EmployeeBenefits Guide2025
Once you enroll in insurance coverage, the onlytime outside of Open Enrollment that you areallowed to make changes to your benefitselections is if you experience a qualified lifeevent. Examples may include getting married ordivorced, having a baby or adopting, or gaining orlosing eligibility for coverage. You must notify Employee Benefits and submitthe required documentation within 30 days ofthe qualified life event to be eligible to changeyour elections.Making Benefit SelectionsGetting startedNew Hire Enrollment Mid-Year ChangesNew hires have 30 days from their date of hire to enrollin benefits via www.brevardbenefits.com. Benefitsare effective the 1st of the followingmonth if hired on the 1st-15th day, or on the 1st day ofthe 2nd month following your hire date if hired on the16th-31st day of the month.Employee Self-Service provides you online access toyour benefits at www.brevardbenefits.comUser ID: Your unique User ID will be the first 4 letters ofyour last name and the last six numbers of your Socialsecurity number. Example: JONE123456Password: Your initial password will be your date ofbirth [MMDDYYYY]. Example: 01011957Employee Self-ServiceWaiving Coverage?Employees waiving coverage may be eligible to receivea $30 per month opt-out credit. You will need to gointo www.brevardbenefits.com to elect a waiver ofcoverage. If you do not do so within your new hireenrollment window or during open enrollment,then you will be ineligible for the opt-out credit. Inaddition, if you are eligible for Medicare or on theCounty’s health insurance through a spouse or parent,then you are not eligible to receive the opt-out credit.Evidence of InsurabilityIf you are electing Life Insurance, Long-termDisability (LTD), and/or Short-term Disability (STD),you will be required to fill out an Evidence ofInsurability Form and submit it to The Standardfor approval.When EOI is not required:• New Hires during their first 30 days ofemployment.• Election of the Guaranteed Issue Amount (for new hires only)ReminderIt is important to always keep your contactinformation up to date. If your mailing address,telephone number and/or email address haschanged, please contact the Human Resourcesoffice at 321-633-2031 and request an EmployeePersonal Information Form. 1
Making Benefit SelectionsGetting startedDependent VerificationAs part of the County's ongoing efforts to monitor cost and affordability of our benefit plans, we want to ensure that onlyeligible dependents are enrolled as covering ineligible dependents increases our cost for health coverage. The County kindly asks you to review the dependent eligibility requirements, which can be found on the next page,to ensure your dependents continue to meet the guidelines. If you are a surviving dependent, enrolling your spouse, and/or have a 26 to 30-year-old dependent child coveredunder Brevard County's health plan, then you are required to complete a Dependent Eligibility Affidavit on anannual basis. If not currently on file, you will need to submit the appropriate documentation to verify the dependent’seligibility. All required documentation and applicable affidavit(s) must be submitted to Benefits by November 1, 2024 oryour dependent(s) may not have coverage January 1, 2025. If you experience a qualifying life event, you mustsubmit documentation within 30 days of the event. You will be charged a $200 per month surcharge per over age dependent child enrolled. In addition, you will berequired to pay imputed income through payroll. If you do not submit the annual affidavit by November 1, 2024, thenyour over age dependent will not have coverage January 1, 2025. If your spouse has health insurance available through their employer and you choose to enroll them in Brevard County'splan, then you will be subject to the Working Spouse Surcharge of $200 per month. If you do not complete theannual affidavit by November 1, 2024, then you will be automatically charged the Working Spouse Surcharge. If the eligibility of your dependent changes during the year, it is your responsibility to notify the Brevard County BenefitsDepartment within 30 days of the change. If the Dependent is to be discontinued due to a change, there will be nopremium or surcharge refund if the Brevard County Benefits Department is not notified within 30 days of the change. *If a covered employee provides health insurance benefits to an over age dependent under IRS rules the fair marketvalue of the coverage is considered imputed income, and must be reported as taxable income on the employee’spaycheck. This is not actual income, but it is included in the employee’s gross income in order to assess taxwithholdings. Please ensure during enrollment that all Social Security Numbers for yourself and your dependentsare reviewed and updated accordingly.2
Is My Dependent Eligible?SpouseCriteria: Legally married spouse (an ex-spouse does not meeteligibility criteria even if insurance coverage is specifiedby a judge in a divorce decree)Required Documentation:• Copy of Marriage Certificate or Marriage License;• Copy of Social Security card; and• A completed Dependent Eligibility Affidavit What To KnowChildrenCriteria: Includes the employee's natural born,adopted, foster, or stepchild, and a child for whomthe employee has been court-appointed as legalguardian or legal custodian. Dependent childrenare eligible for coverage until end of the calendar year inwhich they turn 26 years old.Required Documentation:• Birth Certificate OR Adoption Certificate OR Copy of Legal Guardian Documents; and• A copy of Social Security CardGrandchildrenCriteria: Grandchildren can be covered up to 18months of age from date of birth (only eligible if theparent, i.e. employee's dependent, remains a covereddependent)Required Documentation:• Verify parent of child is eligible as noted above and currently enrolled• Copy of grandchild's Birth Certificate• Copy of grandchild's Social Security CardDisabled ChildrenCriteria: Children who are physically or mentallydisabled may be eligible to continue coveragebeyond age 26Required Documentation:• Verify child is otherwise eligible as noted under "Children"• Written statement from child's physician indicating disability & diagnosis OR Social Security Award LetterOver Age (26-30) ChildrenCriteria: Must meet all the following requirements:the child is unmarried and has no children of his or herown1.the child is a Florida resident OR is a full or part-timestudent AND 2.the child does not have health insurance available tothem elsewhere3.Required Documentation:• Verify eligibility under "Children"• Completion of a Dependent Eligibility Affidavit Surviving Spouse/ChildrenCriteria: If a Covered Retiree or a Covered Employee who is fullyvested in the Florida Retirement System dies, the eligibledependents covered at the time of death may remaincovered if they continue to meet the eligibility criteria. If aSurviving Spouse remarries, they must notify the EmployeeBenefits Office immediately and their coverage will end onthe last day of the month. Required Documentation:• Verify eligibility as noted under "Children" and/or "Spouse"• Dependent Eligibility Affidavit 3
