JANUARYAPRILJULYOCTOBERNOVEMBERDECEMBERFEBRUARYMAYAUGUSTMARCHJUNESEPTEMBERen españolRESOURCES TO SUPPORT YOURW E L L B E I N G · B E N E F I T S · F I N A N C E SUse these monthly resources to support your wellbeing, understand your benefits, and manage your finances. See something interesting? You can save the information and/or send it to your spouse, partner, or child. Click on a month to get started.
Share your thoughtsLEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREPreventive care3 reasons to check in with yourdoctorJANUARYBenefits terminology8 words to know about your benefitsplansConquering debt Strategies to Conquer Your Debt inThe New YearWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURnext month .
Did you know...?A family doctor, internist, general practitioner, OB/GYN (women), or pediatrician (children) can all serve as your primary care providerdepending on your needs and preferences. Understand your benefitsTip: If available, using providers within thesame medical group or hospital system canhelp you coordinate your health care. Establishing a relationship with a doctor whoknows you, your family history and yourlifestyle can help you stay on top of yourhealth.A primary care provider gets to know what’snormal for you, helping identify when you need additional care before it may be obviousto you.JANUARYSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGPREVENTIVE CARE3 reasons to check in with your doctorSave moneyNot all health conditions or medical needs canbe prevented, but research shows that peoplewith a primary care provider relationshipgenerally spend less money on health careand less time in the hospital¹.Better health, lower costs, and less time in thehospital: a win all around.Be proactive about your care Establish a health care “home base”A primary care provider is your place for allthings health care. They can help you identifyany specialists you should see, help you locateadditional care resources, order tests asnecessary, and answer questions.¹ Cleveland Clinic Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to January
Manage your financesBalance billingWhen you use an out-of-network medical or dentalprovider, they may bill you the difference betweenwhat they charge and the amount your insurance pays.Medical: balance billing is in addition to and doesnot count towards your out-of-pocket maximum.CoinsuranceAfter you’ve met your deductible, you’re sometimesresponsible for a percentage of the cost of medical ordental care or prescription medication you received.This percentage is coinsurance.CopayA flat fee you pay each time you receive a copay-eligible medical, dental, or vision service orprescription medication. Support your wellbeingJANUARY UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSBENEFITS TERMINOLOGY8 words to know about your benefits plansDeductibleThe amount you’re responsible for paying in careexpenses before your plan starts paying deductible-eligible expenses.In-networkIn-network care is always your lowest-cost option.Networks are groups of medical, dental, and visionproviders, pharmacies, and facilities that agree todiscount the cost of their care or service.Out-of-pocket maximumThe most you’ll pay for covered in-network medicalcare and prescription drugs in a year. This includesyour deductible, coinsurance, and copays.The out-of-pocket maximum does not include yourpremium (what you pay for the plan), non-coveredexpenses, or out-of-network care that’s been balancebilled.Pre/Prior-authorizationSome specialty medical providers, services andprescriptions require prior authorization from yourinsurance company. These may include - but are notlimited to - surgery, imaging (CT, MRI) and certainprescription medications.Primary care physicianA primary care physician (PCP) is your main medicaldoctor – usually a general practitioner (GP), familydoctor, internist, OB/GYN, or pediatrician (forchildren). Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to January
Understand your benefits See the recordingJANUARY MANAGE YOUR FINANCESSTRATEGIES TO CONQUER YOUR DEBT IN THE NEW YEARThis webinar provides practical strategies tomanage and reduce debt, helping you kick off thenew year with a stronger financial foundation. We will cover actionable steps to take control ofyour finances, reduce high-interest debts, andbuild a sustainable cash-flow.Strategies to Conquer Your Debtin The New Year Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to JanuaryRegister nowTuesday, January 142pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after January 14)
LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREHeart Health3 surprising ways to show your heartsome loveFEBRUARYHSA 1017 things to know about a HealthSavings AccountToday’s headlines & taxesLearn how today's headlines mayinfluence your taxesShare your thoughtsFINANCESMANAGE YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURnext month . prior month
SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGHEART HEALTH3 surprising ways to show your heart some loveCare for your smileBrushing and flossing daily can help preventgum disease. What does this have to do withyour heart? Studies have shown that bacteria caused bygum disease can cause inflammation in thebloodstream, increasing your risk for heartdisease. So when you brush and floss - andget regular dental cleanings - you’re caring formore than just your smile.Get enough sleepQuality sleep is important, yet many peopleneed help getting the recommended 6-8hours a night.Along with your mood and bags under youreyes, poor sleep can affect your bloodpressure, circulation, inflammation, and more -which can all impact your heart.Consider seeing your doctor if you’re unableto fall or stay asleep, if you notice loudsnoring, and/or wake up with an “off” feelingin your chest - these may involve your heart!Stand upSitting for too long is bad for your health,even if you exercise regularly. When you’ll be sitting for long periods oftime, even at work or on a plane, make aneffort to stand up and move around. One way to move more can be a walk aroundthe block between episodes of your favoriteshow. Or, commit to taking a phone call fromyour kitchen counter where you can stand.Your heart and body will thank you.Understand your benefitsFEBRUARYHeart health is a hot topic, and for good reason! Your heart pumps blood that provides your body with the nutrients and oxygen it needs to function. Keeping your hearthealthy involves more than eating a balanced diet and getting exercise. Here are three surprising ways to support your heart health.Source: Cleveland Clinic Source: Cleveland Clinic Source: Cleveland Clinic Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to February
Manage your financesSupport your wellbeingA Health Savings Account (HSA) comeswith a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)- a certain type of medical plan¹.See moreAn HSA allows you to save pre-tax dollarsfor health care expenses, which can loweryour taxable income.See moreYou choose when to spend money fromyour HSA on health expenses and when tolet your balance grow.See moreYour HSA balance never expires, so youcan plan to save for your future needs - likeretirement.See moreAn HSA can work with your otherretirement accounts to make sure yourneeds are fully covered.See moreHSA funds earn interest and grow tax-free. Investment options are often availableto grow your funds even more.See moreYou can use your HSA funds in retirementfor general living and health care expenses.See moreSee moreHEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 1017 things to know about a Health Savings AccountUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSFEBRUARYA Health Savings Account (HSA) can help yousave for today - and tomorrow.¹ IRS eligibility rules apply. Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to February
FEBRUARYMANAGE YOUR FINANCESHOW TODAY'S HEADLINES MAY INFLUENCE YOUR TAXESUnderstand your benefitsJoin us as we explore how current events andpolicy changes impact your taxes. Senior Vice President, Jerry Lynch will provideinsights on how recent headlines may affect yourtax and financial planning to help you stayinformed and prepared. See the recordingHow Today's Headlines MayInfluence Your TaxesInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to FebruaryRegister nowTuesday, February 112pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after February 11)
LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREColon cancer3 things to know about colon cancerscreeningsMARCHWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURVirtual health care3 reasons to give virtual health care atryEmpower your wealthA women's guide to smart investingShare your thoughts prior monthnext month .
SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGCOLON CANCER3 things to know about colon cancer screeningsTime matters.Colon cancer often doesn’t have noticeablesymptoms until more advanced stages. Earlier detection, made possible by regularscreening, greatly improves the chances ofsuccessful treatment. When caught early, research shows that 90%of patients survive 5 years post-diagnosis.However, only 15% of patients survive 5 yearswhen the cancer has already spread ².Regular screenings lead to earlier diagnoses,leading to longer and healthier lives.Screening options exist.Although studies show that a colonoscopy isthe “gold standard” for prevention ³, a less-invasive sigmoidoscopy or stool test may alsobe a good option depending on your riskfactors. Your doctor can help you determine whichscreening is best for you.Understand your benefits¹ Yale MedicineMARCHCases are increasing among youngerpeople.Colon cancer rates in Americans under age 55doubled between 1995 and 2019 ¹. In 2021, the US Preventive Services Task forcelowered the recommended colon cancerscreening age to 45 instead of age 50. Due tothis change, many insurance companies nowcover preventive colon cancer screeningsstarting at age 45. If you or someone you love is 45 or older, it’stime to get screened. Talk to your doctor toget started. ³ Cancer.gov² Cancer.gov SEER statistics Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to March
Manage your financesSupport your wellbeingUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSVIRTUAL HEALTH CARE3 reasons to give virtual health care a tryMARCHTake advantage of a variety of care and services.Quicker care, often for a lower cost.When appropriate, virtual care can help youget care on your schedule without dealingwith germs, a waiting room, or traffic. It’sgreat for regular check-ins and follow-ups, oreven mental health care visits. Even better, virtual care may be a lessexpensive option than in-person visits. Top-notch care is often available whenand where you need it.Virtual care is a health care visit through asecure telephone or video call. Accessing care:Many doctors offer virtual visits.Your medical plan might include access toa virtual care (or telehealth) provider.Many virtual care services can be foundwith a quick Google search. Virtual care is often available extended hoursand weekends, especially for everyday medicalneeds. Specific services can vary, but virtual care isoften available for:Non-emergency medical needs (sorethroat or fever, UTI, allergies)Therapy and mental health carePsychiatry (medication management) DermatologyProviders can also prescribe appropriatemedications in many cases, saving you a tripto the doctor’s office.Virtual care is convenient, high-quality care,but it isn’t appropriate for all needs. Life-threatening conditions, severe injuries(breaks, burns, or cuts), and other immediateneeds should still be seen at the appropriatein-person facility (doctor, urgent care, oremergency room). Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to March
MARCHMANAGE YOUR FINANCESEMPOWER YOUR WEALTH: A WOMEN'S GUIDE TO SMART INVESTINGUnderstand your benefitsJoin some of the amazing OneDigital Women asthey demystify the world of investments. This special edition session, aims to shift themindset from fear and uncertainty to wealth-building action, empowering you to take charge ofyour financial future. See the recordingA women’s guide to smartinvesting Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to MarchRegister nowTuesday, March 112pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after March 11)
Share your thoughtsLEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREnext month .APRILWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURMental health literacy4 things to know about mental healthWhere to get careUnderstand your optionsHousehold financesprofessional tips for managing yourhousehold finances prior month
Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to AprilMENTAL ILLNESS IS COMMONMental health literacy refers to our understanding of how to maintain positive mental health, which includes having knowledge of common mentaldisorders, recognizing common risk factors, and knowing how to seek support¹. Having mental health literacy contributes to better mental health forourselves and our communities. Here are four things to know about mental health that may increase your mental health literacy today: APRILSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGMENTAL HEALTH LITERACY4 things to know about mental healthEVERY PERSON HASMENTAL HEALTHEvery individual must manage theirmental health, every day. Mental healthencompasses how we think, how wefeel, and how we act. For example,managing stress well is an importantpart of managing mental health. Half of the individuals in the UnitedStates will be diagnosed with a mentaldisorder at some point in their life². When we understand how commonmental illness is, we can work todecrease the stigma surrounding it. It is likely we all know someone with amental health disorder; knowing theways to support those individuals aswell as ourselves is extremely valuable. MENTAL AND PHYSICALHEALTH ARE CONNECTED PREVENTION IS POSSIBLE There is a positive association betweenstrong mental health and physicalhealth. Support your total wellbeing bymaintaining a balanced diet, socializingwith friends and family, exercisingregularly, and avoiding substance use. While mental disorders are common,there are multiple ways to prevent theirdevelopment and progression. Engagein primary prevention througheducation, getting enough sleep,staying active, socializing with others,and practicing mindfulness¹. Practicesecondary prevention by screening andreceiving help early.Understand your benefitsSource: CDC; Healthy People 2030; Psychiatry Online
