIRS Contribution LimitsKey FeaturesThe money you save in your account can be spenton qualified Medical, Dental, and/or Visionexpenses. View a full list HERE.The money you save stays with you if you changejobs, just like any other bank account. Unspentfunds remain in your bank account.Save for your future by contributing to the limit –an HSA is a great way to save for your immediateexpenses and for retirement.The money in the account is available as it’sdeposited.Start, stop, or change your contributions at anytime (limitations may apply - consult HR).Triple tax savings Reduce your taxable income by contributing intothis account.1. Pay for qualified healthcare expenses free of tax.2. Earn tax-free interest on HSA dollars and investtax free. 3.Those enrolled in the Access Blue NE Saver plan are eligible toenroll in an HSA. You cannot have an HSA and ...Be enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid, or a non-HDHP plan (if you gain this coverage, you muststop HSA contributions, but you can spend downany money in your account).*Be claimed as another person's tax dependent.Have a full purpose/healthcare Flexible SpendingAccount (FSA) – nor can your spouse, even if youare not participating in their medical plan and/orthey are not enrolled with you.*Those Medicare eligible should speak with a licensed Medicareconsultant. For high level HSA considerations (look for 'I have a Health Savings Account (HSA)').Questions about your benefits or claims? Contact Benemax now!800-528-1530 l

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Eligible expensesAllowed ExpensesMedical, Dental, and Vision2024 IRS maximum contribution$3,200Annual rollover amount$640Balance AvailabilityFull annual election available day oneSpecial ConsiderationsYou cannot also contribute to an HSAAllowed ExpensesChildcare or adult daycare 2024 IRS maximum contribution$5,000Annual rollover amountRollover not allowed by the IRSBalance AvailabilityFunds available as they are depositedSpecial ConsiderationsFunds can only be spent on taxdependents and are to be used so you(and your spouse if applicable) can go towork. Funds are forfeited if you leaveemployment.Eligible expensesWhere did my money go?Budget for success!Benemax Debit CardThe information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.Flexible Spending Account is a blanket term that covers a number of pre-tax savings options. Flexible Spending Accountsare a form of self-insurance and follow the same laws as other types of pre-tax benefits (like medical or dental). Onceelected, you must have a qualifying life event to stop or change your deduction amount. If you do not elect wheneligible/available, you cannot newly enroll without a qualifying life event.Set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for qualified expenses.Full Purpose FSADependent Care Account (DCA)Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)Using the Benemax Debit CardEnrolled in medical and elected the FSA? The Benemax debit card isused for prescription copays and eligible flexible spending items. Youmust purchase your prescriptions separately from any FSA eligible items.Click the button above to learn more.FSA Handbook

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NetworkDentalGuard PreferredIn-networkOut-of-networkAnnual Deductible (DED)$50 per person $150 family max$50 per person $150 family maxAnnual maximum benefit$1,000 per person $1,000 per person Preventive care100% covered100% coveredBasic care80% covered80% coveredMajor care50% covered50% coveredOrthodontic careNot coveredYour cost for coverageEmployee OnlyEmployee + FamilyBi-Weekly$ 9.76$19.52Plan DocumentsDental insuranceThe information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.Stay in-network to avoid balance billing (the difference between what an out-of-network provider charges and the amount your insurance pays). Your dental insurance comes with a lot of different resources to help you savemoney, make good health choices, and better understand your health. Accessthe resources below to make the most of your coverage.Find a ProviderDon't sacrifice your smile!4 ways to save on dentalQuestions about your benefits or claims? Contact Benemax now!800-528-1530 l benemax.service@onedigital.comManage Your Benefits

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In-network CareFull Feature Vision PlanNetwork name:VSP Network Signature PlanAnnual eye exam (every 12 months)$0 copayAmount over $46Lenses (every 12 months)Single: $0Bifocal: $0Trifocal: $0Single: Amount over $47Bifocal: Amount over $66Trifocal: Amount over $85Frames (every 24 months)80% of amount over $120Amount over $47Contact lenses (every 12 months)Elective: Amount over $120Medically Necessary: $0Elective: Amount over $120Medically Necessary: Amount over$210Contact Lens Fit and Follow Up15% of UCRNo discountsYour cost for coverageIndividualFamilyBi-Weekly$ 3.78$ 8.12Plan DocumentsVision insuranceYour vision plan covers either glass lenses (lenses in your frames) or contact lenses each year. If you receive contactlenses, they will be instead of your glass lenses benefit.The information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.Your vision insurance comes with a lot of different resources to help you savemoney, make good health choices, and better understand your health. Accessthe resources below to make the most of your coverage.Find a ProviderVision CoverageMore than just your eyes!Questions about your benefits or claims? Contact Benemax now!800-528-1530 l benemax.service@onedigital.comManage Your Benefits