You will only be allowed to change yourelections that are consistent with the lifeevent. For example, if you were covered underyour spouse’s health insurance, and he or sheloses their job, you can elect to enroll both youand your spouse under Brevard County’shealth plan.If you are adding a new dependent to yourplan, you will need to provide requireddocumentation to the Benefits Departmentwithin 30 days of the event. Can I Change My Benefits?What to KnowWhen can I change mybenefits?Annually during Open EnrollmentOnce employees enroll in insurance coverageand make their selections, they generallycannot change them until the next openenrollment period unless they experience aqualifying life event, such as:Marriage, divorce or legal separationChildbirth or adoptionInvoluntary loss of coverage under anotherplanChange in employment status for you oryour spouseGain or loss of entitlement to Medicare orMedicaid insurance coverageAging out of a parent’s insurance planYou must notify Employee Benefits andsubmit the required documentation within30 days of the qualified life event to beeligible to change your elections.Check out this 1-minutevideo to learn aboutQualified Life Events. Clickthis link or scan the QRcode to tune in:4
Benefits ManagerRebecca Acostarebecca.acosta@brevardfl.gov321-637-5454Benefits SpecialistsBecca O’Rear Services last names A-LNate DubidatServices last names M-Z rebecca.orear@brevardfl.gov321-637-5456nathaniel.dubidat@brevardfl.gov321-637-5455Medical insuranceCignaGroup: 3308988 UMRGroup: 76-4150631-800-244-6224mycigna.com1-800-826-9781umr.comPharmacy insuranceCignaRx Group: 33089881-800-244-6224mycigna.comHealth Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)TASC1-800-422-4661tasconline.comFlexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)Medcom1-800-523-7542, opt. 1medcombenefits.comWellness WalletMedcom1-800-523-7542, opt. 1medcombenefits.comEmployee Assistance Program (EAP)Health Advocate1-877-240-6863healthadvocate.comDental insuranceCignaGroup: 33089881-800-244-6224mycigna.comVision insuranceDavis Vision1-877-923-2847davisvision.comLife and AD&D insuranceThe StandardGroup: 6417281-800-628-8600standard.comDisability insuranceThe StandardGroup: 6417281-800-368-1135standard.comContact Information2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Building B, Viera FL, 32940P: 321-633-2031 / F: 321-633-20365
Board of County Commissioners2725 Judge Fran Jamieson WayBldg. B STE 209 Viera, FL 32940P: 321-633-2031F: 321-633-2036Brevard County Sheriff’s Office700 S. Park AveTitusville, FL 32780P: 321-264-5212F: 321-264-5280Clerk of Courts400 South Street 2nd FloorTitusville, FL 32780P: 321-633-2171F: 321-633-2172Melbourne Tillman Water Control5990 Minton Rd. NWPalm Bay, FL 32907P: 321-723-7233F: 321-725-5933Supervisor of Elections2725 Judge Fran Jamieson WayBldg. C Viera, FL 32940P: 321-633-2088Sebastian Inlet Tax District114 6th Ave. Indialantic, FL 32903P: 321-724-5175F: 321-951-8182Property Appraiser’s Office400 South StreetTitusville, FL 32780P: 321-264-6763F: 321-225-3049Tax Collector’s Office400 South Street 6th FloorTitusville, FL 32780P: 321-264-6931F: 321-264-5398Titusville Cocoa Airport Authority355 Golden Knights Blvd. Titusville, FL 32780P: 321-267-8780F: 321-383-4284Indian River Lagoon Council1235 Main StreetSebastian, FL 32958P: 772-216-7148Human Resources Service CenterLocations by Agency6
Health PlansCigna & UMR EPOCigna & UMR PPOCigna PPO PreferredEmployee Only$20.41$26.83$49.57Employee + Spouse$62.99$81.65$194.79Employee + Child(ren)$49.57$65.32$154.55Family$104.40$135.89$224.53Opt-Out Credits($15.00)($15.00)($15.00)Employer-FundedWellness WalletEmployee OnlyEmployee +1 or moreEPO, PPO, and PPO PreferredPlans $500$1,000Available on Day 1 ofcoverageSurchargesWorking Spouse$100 per pay periodOver Age Dependent$100 per Over Age Dependent per pay periodDental PlanCigna DHMOCigna DPPOLow OptionCigna DPPOHigh OptionEmployee Only$6.46$13.54$17.27Employee + Spouse$13.00$26.74$34.00Employee + Child(ren)$12.05$24.67$31.28Family$18.02$41.58$53.04Vision PlanDavis VisionLow OptionDavis Vision High OptionEmployee Only$2.16$2.48Employee + Spouse$4.31$4.96Employee + Child(ren)$3.77$4.34Family$5.36$6.822025 Per Pay Period Premiums7
Balance billingWhen you use an out-of-networkmedical or dental provider, theymay bill you the difference betweenwhat they charge and the amountyour insurance pays.Medical: balance billing is inaddition to – and does not counttowards – your out-of-pocketmaximum.CoinsuranceAfter you’ve met your deductible,you’re sometimes responsible for apercentage of the cost of themedical care, dental care, orprescription medication youreceived. This percentage iscoinsurance.CopayA flat fee you pay each time youreceive a copay-eligible medical,dental, or vision service orprescription medication. DeductibleThe amount you’re responsible forpaying in care expenses before themedical or dental plan starts payingdeductible-eligible expenses.In-networkIn-network care is always yourlowest-cost option. Networks aregroups of medical, dental, andvision providers, pharmacies, andfacilities that agree to discount thecost of their care or service.Out-of-pocket maximumThe most you’ll pay for covered in-network medical care in a year. Thisincludes your deductible, anycoinsurance or copays, andprescription drugs. The out-of-pocket maximum doesnot include your premium (theamount you pay for coverage), non-covered expenses, or out-of-network care that’s been balancebilled.Primary care physicianA primary care physician (PCP) isyour main medical doctor – usuallya general practitioner (GP), familydoctor, internist, OB/GYN, orpediatrician (for children).Referral/pre-authorizationSome specialty medical providersand services require a referral froma primary doctor. These may include- but are not limited to -cardiology, psychiatry, orthopedicsurgeons, rheumatology, surgery,and imaging (CT or MRI).Have questions? Your employee benefits team is hereto help you with all things benefits.See their contact information onpage 5.How to handle medicalbills (4:46)Annual NoticesWe’re required to tell you about certain rights andresponsibilities you have as an employee ofBrevard County Government. You can request a paper copy at no charge from:Rebecca Acosta321-637-5454rebecca.acosta@brevardfl.govDownload nowHelpful Terms & ResourcesWe've removed as much jargon as possible.But you’ll probably still encounter some terms as you enroll in and use your benefits, and wewant you to be prepared!8