Share your thoughtsTelehealth / virtual careLOWER SEVERITYUrgent care / walk-in clinicMODERATE SEVERITYEmergency room (ER)HIGH SEVERITYAPRILUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSWHERE TO GET CAREUnderstand your optionsWhen you need health care and can’t see your primary doctor, do you know how to choose the best option for you or your family? Here are someguidelines when considering where to get care.Cold or fluEaracheFever (under 104° F for most people)Seasonal allergiesMinor skin conditions (rash, etc.)Sore throatUrinary tract infectionsBack or muscle painBroken bones (not through the skin)Bronchitis, seasonal allergies, or fluCuts and minor burnsDiarrhea or vomitingSkin conditionsSprains or joint painUrinary tract infectionsBroken bone through the skinChest pain or pressure/heart attackHead injuries, seizures, sudden paralysis, lossof consciousnessHigh fever (104° F or higher)Pneumonia or shortness of breathSevere abdominal painUncontrolled bleedingMany are available 24/7; get seen quicklyLower cost per visitAvailable from your phone or computerMany have evening & weekend hoursOften fairly short wait timesModerate cost per visitOften open 24/7/365May not be attached to a hospital; look for ared EMERGENCY signHighest cost; can have long wait times Back to Home Back to AprilManage your financesSupport your wellbeing
Understand your benefitsRegister now See the recordingTuesday, April 82pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after April 8)APRILMANAGE YOUR FINANCESPROFESSIONAL TIPS FOR MANAGING YOUR HOUSEHOLD FINANCESJoin us as we dive into foundational strategiestouching budgets, combining finances, andestate planning. Financial knowledge is key in empoweringindividuals to make informed decisions that makessense for your unique household. Managing household financesInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home Back to April Share your thoughts
LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MORETable topics3 questions to ask your child, pre-teen, or teen at dinner tonightMAYHSA vs. HRA vs. FSAWhat to know about pre-tax healthcare accountsMental Health & FinancesThe intricate link between financesand mental healthFINANCESMANAGE YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURnext month . prior month Share your thoughts
SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGTABLE TOPICSQuestions to ask your child, pre-teen, and teen at dinner tonightMAYChildren (under age 10)Meaningful conversations and connections with younger people are so important. However, today’s digital world adds a new set of challenges that can be tough to navigate.Here are some open-ended, developmentally appropriate questions to get you started. Remind yourself to be curious and non-judgemental during your conversation.rWhat’s something you’re good at? Helping kidsidentify something they’re good at is a great way toboost their self-esteem.Would you rather be super big, like an elephant,or super small, like an ant? Why? Askingfantastical questions helps support your child’simagination. What is something that makes you sad? Askingabout feelings can help encourage self-awarenessand normalize everyday experiences. What is something that makes you feel proud ofyourself? Reflecting on a point of pride—whether itinvolves a skill, a successful project or a personalattribute can help build confidence.What is something you have learned recently?Helping kids to recall and share can aid in boostingcommunication skills and articulation. What qualities do you look for in friends? Encouraging critical thinking promotes self-awareness. Asking about qualities encouragesmaking good choices.How do you handle tough situations? Normalizingchallenges and talking through how to managedifficult emotions reduces shame and promoteshealthy problem-solving.What is something you are grateful for? Focusingon gratitude promotes positivity and helps buildempathy for others as well as resilience. What advice would you give someone else?Asking for a teen's perspective sends the messagethat they are trusted to have their own opinionsand have a valuable perspective to share. Pre-teens (10-12) Teens (13 and up) Share your thoughts Back to May Back to HomeUnderstand your benefits