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Basic life and AD&DCoverageFlat $25,000Plan DocumentsEmployeeSpouseChild(ren)Minimum$20,000$5,000$10,000Guarantee Issue5x salary up to$100,000100% of employee’sbenefit up to $10,000100% of employee’sbenefitMaximum$200,000, but nomore than 5x salary100% of employee’sbenefit up to $50,000100% of employee’sbenefit up to $10,000Purchase additional coverage for you, your spouse, and your child(ren).Voluntary life and AD&D insurancePlan DocumentsLife and AD&D insuranceLife insurance pays a benefit if you pass away while you're covered. AccidentalDeath and Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance pays an additional benefit if youpass away or are seriously injured due to an accident.Financial peace of mind.What's AD&D?Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance may pay:your beneficiary if you pass away due to an accidentyou a partial benefit due to the loss, or the loss of use, of body parts orfunctions such as limbs, speech, eyesight, and hearingA beneficiary is the person,persons, or organization whowould receive your benefit inthe event you lose you life.Make sure your beneficiariesare up to date – you canchange them at any time!The benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.Basic life and AD&D insuranceYou, the employee, must enroll/be approved for coverage for your spouse and/or child(ren) to also enroll.How much life insurance do I need?Questions about your benefits or claims? Contact Benemax now!800-528-1530 benemax.service@onedigital.comElecting an amount over the Guarantee Issue (GI)? Are you a late enrollee (declined coverage when first eligible)? If you answered yes to either or both questions, you must complete an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form. If you are newlyeligible and electing coverage over the GI, you will not be approved for coverage over the GI until your EOI form has beenapproved. If you are a late enrollee, the GI does not apply and any amount you apply for will not go into effect until your EOIis approved.EOI Form

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Long-term disability coverage can provide lasting income protection if youremain unable to work. Voluntary Long-term disabilityPlan DocumentsPre-existing condition limitations Check your plan details to see how pre-existing condition limitations might impact yourcoverage.Disability insurancePlan TypeVoluntary; employee paidMonthly Covered Income60% of your income to $5,000 maximumBenefit BeginsAfter 180 Days of DisabilityMaximum Duration of BenefitsSSNRAPre-existing Condition3/12Duration of BenefitsThe maximum is the longest length your disability will be covered. Most disabilitiesare shorter than the maximum and the length is determined by standardizedmeasurements and medical advice.The benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.Disability coverage insures your paycheck, replacing a portion of yourincome if you’re unable to work due to a covered illness or injury.Understanding Disability,FMLA, and the ADAQuestions about your benefits or claims? Contact Benemax now!800-528-1530

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MA Paid Family Medical LeaveThe benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.Disability coverage insures your paycheck, replacing a portion of yourincome if you’re unable to work due to a covered illness or injury.Understanding Disability,FMLA, and the ADACurrent 2023 Benefit2024 BenefitMax Benefit: $1,129.82 / weekMax Benefit: $1,149.90 / weekWait Period: 7 daysAvailable to anyone who works in Massachusetts is eligible to take up to 26weeks of paid leave for medical or family reasons. Massachusetts Paid Family Medical Leave (MA PFML)What conditions apply?Medical leave (your own serious medical condition)Bonding leave (to bond with a newborn, adopted child or foster child)Family Leave, to care for a family member with a serious health conditionBenefitThe portion of your Average Weekly Wage that is equal to or less than 50% of the State Averageweekly wage is paid at a rate of 80%How do I apply for benefits?Mass PFML benefits will be requested and paid through the MA Department of Family &Medical LeaveOnline: 833-344-7365*more information is available from HR

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Employee AssistanceProgram (EAP)24/7/365 access to care.\eap The benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential service with accessto guidance and resources at no cost for: Depression & anxiety - and other mental health concernsFamily relationships and parentingAddiction and substance abuseFinancial issuesLegal problemsChildcare and eldercareGrief and lossEssentially, if it's part of your life, our EAP is here for you.Everyone needs support sometimes (even superheroes)Care for your mind – and your life.Will anyone know I contacted the EAP?The EAP is confidential. No one will know you called or what was discussed.Who can use the EAP?Your spouse and children all have access to the EAP and it's services.EAP FAQsNational Crisis HelplinesSuicide and Crisis: 988Sexual Assault: 800-656-4673Domestic Violence: 800-799-7233Child Abuse: 800-422-4453Substance Abuse: 800-662-4357Trevor Project: 866-488-7386Find a full list of helplines herePlan Documents