EPO (Cigna & UMR)PPO (Cigna & UMR)PPO Preferred (Cigna Only)Annual Deductible (DED)Out-of-pocket maximum$1,500 individual$3,000 family $5,000 individual$10,000 family In-Network$1,500 / $3,000 Out-of-Network$3,000 / $6,000In-Network$5,000 / $10,000Out-of-Network$10,000 / $20,000In-Network$1,500 / $3,000 Out-of-Network$3,000 / $6,000In-Network$4,000 / $8,000Out-of-Network$8,000 / $16,000Wellness Wallet(Earn 20 points by August 31st)$500 individual$1,000 family$500 individual$1,000 family$500 individual$1,000 familyIn-network CarePreventative carePrimary care visitSpecialist visitTelehealth100% covered$30 copay$60 copay$10 copay100% covered$30 copay$60 copay$10 copay100% covered$25 copay$50 copay$10 copayUrgent care (Preferred)Urgent care (All Others)Emergency room$30 copayDED then you pay 20%DED then you pay 20%$30 copayDED then you pay 20%DED then you pay 20%$30 copayDED then you pay 20%DED then you pay 20%Out-of-Network CareOffice VisitsEmergent CareProceduresOnly Emergency Care iscovered out-of-network DED then you pay 40%DED then you pay 20%DED then you pay 40%DED then you pay 40%DED then you pay 20%DED then you pay 40%See plan detailsMedical InsuranceSee plan detailsSee plan detailsSelect from three medical options through & All plans cover in-network preventive care at 100%, prescription drugs, andinclude an annual limit on your expenses. The differences are: what you pay for the plan, what you pay when you get care, how out-of-network care is covered, andyour annual maximum cost for care (out-of-pocket maximum).Not sure which plan to pick? Estimate your out-of-pocket costs under eachplan with our Decision Support Tool! The information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.Save $$$ by using thePreferred Networks!9
EPOPPOPPO PreferredPharmacy Deductible$100 Individual / $200 FamilyPharmacy Out-of-Pocket Maximum$4,100 Individual / $8,200 FamilyRetail 30-Day SupplyGeneric: $12*Preferred Brand: $60Non-Preferred Brand: $100Retail 90-Day SupplyGeneric: $24*Preferred Brand: $120Non-Preferred Brand: $250Specialty 30-Day Supply$150PharmacyCoverage for prescription drugs is included in all of Brevard County's comprehensive medical insurance plans.Prescription drug coverage is administered by Cigna as an in -network only benefit. To view a list of in-networkpharmacies, click on the link below, or visit mycigna.com or call at 1-800-Cigna24. The prescription drug plan has aseparate annual deductible and out-of-pocket maximum.The information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.Cigna Value Rx FormularyClick Here to Check Your Medication CoverageSave on Prescriptions!*Deductible waived for Generic Medications10
Finding a Doctor in Your PlanInsurance companies build their plan offerings by inviting doctors to join their networks. When youvisit a doctor who is “in-network”, you benefit from the negotiated payment rates the insuranceplan and doctor have agreed upon. It’s these rates that translate into lower costs for you when yougo in-network. To find out if your doctor and other health care providers are covered by your newmedical insurance plan, or to find a covered provider if you don’t have one yet:1. Visit your health plan’s website [Cigna: cigna.com or UMR: umr.com] and check their providerdirectory, which is a list of the doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers that your medicalinsurance plan contracts with to provide care. Reference the networks listed below to see yourhealth plan’s provider directory.2. Contact the doctor’s office directly and ask if they accept the insurance plan. Be sure to clearlyspecify the provider network listed below to ensure that they accept the plan.3. Or once you have enrolled in a medical insurance plan you can log in to your account on theinsurance company’s website or app to search for a provider.The information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.CIGNAUMREPO Plan* search the LocalPlus networkEPO* & PPO Plans UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus networkPPO & PPO Preferred search the Open AccessPlus, OA plus, Choice Fund OA Plus networkUMR does not offer the PPO Preferred medicalinsurance plan*Note: The provider network in the EPO plan is approximately 40% smaller and there are no out-of-network benefits. If you enroll in the EPO plan you must see an in-network provider to receive medical insurance benefits.11
12KNOW BEFORE YOU GOYour guide for where to go when you need medical care. Lower Cost and Time GreaterTelehealthDoctor’s OfficePreferred Urgent Care Centers& Urgent Care CentersEmergency RoomAccess telehealth servicesto treat minor medicalconditions. Connect with aboard-certified doctor viavideo or phone whenwhere and how it worksbest for you. Cigna Membersmdliveforcigna.comUMR Membersteladoc.comThe best place for go forroutine or preventivecare, to keep track ofmedications, for for areferral to see aspecialist.For conditions that aren’t lifethreatening. Staffed by nursesand doctors, and usually haveextended hours. For immediate treatment ofcritical injuries or illness.Open 24/7. If a situationseems life-threatening, call911 or go to the nearestemergency room.“Freestanding” emergencyroom(ER) locations arebecoming more common inmany areas. Because theseERs are not inside hospitals,they may look like urgent carecenters. When you receivecare at an ER, you’re billed ata much higher cost than atother health facilities. Colds and FluRashesSore ThroatsHeadachesStomachachesFeverAllergiesAcneUTIs and moreGeneral HealthIssuesPreventative CareRoutine CheckupsImmunizations andScreeningsFever and Flu SymptomsMinor cuts, Sprains, Burns,RashesHeadachesLower Back PainJoint PainMinor Respiratory symptomsUrinary Tract InfectionsSudden Numbness,WeaknessUncontrolled BleedingSeizure or Loss ofConsciousness Chest PainHead injury/majortraumaBlurry or Loss of visionSever cuts or burnsOverdoseAppointments typicallyin an hour or lessNo need to leave homeor workUsually needappointmentShort wait timesNo appointment neededWait times varyNo appointmentWait times vary$10 copayPPO Preferred - $25copayEPO & PPO - $30 copayPreferred Urgent Care NetworkPPO Preferred - $30 copayEPO & PPO - $30 copayUrgent CarePPO Preferred - Deductible andCoinsuranceEPO & PPO - Deductible andCoinsurancePPO Preferred -Deductible andCoinsuranceEPO & PPO - Deductible andCoinsuranceConditions TreatedTimeYour CostCigna Health Information Line - Available to both Cigna and UMR membersA telephone service staffed by clinicians that helps you understand and make informed decisions about health issuesyou are experiencing, at no extra cost. It can help you choose the right care in the right setting at the right time,whether its reviewing home treatment options, following up on a doctor’s appointment, or finding the nearest urgentcare center. Call the number on the back of your Cigna ID card to get connected. 23