Health Savings Account (HSA)Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)Flexible Spending Account (FSA)ContributionsYou contribute pre-tax funds from each paycheck. Learn moreYour employer makes contributions on your behalf;you are not able to contribute to an HRA.You contribute pre-tax funds from each paycheck.Eligible expensesCurrent and future medical, dental, vision, andprescription expenses Eligible expenses vary, but typically include medicaland prescription costs for the current year.Full health care: medical, dental, vision,prescription expenses for this yearLimited purpose (HSA-compatible): dental &vision expenses onlyLeftover funds atthe end of the yearHSA funds never expire - and you can use them inretirement! Depending on your plan, you may be able to roll overunused funds to the following year.Depending on your plan, you may be able to roll overunused funds to the following year.EligibilityYou must be enrolled in a qualifying high deductiblehealth plan (HDHP) and you cannot have any othernon-HDHP health coverage.You must be enrolled in your employer’s HRA medicalplan. The HRA comes with the medical plan andcannot be separated.Can be paired with any medical plan (or no medicalplan) - BUT you cannot have a full health care FSAand contribute to an HSA at the same time.HSA, HRA, AND FSAWhat to know about pre-tax health care accountsUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSMAYPre-tax accounts are a great way to pay for health care expenses with tax-free dollars, but they’re not all created equally. Here’s a general overview:The materials and the information provided are not designed or intended to be applicable to any person’s individual circumstances. These statements do notconstitute an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction. All included information and data are limited only to the inputs and other financial assumptions indicated. Share your thoughts Back to May Back to HomeManage your financesSupport your wellbeing
MAYMANAGE YOUR FINANCESTHE INTRICATE LINK BETWEEN FINANCES AND MENTAL HEALTHUnderstand your benefitsAre your finances adding stress to your life? Inhonor of Mental Awareness Health Month, we willbe exploring the profound connection betweenfinancial stress and mental well-being. This session will discuss the real world impacts offinancial stress and the tools for managing thoseeffects. See the recordingThe Intricate Link BetweenFinances and Mental Health Back to MayInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Share your thoughts Back to HomeRegister nowTuesday, May 132pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after May 13)
LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREMen’s healthMales: 3 screenings to ask yourdoctor about JUNEWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURDisability insurance3 ways disability insurance protectsyour income Medicare guideYour comprehensive Medicare guide prior month Share your thoughtsnext month .
SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGMEN’S HEALTHMales: 3 screenings to ask your doctor aboutBlood Pressure Screening Blood pressure is the measure of force thatyour blood uses to move through yourarteries. Getting your blood pressure checkedat regular intervals is important to prevent thedevelopment of serious health problems likecardiovascular disease. Create a screeningschedule with your physician and maintain arecord of the readings to keep track ofabnormalities.90% of colorectal cancer can be preventedthrough regular screenings. Adequatescreenings—such as a colonoscopy can helpwith early detection. Be sure to check therecommended age and screening intervals forgetting screened.JUNEProstate cancer is the most prevalent cancerdiagnosis among men, affectingapproximately 1 in 8. Primary risk factorsinclude: age; race/ethnicity; genetics; familyhistory; diet; as well as many others.Talk to your physician about whether theyrecommend a prostate-specific antigen bloodtest or a digital rectal exam to ensure yourprostate is healthy. Studies show that men are less likely to visit the doctor, which can substantially affect their health. Clear communication with one’s doctor and regular preventive health screenings canhelp lower health risks and detect diseases early. Along with regular physical exams, discuss your family’s health history with your doctor so that they can recommend appropriatescreenings. Ask about these screenings at your next healthcare appointment: Prostate Cancer Screening Colorectal Cancer Screening Learn more about colon cancer screenings Share your thoughts Back to Home Back to JuneUnderstand your benefits
UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSDISABILITY INSURANCE3 ways disability insurance protects your incomeJUNEPeace of mind76% of Americans report feeling stressed overfinancial worries. Stress and lost sleep don’thelp you get better when you’re sick or injured. Disabilities - whether temporary or permanent -can happen to anyone. That’s why manyinsurance professionals consider disabilitycoverage as the most important benefit forfinancial stability behind medical insurance.Not only can it help protect your finances, itcan help protect your peace of mind also.Financial security in the short-termShort-term disability (STD) coverage helps youpay the bills if you’re unable to work due tosurgery, pregnancy, an illness, or an off-the-jobaccident. Benefits are often paid on a weekly basis as apercentage of your income. You can use themoney for whatever you need - mortgage orrent, groceries, car payments, and more. Short-term disability coverage helps you stayfinancially afloat so you can focus on gettingbetter. Longer-term needsLong-term disability coverage can providecontinued financial support if you’re not able toreturn to work. Benefits are often paid on a monthly basis as apercentage of your income. Like short-termcoverage, you can use the money for whateveryou need. As a note - if you’re on long-term disability, youmight also be required to apply for SocialSecurity Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/orMedicare. Share your thoughts Back to Home Back to JuneManage your financesSupport your wellbeing
JUNEMANAGE YOUR FINANCESYOUR COMPREHENSIVE MEDICARE GUIDEUnderstand your benefitsThis informative session will provide a thoroughoverview of Medicare parts, benefits, andenrollment processes. Attendees will gain insights into how to optimizetheir Medicare coverage, understand thedifferences between various plans, and learn aboutthe latest changes and updates to the program. See the recordingYour comprehensive Medicareguide Back to Home Back to JuneInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital.The materials and the information provided are for informational and educational purposes only and not designed or intended to be applicable to any person’s individual circumstances. These statements do not constitute an offer orsolicitation in any jurisdiction. For questions regarding your individual circumstances, please consult your financial professional Share your thoughtsRegister nowTuesday, June 102pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after June 10)
Share your thoughtsLEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREnext month .JULYWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURWomen’s healthWomen: 3 screenings to ask yourdoctor about Life and AD&D3 reasons life insurance mattersManaging your riskSummer series: life insurance prior month
Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to JulyCERVICAL CANCER SCREENING Women continue to be disproportionately impacted by many diseases and conditions. Prevention is key, and early screening is one way to prevent thedevelopment or worsening of a condition. It can be challenging to stay in the know about which screenings are recommended and when. Here are threeimportant screenings to ask your doctor about today: JULYSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGWOMEN’S HEALTHWomen: 3 screenings to ask your doctor aboutBREAST CANCER SCREENING BONE DENSITY SCREENING Breast cancer accounts for 1/3 of new female cancerdiagnoses each year.While many of the causes forbreast cancer are unknown, there are modifiablelifestyle factors which can prevent the developmentof breast cancer such as a healthy diet and regularexercise. Mammography screenings are recommended everytwo years for women ages 50-74.Up to 93% of cervical cancers are preventable byvaccination and early screening. Pap Tests arerecommended every three years for women ages21-29. These may be coupled or replaced with anHPV test after age 30.Talk to your doctor about the correct screening foryou. A bone density test screens for osteoporosis.Women have a higher risk than men of developingosteoporosis, especially as they age. Risk factors forosteoporosis could include vitamin D and calciumdeficiencies, substance use, having a low bodyweight, lack of physical activity, and certainmedications or diseases.Despite these risk factors, screening is necessary foridentifying osteoporosis early. Bone densityscreenings are recommended for women aged 65or older. Sources: American Cancer Society, CDC, WomensHealth.gov, GallupUnderstand your benefits
Support your wellbeing Share your thoughtsAs the typical cost of a funeral approaches $8,000, lifeinsurance can provide your family with financial peaceof mind. Life insurance payments can also helpsurviving family members with any medical bills orother end-of-life care expenses – which can beexpensive. Losing an income causes financial strain within mostfamilies. Life insurance is designed to provide financialpeace of mind though replacement of the lostincome, often in a lump sum. Plus, life insurancepayments are often tax-free. In case of a debilitating accident, AD&D benefits canhelp you replace lost wages, pay for increased medicalneeds or housing modifications, and more. The moneyis yours to use as needed.Financial coverage for final expensesJULYUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSLIFE AND AD&D 1013 reasons Life and AD&D insurance mattersLife insurance pays a benefit if you pass awaywhile you're covered, providing peace of mindby easing financial burdens. Many life insuranceplans also include Accidental Death andDismemberment (AD&D) insurance.AD&D may pay your