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Regular full and part time employees who are eighteen years of age or older may be eligible to join BFAIR’s 403(b) plan.New employees may enroll upon hire or on the 1st of the month each calendar quarter after they are hired (January 1,April 1, July 1 and October 1). Employees are not limited to enrolling upon hire, but rather they are encouraged to enrollat any time during their employment at BFAIR.Employees may elect to make pre- or post-tax contributions as a flat rate. Employees may contribute up to the IRSannual limit for the current calendar year. In addition, those over 55 years of age are entitled to make catch upcontributions. BFAIR offers a discretionary matching contribution that is funded after the close of the fiscal year. Thisdiscretionary match is determined after the close of the fiscal year and is based upon the performance of the Agency. All new employees are provided with a plan summary upon hire and informational employee meetings are held on aquarterly basis to provide employees with regular opportunities to join the plan and to reevaluate their contributionelections. 403(b) Pension PlanBFAIR offers a competitive paid time-off (“PTO”) benefit. PTO benefits under this plan apply to all regular employeesworking 20 or more hours per week. Hourly relief/substitute and temporary employees are not eligible for paid benefits(except Sick time which is accrued according to Massachusetts Sick Time Law).The paid time-off year is defined as thetwelve-month period commencing with the first day of the month of employment.PTO is comprised of a designated amount of vacation, sick and other time.Employees will accumulate a specifiedamount of PTO each pay period worked and it is up to you to allocate how you will use it; vacation, illness, caring forchildren, school activities, medical/dental, appointments, leave, personal business or emergencies. The amount of PTOearned will depend on hours worked, length of service and classification. A new hire will begin earning PTO time as ofdate of hire.Employees may begin using PTO time 90 days after date of hire. Paid Time-Off PolicyAdditional benefit optionsThe benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.

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PurposeBFAIR strongly encourages employees to pursue additional formal education in an effort to enhance their knowledgeand skills, thus improving their potential for future opportunities at BFAIR and in the human service field.Education Reimbursement BenefitTo further these objectives, BFAIR may offer eligible employees a discretionary education benefit of partial tuitionreimbursement based on available resources. The benefit may only be used for:courses offered by an accredited institution for undergraduate or graduate accredited programs or relevantcertifications; andthe employee is required to attain a minimal acceptable grade of a “B”.If you have questions regarding a particular accredited certificate program of course, please contact SVP - HR MichelleBaity prior to enrolling and making payment. BFAIR reserves the right to decline payment inaccordance with this policy if eligibility criteria and the guidelines, policies and procedures outline herein are notsatisfied, and payment is not guaranteed as BFAIR’s education benefit is discretionary. This discretionary benefit isdetermined after the close of the fiscal year and is based upon the performance of the Agency.GuidelinesMinimum eligibility -- To be eligible to participate, an employee must have provided six months of Agency serviceand be in good standing at the time of the application due date (relief hours not included) and must work 30 ormore hours per week (relief hours not included).Educational Programs -- Program of course must be relevant to: employee’s current job duties, a job-relateddegree or advancement within the Agency.Tuition -- Tuition reimbursement/educational assistance includes the cost of course ONLY. It does not include fees,labs, books, taxes, and other miscellaneous expenses. Eligible employees must use this benefit on their own time. Educational Assistance PolicyAdditional benefit optionsThe benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.

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We have partnered with Greylock Federal Credit Union to be able to offer “Safety Net Loans” to our staff that need topay for unexpected emergencies and do not have the funds available, nor access to an affordable loan. Emergenciesinclude but are not limited to: auto repairs, new tires, home repairs, unexpected bills, medical expenses, vet bills, etc.It can also be used to pay off a predatory lender or simply a credit card with a high interest rate. This informationremains confidential between you and Greylock but you will need to demonstrate a need for the loan under theirparameters.Some key points:The amount of the loans will range from $300 to $1,500.00The pay-back term is a max of 1 yearIt has to be paid via direct deposit from your payrollYou need to work with Human Resource Department in order to get an appointment for the loan – you cannotjust apply directly at GreylockAn initial financial wellness consultation will occur at Greylock to help you meet this current financial emergency andalso help you to prepare for the next one.The benefits of this program:It helps you to address your current emergency, so you don’t have added stress in your life. It is paid as part of yourpayroll cycle, so you will never be late. Greylock reports to all 3 credit bureaus, so your on-time payments will help toimprove your credit score, which ultimately saves you money because good credit equals better rates. If you do notstop the payments after the loan is paid in full – the money that used to pay for your loan can now be redirected to asavings account, so you can build your own “emergency fund”. So, if you have a financial emergency, or needadditional details regarding the program, please contact Human Resources at 413.664.9382 and they will set-up areferral for you. Loan Safety Net ProgramThe Student Loan Assistance Program provides eligible employees a lump sum amount paid directly to the employeeonce per year to repay student loan debt. Eligibility: Full-time (30 or more hours per week) employees who have received a graduate or undergraduate degreewithin the page 3 years from the date the employee first applies for assistance under this program. See full details byclicking here. Student Loan Assistance PolicyAdditional benefit optionsThe benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.