© 2024 SurgeryPlus. All rights reserved. PL-OEF-v2-0724 Scan to log in toyour personalizedportal to understandwhat’s covered.When you need to plan a surgery,make SurgeryPlus your first call:(833) 708-0155Getting back to health is easy. Just follow these simple steps: Guided Access toExcellent Surgical CareWhat is SurgeryPlus?With your SurgeryPlus benefit, you can be sure you’re getting the bestsurgical care for your unique needs. And the best part is that it’s alreadyincluded in your benefits at no additional cost.Here’s What’s CoveredYou’ll pay less when you use your SurgeryPlus benefit. Your coverage includes:*• Dedicated support and guidance• Personalized matching with the best surgeon for your needs Call a Care Advocate to get started.They’re here to help you every stepof the way.We’ll match you with highly qualifiedsurgeons from our network whospecialize in the care you need.¡Visita la páginaSurgeryPlus.com yselecciona español paraobtener más información!from our network of excellent providers• Consults and appointments with your SurgeryPlus surgeon • Anesthesia, procedure and facility (hospital) fees*Testing, scans, imaging, durable medical equipment, and physical therapy expenses may not be included.However, coverage may be available through your medical plan.Be on your way to feelingbetter without the stressof high medical costs.Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 •NewNameuin2025•SameTrstedTeamlantern13
How do I access the benefit? If you have questions about the benefit, or if you or one ofyour dependents need surgery, you may be required towork with one of our surgeons, so make us your first call.To learn more, contact your SurgeryPlus Care Advocatetoday at (833) 708-0155.What does SurgeryPlus cover?Your SurgeryPlus coverage includes:Does SurgeryPlus cost me anything?You’re automatically enrolled in the benefit as part of themedical benefits offered by your employer at no additionalcost to you. Who will help me through this process? Your benefit includes guided access from a SurgeryPlusCare Advocate who will:What will my surgery cost? We cover the most expensive costs associated withsurgery, so you’ll pay less for your procedure when youuse your benefit. To maximize your savings, call your CareAdvocate as soon as possible to confirm the details ofyour benefit and what you’ll be responsible for covering, ifanything.How do I find the right surgeon? With an understanding of your healthcare needs, your CareAdvocate will provide a list of the best surgeons in ournetwork so you can choose the one that’s right for you.What happens after my surgery? Your Care Advocate will follow up and ensure you receivedthe highest quality care and schedule any post-procedureappointments.What isn’t covered by SurgeryPlus?Testing, scans, imaging, durable medical equipment, andphysical therapy expenses may not be included. However,coverage may be available through your medical plan.How do I know if a surgery is covered? Contact us at (833) 708-0155 or visit your portal to confirmwhether your procedure is covered. If I already have a surgeon, how do I knowif they are in the SurgeryPlus network? Call your Care Advocate and they will be able to confirmwhether your current surgeon is in our network. •• Dedicated support and guidanceAccess to our network of thousands of highly qualified and carefully selected surgeonsConsults and appointments with your SurgeryPlus surgeon Anesthesia, procedure and facility (hospital) fees• • • Provide personalized support throughout your surgical journey. Educate you on the benefit, with an understanding of your surgical need. Provide you with the resources to help you make the best decisions regarding your care, including how to find the best surgeon in our network.• • ¡Visita la páginaSurgeryPlus.com yselecciona español paraobtener más información!SurgeryPlus is an additional medical benefit that provides you with accessto excellent and affordable care for many planned surgical procedures.© 2024 SurgeryPlus. All rights reserved. PL-FAQF-v3-0724Scan to log in toyour personalizedportal to understandwhat’s covered.When you need to plan a surgery,make SurgeryPlus your first call:(833) 708-0155Frequently AskedQuestions•NewNameuin2025•SameTrstedTeamlantern14
Hinge HealthBrevard County Government is partnering with Hinge Health to help you conquer backand joint pain, recover from injuries, prepare for surgery, or stay healthy and pain free. Their personalized physical therapy programs are available to you and your eligibledependents at no cost to you and provide all the tools you need to get moving againfrom the comfort of your home. Your treatment plan will be tailored to you, and could include one-on-one physicaltherapy sessions, and wearable sensors to give live feedback on your form in the app.The information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.Available to you & your adult dependentscovered under a UMR or Cigna medicalinsurance planFree benefit for your back and joint health Even though surgery may not be needed today, we are still here to help you. WithSurgeryPlus and your health plan coverage, you have free access to virtual physicaltherapy and more through Hinge Health. Get expert care to conquer your back, knee, hip, shoulder, neck and other painfor free with Hinge Health. To learn more call (855) 902-2777, or apply at:HINGEHEALTH.COM/BREVARDCOUNTYGOVStart your digital exercise therapy program today. No commutes. no waiting rooms. Just pain relief. 15
