Health Savings Account
A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a bank account. You can deposit pre-
tax funds to save for and spend on qualified medical, dental, and vision
expenses. To be allowed to contribute to an HSA, you must be enrolled in
a qualified high deductible health plan (HDHP). Contributions are triple
tax free: the money you deposit is pre-tax, the money you spend is not
taxed, and the money in your account grows through interest and
investments tax free.
2024 Individual Contribution Limit: $4,150
2024 Family Contribution Limit: $8,300
Those over age 55 can contribute an addition $1,000 on top of the limits.
You cannot contribute to an HSA if -
You are enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid, you are not enrolled in an
HDHP, you can be claimed as another person’s tax dependent, and/or
you/your Spouse are enrolled in a full purpose FSA (even if your spouse
is not enrolled in your medical coverage).
Full Purpose Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Through Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) you set aside pre-tax funds to pay
for qualified expenses. With a Full Purpose FSA, funds can be used to pay for
qualified medical, dental, and vision expenses.
2024 Contribution Limits: $3,200
You cannot also contribute to an HSA.
Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA)
Through Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) you set aside pre-tax funds to pay
for qualified expenses. With a limited Purpose FSA, funds can be used to pay for
qualified dental and vision expenses ONLY.
2024 Contribution Limits: $3,200
You can also contribute to an HSA.
Dependent Care Account (DCA)
With a Dependent Care Account (DCA) you can set aside pre-tax funds to pay
for qualified childcare or adult daycare expenses. Funds can be used for
children under age 13 or disabled adults who are considered tax dependents.
Funds can only be used for care so you (and your spouse if applicable) can
work, look for work, or attend school.
2024 Contribution Limit: $5,000 ( $2,500 if married and filing taxes separately)
FSAs, LPFSAs, and DCAs are use it or lose it! Unspent funds will be
forfeited at they end of the plan year.
To learn more, click each title below for more
Qualified Expenses List (HSA, FSA, LPFSA, DCA)
Understating an HSA
Health Savings Account Roadmap
Understanding an FSA