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Eligibility RequirementsThe employee must be currently employed 30 hours/week by an Eligible Human Services Provider as defined above(independent contractors are not eligible for tuition remission under this program);1.The employee must be employed in a position where at least 60% of the employee’s wages and benefits are fundedby a contract(s) with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to provide Human Services;2.The employee must have completed at least six months of employment with the Eligible Human Services Provider atthe time of submission to the employer of the Certificate of Eligibility for Tuition Remission; 100 Crossing Blvd.,Suite 100 | Framingham, MA 01702 Tel: 508.598.9700| www.providers.org3.The employee must be eligible for tuition remission under any personnel or employer policy of the Eligible HumanServices Provider covering tuition remission; and4.The employee must have applied for and been admitted to an eligible state- supported course at a Massachusettscommunity college, state college, or University of Massachusetts.5.Please note: If a person ceases to be an Eligible Employee employed by an Eligible Human Services Provider afterapproval of the Eligible Employee’s Certificate of Employee Eligibility for Tuition Remission, as described below, the Eligible Employee will nonetheless be entitled to remission of tuition for the course to which that Certificate applies.However, eligibility for tuition remission will cease when that course ends.Full, 100% tuition remission will be provided to an Eligible Employee who is enrolled in a Massachusetts state-supported undergraduate course at any community college, state college or state university, excluding the Universityof Massachusetts Medical Center. The Eligible Employee is responsible for all other educational expenses relating tothe course (these include, but are not limited to, all fees charges by the state-supported school, program fees,application fees, laboratory fees, books and supplies). Tuition Remission will only be granted for courses of study with adirect correlation to the employee’s current position. Certification of such shall be the responsibility of the employer.Non-state-supported courses include those offered by a public institution’s division of continuing education and anyothers identified by the institution as non-state-supported. There is no tuition remission for these non-state-supportedcourses or programs.FULL DETAILS AVAILABLE ON THE EMPLOYEE PORTAL: Tuition RemissionAdditional benefit optionsThe benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.

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Working AdvantageAdditional benefit optionsThe benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.DiscountsAll employees have exclusive access to Working Advantage discountnetwork which allows you to save up to 60% on ticketed events andonline shopping.Savings on:Movie ticketsTheme ParksSki TicketsBroadway showsSporting eventsHotels and TravelHealth & FitnessMuseumsOnline ShoppingHow? Log into: open an individual account. Use Berkshire Family And Individual Resources ID# 275282379

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In-networkNetworks are groups of medical,dental, and vision providers,pharmacies, and facilities that agreeto discount the cost of their care orservice. In-network care is alwaysyour lowest-cost option. Out-of-network provider can charge youwhatever amount they deem fair -typically much higher than innetwork.Out-of-pocket maximumThe most you’ll pay for coveredmedical and pharmacy care in a year.This includes your deductible andany coinsurance or copays. The out-of-pocket maximum does notinclude your premium (the amountyou pay for coverage) and non-covered expenses.Primary care physicianA primary care physician (PCP) isyour main medical doctor – usually ageneral practitioner (GP), familydoctor, internal medicine, orpediatrician (for children).DeductibleThe amount you’re responsible forpaying in care expenses before themedical or dental plan starts sharingin the cost of your medical andpharmacy (if applicable) expenses.CoinsuranceAfter you’ve met your deductible,you’re sometimes responsible for apercentage of the cost of themedical care, dental care, orprescription medication youreceived. This percentage iscoinsurance.Referral/pre-authorizationSome specialty medicalproviders/services and prescriptionsrequire additional supportinginformation from your doctor.Examples include - but are notlimited to - inpatient or outpatientsurgical procedures, brand namemedications, or specialtymedications.CopayA flat fee you pay each time youreceive a copay-eligible medical,dental, or vision service orprescription medication. Balance billingWhen you use an out-of-networkprovider, they may bill you thedifference between what theycharge and the amount yourinsurance pays.Helpful termsWe've removed as much jargon as possible.But you’ll probably still encounter some terms as you enroll in and use your benefits, and wewant you to be prepared!

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Required Notices2024 BenefitsPlease review the required employee noticesdetailing your rights and options. You can alsorequest a paper copy of any of these notices atany time.