Reminder:Certain procedures may require priorauthorization or precertification. Talk toyour doctor and contact Cigna/UMR if youhave questionsTeladoc (UMR) and MDLive (Cigna) $10 copayAvailable 24/7 for both general medicine andmental health visitsTelehealthMoney Saving TipsWhere To Go For Care?Need to have an outpatient procedure orhigh-tech imaging?Both UMR & Cigna members have access to apreferred network of providers$125 copayClick to view the current locationsQuest Diagnostics is the preferred clinicallaboratory for the collection and processing ofall lab testing services. Quest Diagnosticsoffers you the ability to book an appointmentin advance online at questdiagnostics.comto save time.Preferred Surgical Centers & Radiology FacilitiesSave money by going to our preferredurgent care provider - MedFast - where youwill pay a $30.00 copay for all servicesrendered You will pay up to your annual deductible +coinsurance for all other Urgent CareFacilitiesUrgent CareNeed a joint replacement?Cigna members have exclusive access tothe Bone & Joint Health BenefitNO COST to youPLUS a Bank of America Travel Visa CardClick here for more informationCigna’s Bone & Joint HealthIf you need to have a non-emergency surgicalprocedure, or if you are looking for alternativetreatment options, both Surgery Plus andHinge Health are available to employees andtheir dependents who have medical insurancecoverage. Both UMR & Cigna members have access to ahigh-performance network of the nation’s topsurgeons and physical therapistsNO COST to youPLUS Travel BenefitsClick here for more informationSurgery Plus (now Lantern) & HingeHealth16
PlansCignaUMRProviderSee plan detailsYour life is an adventure, and telehealth affords you the convenience ofreceiving care while on the go. Instead of spending your day and dollars at anUrgent Care or Emergency Room, connect with a board certified doctor overthe phone or video chat to receive immediate and cost-effective care whereverlife's journey may take you. All of Brevard County's medical plans includeaccess to general medicine and mental health virtual visits. Telehealth: virtual health care that fits your scheduleTotal wellbeing:caring for all of youSupport for your health, finances, and life.The benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.$10 Copay!!Employee Assistance ProgramYou encounter more than just health concerns throughout your life. Manage life's curveballswith a confidential and complimentary program designed to provide counseling, support,and resources for a variety of personal issues like stress and anxiety, relationshipstruggles, substance abuse, eldercare, financial worries, and much more. As a Brevard County employee, you and your immediate family members have access to six(6) counseling sessions per issue per individual at NO COST to you. You do not need tohave other health insurance coverage to utilize this benefit. Click here to learn more about your EAP benefits!17
Employee WellnessWe recognize that Brevard County's most valuable resource is our employees, andthat the health and wellbeing of our employees has a direct impact upon the continuedsuccess of our organization. Throughout the year, we offer several educationalinitiatives and a variety of lifestyle programs designed to help you establish healthyhabits. Below are a few of our wellbeing offerings available to you: Mental wellbeing includes mental health but goes far beyond treating mental illness. Your mental wellbeingincludes how you think, act and feel. It also helps you cope with stress, relate to others and make decisions. AtBrevard County, we understand that mental health plays a large role in overall wellbeing that's why we offerconvenient, confidential, and high-quality resources to support you and your family. Both Cigna and UMR members have access to in personAND virtual:CounselingPsychiatry visitsLifestyle coachingStress management programsGroup Fitness Classes, including Yoga and Spin1 :1 in-person and online Health CoachingOnsite Biometric Screenings and Health FairsFinancial Wellbeing SeminarsCampaigns and Challenges, such as the Global FitnessChallenge, Mission SLIMpossible, Mindfulness Series,and more!Both UMR and Cigna Member’s get discounted gym membership!See the next page for detailsMental Health BenefitsClick here to access our Mental Health Benefits ToolkitBrevard County's Wellness Program is completely voluntary and available to all employees enrolled in a medical insurance plan.The program is administered according to federal rules permitting employer-sponsored wellness programs that seek to improveemployee health or prevent disease. Please consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise or nutrition regimen.Virtual CounselingEmotionalHealth &WellbeingMentalHealthSubstanceAbuseCoaching & SupportLifestyleManagement Programs18
Health Incentive ProgramLearn how you can earn health incentives when you complete your online health risk assessment, annual physical,and other wellness activities between September 1st and August 31st of each year. Register on mycigna.com toget started!Trish Tippins-FlammioWellbeing CoordinatorTrish.Tippins-Flammio@brevardfl.gov321.243.1322Jennifer AinsworthOnsite Health CoachJennier.ainsworth@evernorth.com321.637.5450Questions?Contact the Brevard Wellness Team!Brevard County's Wellness Program is completely voluntary and available to all employees. The program is administeredaccording to federal rules permitting employer-sponsored wellness programs that seek to improve employee health orprevent disease. Please consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise or nutrition regimen.20All employees who have medical insurance coverage through the County’s Health Planare eligible for this benefit.See plan details
21Health Incentive ChangesWhat changes are happening to the HealthIncentives?Effective January 1, 2025What happens to my existing TASC HRA balance?Beginning January 1, 2025, Brevard County iseliminating the TASC HRA and reduced PPO Preferreddeductible. In lieu of this benefit, Brevard County isproviding all employees with a Wellness Wallet. What is the Wellness Wallet?For the 2025 plan year, all covered employees andretirees enrolled in the EPO, PPO, or PPO Preferred planswill receive a Wellness Wallet. Employees who participatein the wellness program will receive an employercontribution based on their health insurance coveragetier. The Wellness Wallet is designed to cover a broadrange of health care expenses for you and your covereddependents. Who can contribute to the Wellness Wallet?Brevard County contributes $500 for single coverageand $1000 for dependent coverage for all plans (EPO,PPO, and PPO Preferred). Funds are available on Day1 of coverage. Employees cannot contribute to their Wellness Wallet.What expenses can the Wellness Walletcover?The Wellness Wallet can be used to pay for anyqualified expense as determined by the IRS, includinga wide range of medical, dental, vision, and over-the-counter expenses. For a comprehensive list of eligibleexpenses, you can refer to IRS Code Section 213(d).Who will administer the Wellness Wallet?Medcom will be the administrator for the WellnessWallet. All funds will be accessible through one debitcard. If you elect to contribute to a Health FlexibleSpending Account (FSA), your FSA funds will be usedfirst, followed by the Wellness Wallet.How can I access my account balances?TASC HRA: You can check your balance by logging intoyour TASC account online or using the TASC mobile app.Wellness Wallet: You will be able to access your accountbalances through the Medcom online portal or mobileapp. Detailed instructions will be provided closer to thetransition date.What happens if I don’t use my WellnessWallet funds by the end of the year?Brevard County encourages you to care for yourhealth all year round. Wellness Wallet funds are“use it or lose it”, meaning any unused funds will notcarry over to the next year.If you remain continuously covered under the County’sEPO or PPO health plan, you can use your TASC HRAfunds until December 31, 2027 to pay for eligible medicaland pharmacy out of pocket expenses. Your TASC debit card will remain available for use oneligible expenses through 2027, or until you spend downyour HRA balance (whichever occurs first).If you disenroll from the County’s EPO or PPO health planor age into Retiree Medicare coverage, you will forfeityour remaining TASC HRA balance. How long do I have to spend my TASC HRAbalance?No new contributions will be made to the TASC HRAstarting from January 1, 2025. Your TASC HRA balancewill be grandfathered and remain available for use untilDecember 31, 2027 as long as you remain enrolled in theCounty’s EPO or PPO health plan. The TASC HRA can continue to be used for coveredmedical and prescription out of pocket expenses only.You may NOT submit the same claim to Medcom andTASC as this would be “double dipping” which the IRSexpressly prohibits. What happens when I retire or makechanges to my health insurance plan?If you add or remove a dependent mid-year, yourcontributions will not change. If you retire and are not yet eligible for Medicare, you willcontinue to receive annual Wellness Wallet contributionsand/or access to your TASC HRA. If you are a Medicare-eligible Retiree, then you will notreceive Wellness Wallet contributions and forfeit anyremaining TASC HRA balanceIf you are a Split-Plan Retiree on Medicare, your spouse ordependent under the County’s health plan will not receivea Wellness Wallet contribution. Eligible expensesMedcom Wellness Wallet FAQs &Claim Forms
Wellness Wallet Eligible ExpensesMedical ExpensesDoctor Visits: Costs for eligible visits to doctors,surgeons, specialists, and hospital stays.Prescription Drugs: Any eligible medicine prescribed bya healthcare provider.Medical Equipment: Items like crutches, wheelchairs,CPAP machines for sleep apnea, Continuous GlucoseMonitors (CGMs), diabetes test strips, thermometers, andeven air purifiers for allergy sufferers.Effective January 1, 202522Dental and Vision CareDental Care: Eligible expenses for dental treatments,including cleanings, fillings, braces, and dentures.Vision Care: Costs for eye exams, glasses, contactlenses, LASIK, and corrective eye surgeries.Other Eligible ExpensesAlternative Treatments: Acupuncture and chiropracticcare are eligible expenses.Specialty Footwear: Orthopedic shoes and insertsprescribed by a doctor are eligible.Mental Health Services: Online therapy, counseling, andpsychiatry services.Over-the-Counter Medications: Many OTC medicationsand supplies, like bandages and first aid kits, are eligible.Coverage for Dependents: Eligible expenses can also befor your spouse and dependents enrolled in the County’sHealth Plan. You are not required to enroll in a Health Care FSA inorder to use your Wellness Wallet. However, if you doenroll in a Health Care FSA then those funds will beused first and then your Wellness Wallet funds will beavailable.Remember, both accounts are “use-it-or-lose-it” sobe sure to plan accordingly as these funds will notroll-over and accumulate from year to year. Whenplanning your 2025 Health Care FSA election keep inmind that you will also receive either $500 or $1,000in your Wellness Wallet. For example, if you anticipate$2,000 in out-of-pocket expenses and only coveryourself, you will want to elect $1,500 in your HealthCare FSA. The FSA funds will be used first and thenthe remaining $500 in eligible expenses will becovered by your Wellness Wallet.Unlike the current TASC HRA, you can use yourWellness Wallet for services beyond those covered byyour health plan. For example, you cannot use theTASC HRA card for dental or vision services. This willbenefit many more employees and families who do notincur high out-of-pocket medical expenses. If youhave a remaining balance in your TASC HRA afterJanuary 1, 2025, these funds will still be available touse on medical and prescription expenses coveredunder the County’s EPO or PPO health plan. Keep thisin mind as you plan your Health Care FSA election. Because the Wellness Wallet is available to use on servicesbeyond covered health plan expenses, you may berequired to provide documentation to validateappropriate use. Place all receipts and documents relatedto your use of the Health Care FSA and/or Wellness Walletin a designated place (try the shoe box method!) so thatyou can easily retrieve and submit to Medcom upon request. Save your receipts! According to the IRS, “double dipping” occurswhen an individual is reimbursed for the sameexpense twice, either on a tax-free basis orthrough a tax deduction. For instance, using yourTASC HRA debit card to pay for a prescriptionand then submitting the same expense for FSA orWellness Wallet reimbursement is illegal. Non-compliance can result in benefits becomingtaxable for not just the individual, but allemployees. Therefore, benefit plan audits may beconducted periodically to ensure adherence toIRS regulations.Do NOT use your TASC HRA andFSA/Wellness Wallet toreimburse for the same expenseClick here for a comprehensive list of eligible expensesWhat will happen if I don’t submit receipts? If you do not submit the documentation requested byMedcom, your debit card will deactivate 60 days after theinitial request. Your card will automatically reactivate afteryou submit documentation. View and download Medcom’sWellness Wallet FAQs & Claim Forms here , or contactMedcom Customer Care at 1-800-523-7542, opt. 1 forassistance.
See plan details2025 maximum contribution$5,000Married filing separately? You can contribute up to $2,500 per person.2025 minimum contribution$2402025 maximum contribution$3,200Annual rollover amount$0See plan detailsWhen are the funds available to me?How long do I have to use my money?Eligible expensesPay for eligible child or disabled adult care while youwork or attend school.Dependent Care FSAFlexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)The information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.Health Care FSASave tax dollars and tap into future savings through an FSA. Determine your per paycheck contribution in the beginningof the year, and then spend those funds on qualified health expenses or dependent care expenses as needed before theplan year ends. Pay for eligible medical, prescription, dental, andvision expenses.Use your Medcom FSA Card for:Health Care FSA: pay for out-of-pocket medical,dental & vision expenses as well as certain over-the-counter medicationsDependent Care FSA: pay for child or adult daycare expenses while you and your spouse work orattend schoolHealth Care FSA: the day your benefits beginDependent Care FSA: The money you contributeto your dependent care FSA is deducted from yourpaycheck over 24 pay periods and deposited intoyour account. The total funds you contributeannually are not immediately available at thebeginning of the plan year. This is an importantdifference between a dependent care FSA and ahealth care FSA. As soon as you have money inyour dependent care FSA, you can use it to pay foreligible dependent care expenses. Funds must be used by March 15th of the followingplan year. All claims must be submitted forreimbursement no later than March 31stIf you terminate employment midyear, or retire fromthe County, you have 90 days from date oftermination, or date of retirement, to submit claimsfor reimbursement to Medcom.Per IRS regulations any unused funds remaining in your FSA as of date of termination or date ofretirement is forfeited unless you elect COBRAcontinuation coverage. Remember:This is a use-it or lose-it benefit, meaning if youcontribute more than you spend in the year, then youwill forfeit any unused monies. Look at your expenses from the last few years anddetermine what your average out-of- pocket medicalexpenses have been. Watch this short video to learnmore about FSAs! Tip:FAQs & Quick Start Guide23
20You can spend FSA funds to pay deductibles andcopayments, but not for insurance premiums. Youcan spend FSA funds on prescriptionmedications, as well as over-the-countermedicines with a doctor's prescription.Reimbursements for insulin are allowed without a prescription. FSAs may also be used to cover costs of medicalequipment like crutches, supplies like bandages,and diagnostic devices like blood sugar test kits. • First Aid Kits • Sunscreen • Athletic Braces & Supports • Blood Glucose Monitors & Test Strips • Diabetes Care Accessories • Wheelchairs & Accessories • Pregnancy & Fertility Tests • Nasal Spray • Blood Pressure Monitors • Breast Pumps & Accessories • Allergy Medicine • Pain Relievers • Feminine PersonalCare Treatments • Cough, Cold, & Flu Medicine • Acne Treatments • Nicotine Gum & Patches • Sleep Aids • Children’s Fever & Pain Relievers • Stomach & Digestive Aids • Anti-Fungal Treatments Using Your FlexibleSpending Account Learn moreabout FSA Store: A few key points:FSA-Eligible Items •• • Contact www.medcombenefits.comMedcomReceipts@medcombenefits.com(800) 523-7542, option 1 Medcom FSASolutionsAdditional Facts for FSA AccountsThe Complete FSA Eligibility Test
Tax-Favored Spending AccountsSave on taxes by using the following spending accounts to pay for eligible health or dependent care expenses. 25TASC HRAWellness WalletHealth Care FSADependent CareFSAAccount TypeHealth ReimbursementArrangementHealth ReimbursementArrangementFlexible SpendingAccount Flexible SpendingAccountAdministratorTASCMedcomMedcomMedcomWho funds the account?CountyCountyEmployeeEmployeeAnnualContribution LimitNo new contributionsbeginning Jan 1, 2025$500 single$1,000 familyEmployees cancontribute up to $3,200,or the IRS maximum,whichever is greaterEmployees cancontribute up to $5,000or $2,500 if married andfiling separatelyWill funds roll-overfrom year to year?Yes, until Dec 31, 2027.Must maintaincontinuous enrollment inCounty EPO or PPOHealth Plan.NoNoNoIs there a GracePeriod? Additional 2.5 months afterthe plan year ends to spendfundsNoNoYes, until Mar 15, 2026Yes, until Mar 15, 2026Is there a RunoutPeriod? 90 day period to file eligibleclaims for reimbursementYes, 90 days following: Termination ofemployment, or Termination ofcoverage underCounty EPO or PPOHealth Plan Yes, 90 days following: Plan year end, orTermination ofemployment, or Termination ofcoverage underCounty Health Plan Yes, 90 days following: Plan year end, or Termination ofemployment Yes, 90 days following: Plan year end, or Termination ofemployment What are eligibleexpenses?County EPO or PPOHealth Plan coveredmedical & pharmacy out-of-pocket expensesIRS Code Section213(d) medical, dental,and vision expensesIRS Code Section213(d) medical, dental,and vision expensesIRS Publication 503child and dependentcare expensesWho can the fundsbe spent on?Employees anddependents enrolled inthe County’s EPO or PPOHealth PlanEmployees anddependents enrolled inthe County’s HealthPlanEmployees and their tax-qualifieddependentsChildren up to age 13and tax-qualifieddependents who aredisabled or incapable ofcaring for oneselfMay additionaldocumentation berequired?YesYesYesYesMay the accountreimburse non-medical expenses?No, covered medical &pharmacy expenses only Yes, including eligibledental, vision, and OTCexpenses Yes, including eligibledental, vision, and OTCexpenses Yes, eligible dependentcare expenses
DPPO Low OptionDPPO High OptionDHMO Dental CareIn-NetworkOut-of-NetworkIn & Out-of-NetworkIn-Network OnlyAnnual Deductible (DED)$50 per person $150 family max$75 per person $225 family max$50 per person $150 family maxNoneAnnual maximum benefit(Class I does not apply)$1,000$750$1,500 per person NonePreventive care100% covered100% coveredClick here to view the DHMOschedule of benefitsIn order to utilize the planbenefits, you must select acontracted dentist.Basic care70% afterdeductible60% afterdeductible80% after deductibleMajor care40% afterdeductible40% afterdeductible50% after deductibleOrthodontic careCoverageLifetime max benefit19 years old and under40%$1,00050%$1,000Covered - See page 23 ofDHMO schedule of benefitsSee plan detailsDental InsuranceSee plan detailsSee plan detailsSelect from three dental insurance plans through Cigna.The information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.All plans cover in-network preventive care at 100%. The differences are: what you pay for the plan, what you pay when you get care, the maximum amount Cigna will pay each year for dental care (annualmaximum benefit), andwhether orthodontic care is covered.DPPO plan deductibles and plan maximumscross accumulate between In-Network andOut-of-Network Orthodontia benefits are available to bothadults and children covered under the planIn order to utilize DHMO planbenefits, you must select acontracted dentist. Need help finding a contracteddentist? Click Here!26
In-network careLow OptionHigh OptionAnnual eye exam (once every calendar year)$15 copay$15 copayFrame Allowance(every 24 months)$100 allowance + 20% discount on balance$130 allowance +20% discount on balanceLenses (once every calendar year)BifocalsScratch-Resistant CoatingTransitions$25$0$65$25$0$65Contact Lens Evaluation & Fitting(once every calendar year)$0$0Collection Contact Lenses(in lieu of eyeglass lenses)Up to 4 boxes includedUp to 4 boxes includedNon-Collection Contact Lenses(in lieu of eyeglass lenses)$105 allowance$130 allowanceLocate a provider viadavisvision.comClient Code 3179Client Code 3180See plan detailsVision InsuranceSee plan detailsThe information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.All plans cover annual exams, lenses and frames, or contacts in lieu of glasses. The differences are:what you pay for the plan, what you pay when you get care, andthe materials allowance (how much the plan will pay) for frames or contact lenses.Select from two vision insurance plans through Davis Vision.For more details, log on to the Open Enrollment sectionof your Member Portal at davisvision.com27
Basic lifeBasic AD&DBrevard County Government provides1x your AnnualEarnings1x your AnnualEarningsSee plan detailsFor youFor your spouseFor your child(ren)Coverageincrements$10,000$5,000$1,000GuaranteedIssue$350,000*$30,000$10,000MaximumBenefit withApproval$500,000**$250,000***n/aSee plan detailsWhat's AD&D?Accidental death anddismemberment (AD&D)insurance may pay:your beneficiary if you passaway due to an accidentyou a partial benefit if youlose specified bodily functions(sight, limbs, etc.)You cannot be insured as bothan employee and a dependent.Your child cannot be insured bymore than one County employee.Your spouse or children cannotbe full-time members of thearmed forces. If the Employee or Spouse electsSupplemental Life above theguaranteed issue, a medicalquestionnaire, or Evidence ofInsurability (EOI), must becompleted.Click here to learn how toSubmit EOI. Employee Life and Spouse Lifeare subject to age reduction.Coverage amounts reducebeginning at age 65. See plandetails for more information.You may also purchase additional coverage for you, your spouse, and youreligible child(ren). You can elect up to 5x your annual earnings in Supplemental Employee Life.New Hires are guaranteed up to 3x your annual earnings when you enrollwithin your first 30 days.You may purchase Spouse Life Insurance up to 50% of your SupplementalEmployee Life election amount.Child Life can be purchased for unmarried children up to age 26.Supplemental Employee and Spouse Life includes AD&D insurance.Supplemental Life and AD&D InsuranceLife insurance pays a benefit if you pass away while you're covered.Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance offers additionalsupport if you pass away or are seriously injured due to an accident.Financial peace of mind through The Standard.Life and AD&D InsuranceMake sure to designate a beneficiary for your life insurance coverage to ensureyour family is cared for according to your wishes.The benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.Basic Life and AD&D InsuranceBrevard County Government provides Basic life and AD&D insurance at no costto you.*less of 3x your Annual Earnings of $350,000**but not to exceed 5x your Annual Earnings***maximum coverage for Spouse is 50% of Employee Life not to exceed $250,00028Important Reminders
Plan 1Plan 2Weekly Benefit60% of your earningsto a max of $1,50060% of your earningsto a max of $1,500Duration24 weeks13 weeksWaiting Period14 days90 daysSee plan detailsSee plan detailsDisability InsuranceDisability Insurance 101Benefits are paid on a weekly basis Employees can use annual or sick leaveto reach 80% of pre-disability earnings.Employees must use annual leave inorder to receive FRS credits. Income (i.e. SSI, FRS) received whileout on disability will reduce yourdisability payment. Income must bereported to The Standard.The benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.Protect your paycheck with disability insurance through The Standard.Disability coverage insures your paycheck, replacing a portion of your income if you’reunable to work due to a covered illness or non-work related injury. Short-term disability coverage can replace part of your paycheck if you’re unable to work for a shorter period of time.Brevard County offers two Short-Term Disability (STD) plans which pay 60% of pre-disability earnings.Short-term DisabilityLong-term disability coverage can provide lasting income protection if you remain unable to work. Brevard County offerstwo Long-Term Disability (LTD) plans which pay 60% of pre-disability earnings.Long-term DisabilityPlan 1Plan 2Monthly Benefit60% of your earningsto a max of $5,00060% of your earningsto a max of $5,000Waiting Period90 days180 daysYou must submit EOI and be approved in order to be enrolled in theseemployee-paid coverages. New Hires are not subject to EOI whenelected within the first 30 days.Benefits are paid on a monthly basis All leave must be exhausted prior toreceiving LTD benefits Income (i.e. SSI, FRS) received whileout on disability will reduce yourdisability payment. Income must bereported to The Standard.If you elect both Short-Term and Long-Term Disability benefits then you mustchoose the 180-day Long-TermDisability waiting period.29
Medical, Pharmacy, Dental, Vision, and Lifeinsurance coverages are all offered. You mayonly continue the benefits and dependentcoverage you had on your last day ofemployment. Open Enrollment is the perfecttime to review your benefits and covereddependents. If you do not elect coverage for your and/oryour dependents when you retire, then you willnot be allowed to re-enroll at any time.To review all the retiree benefit options, pleasesee: What benefits are offered to Retirees?What to KnowThinking About Retirement?Once you retire, you cannot be in anemployment relationship with an FRS employerfor the first six calendar months of retirementto meet the termination requirement.Depending on the job position you are re-hiredinto, you may be eligible to rejoin the activeemployee benefit plans. Contact the EmployeeBenefits Office to discuss your specificcircumstances and the benefit optionsavailable to you. Click to view READY, SET, RETIRE What happens if I retire but latercome back to work for the county?Want to meet 1-on-1 with a Retiree Benefits Specialist? Contact the Employee Benefit Office at (321)633-2031Can I change my benefits afterretirement?You may change your elections annually duringOpen Enrollment. For example, if you are currentlyin the Vision High Plan and want to switch to theLow Plan, you may do so at Open Enrollment.However, you will not be allowed to enroll in abenefit that you did not elect upon yourretirement. After retirement you may cancel your insurancecoverage at any time. If you elect to dropcoverage for you and/or your dependents at anytime during your enrollment, you and/or youdependents will not be allowed to re-enroll. Youmay be allowed to enroll newly eligibledependents after retirement upon marriage, birth,or adoption.What’s the difference betweenCOBRA and Retiree Benefits? COBRA coverage is offered when you terminateemployment or lose coverage under a grouphealth plan. The cost of COBRA coverage is102% of the total premium for each benefit.COBRA is limited to 18-36 months of coverage(depending on your situation)Retiree Benefits are offered when you retire fromthe County and have met the applicable servicerequirements. Unlike COBRA, there is no timelimit for how long you can be covered. Just notethat if you drop coverage, you will not be allowedto re-enrollIf you are over age 65, the County offers multipleMedicare plan options.30Non-Medicare Retiree Benefits GuideMedicare Retiree Benefits Guide
2025 Benefits