beneficiary if you passaway due to an accident – often in addition toyour life insurance benefit. Or you may receivea partial AD&D benefit if you lose specifiedbodily functions (sight, limbs, paralysis, etc.)due to an accident. Beneficiary: a person (or people) you choose toreceive your life insurance payment. Life insurance can provide: Long-term financial protectionSome families use life insurance proceeds to pay offtheir mortgage, student loans, or other large debts.Others may set up a college fund for younger survivingchildren, reducing the need for expensive student loansin the future. Debt relief Life insurance can be a valuable financial planning tool tocare for your family. If you’re not sure how much isenough, a financial planner can help. Back to Home Back to JulyManage your finances
Understand your benefits See the recording Share your thoughtsJULYMANAGE YOUR FINANCESMANAGING YOUR RISK SUMMER SERIES: LIFE INSURANCEKick off our three-part summer series as wedeconstruct the complexities of life insurance. This session will cover the basics and differencesbetween different life policy options includingdisability and long-term care options as well. Life insuranceInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home Back to JulyRegister nowTuesday, July 82pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after July 8)
LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREFamily support: back to school3 ways to take the sting out of back toschoolAUGUSTPrevention protectionPlan for seasonal vaccines – oftencovered 100%Managing your riskSummer series: home insuranceShare your thoughtsFINANCESMANAGE YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURnext month . prior month
Back to Home Back to August Share your thoughtsTo make the back-to-school transition easier forchildren try organizing a play date with one or more oftheir friends from school. During school transitions,exposure to a familiar peer can aid in a child’s academicand emotional adjustment.SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGFAMILY SUPPORT: BACK TO SCHOOL3 ways to take the sting out of back to schoolAUGUSTOrganize a play date for your childbefore school startsGetting prepared to go back to school can be an emotional transition time for children and parents; the end of summer quickly arrives and soon back to school jitters kick in.Often, feelings of anticipation will lead to children showing signs of nervousness, stress, and anxiety. These feelings may be tied to adopting a new routine, schoolwork, and social interactions. Try implementing the following tactics at home to take the sting out of back-to-school season: Make the back-to-school transition easier by practicingyour family’s routine for school days prior to theacademic year’s start. Set a realistic bedtime for yourchild to get them acclimated, help prepare their schooloutfit and materials the night before, and comemorning, have them wake up on time and eat anutritious breakfast. This will help create a routine andease them into the new year school year when the timecomes,Rehearse school day routines prior tothe actual start of schoolShift any negative views and sentiment surroundingend of summer and back-to-school season by having acelebratory dinner or small party. This allows childrento associate positive emotions and excitement with thestart of school. Make back-to-school a positiveoccasion for children Source: Hopkins MedicineUnderstand your benefits
Support your wellbeing Share your thoughtsCheck with your child’s pediatrician for childhoodimmunizations like measles, whooping cough(pertussis), chickenpox, Hepatitis A and B, and more.These are often delivered on a schedule designed tomaximize your child’s protection. See more about childhood vaccines For childrenVaccine recommendations can vary by age, health risks,and pregnancy/nursing status. Check with your doctorfor their recommendations based on your individualhealth needs. See more about adult vaccines For adultsFind a health center and ask about vaccines See free or low-cost vaccine programs by state PREVENTION PROTECTION Plan for seasonal vaccines – often covered 100%UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSAUGUSTThe start of autumn and back-to-school means flu season is almost here. Check with your doctor to seewhich vaccine(s) are right for you to stay protected. Remember - vaccines for adults and children areoften covered 100% as preventive care. Need a COVID booster or flu shot? Many local pharmacies offer these with little to no wait. If you don’t have health insurance, low-cost or no-cost vaccines might still be available to you. Back to Home Back to AugustManage your finances
AUGUSTMANAGE YOUR FINANCESMANAGING YOUR RISK SUMMER SERIES: HOME INSURANCEUnderstand your benefitsHome insurance is such a basic part of owning ahome, but do you truly understand what your policyterms mean for you? This session offers a look into the essentials of homeinsurance by covering key components of a standardhome insurance policy to empower you whennavigating your own policy. See the recordingHome insurance Share your thoughtsInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home Back to AugustRegister nowTuesday, August 122pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after August 12)
LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREShare your thoughts prior monthSuicide prevention &awareness4 things to knowSEPTEMBERWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURMental health resources5 ways to care for your mental healthManaging your riskSummer series: auto insurance
Back to HomeBack to September Share your thoughtsMythFactIndividuals who talk about suicide are lookingfor attention. Most often, talk regarding self-harm and suicide is related to distress and should beinterpreted as a cry for help. Individuals who die by suicide are selfishand/or weak. Individuals who take their own life often experience significant emotional distress,preventing them from recognizing and choosing alternative options. Suicide often occurs without any warningsigns. The majority of the time, individuals display warning signs that they are struggling, indistress, or thinking about suicide. Education on warning signs is critical forprevention. Talking to someone about suicidal thoughtswill make them more likely to follow throughwith actions. In fact, the opposite is likely true. When an individual is able to share concerns, theymay feel less pressure. This can be a step towards saving someone’s life. Need help? The National Lifeline is here.SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGSUICIDE PREVENTION & AWARENESS4 things to knowSEPTEMBERSuicide is a leading cause of death globally. According to the CDC, suicide is defined as death by injuring oneself with the intent to die. There are manymisconceptions around suicide—recognizing myths and combatting them is key to breaking stigma and preventing future suicides. Source: Mayo Clinic9 8 8Call or textEnglish and SpanishDay and nightUnderstand your benefits
Support your wellbeingUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSMENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES5 ways to care for your mental healthSEPTEMBER Share your thoughtsMental health is complex. It’s part of our thoughts, emotions, habits, priorities, energy levels, appetite, feelings, relationships, finances, and every other part ofour lives. Take a moment to check in with yourself. Need a little mental health maintenance? Here are some care tips: Do something nice for someone. Smile at a stranger. Complimentsomeone’s outfit. Wave at a baby in the grocery store. Or bringsomeone’s garbage cans in for them. Even small acts of kindness canincrease levels of dopamine and serotonin in your brain – an instantboost to your mood, feelings of satisfaction, and overall wellbeing.Everyday mental healthEducate yourself on what mental health is – and isn’t. Health is morethan activity and what you eat – it’s your state of mind as well. In an ageof social media psychologists, make sure you’re getting information fromcredible sources. Here are a few places to start: Learn about mental health conditions: Substance Abuse & MentalHealth Services Administration (SAMHSA), Cleveland Clinic, andMayo Clinic Veterans and service members Getting support Talk to someone. Whether a trusted friend or family member, your doctor or therapist, or the 988 Crisis Line –talking to someone can help ease your burden or stress. With nearly 1 in 4 US adults experiencing a mentalhealth condition, you’re not alone if you need assistance. When things get toughTry counseling. Whether in-person or virtual (through secure teleconference), counseling can help you workthrough challenges, learn or refine skills, navigate a big life change, or remain a long-term partner in caring foryour mental health. Virtual and in-person sessions are often available depending on your provider andmedical insurance. Research mental health providers by state, specialty, and more (confirm insurance coverage) Learn about medication options. Medication – whether short-term or long-term – can be a helpful tool tomanage your mental health. Your primary doctor will likely refer you to a psychiatrist, a medical doctorspecializing in mental health, to prescribe and manage medication. Remember: whatever it is, you don’t have to go through it alone. Back to HomeBack to SeptemberManage your finances
SEPTEMBERMANAGE YOUR FINANCESMANAGING YOUR RISK SUMMER SERIES: AUTO INSURANCEUnderstand your benefitsWrap up our Summer Series with a session on allthings auto insurance. We drive everyday but do we know how we'recovered by our policy or if we have enoughcoverage? Join us as we breakdown the differentcoverages that make up an auto policy. See the recordingAuto insurance Share your thoughtsInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to HomeBack to SeptemberRegister nowTuesday, September 92pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after September 9)
Share your thoughtsLEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREnext month .OCTOBERWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURBreast cancer awareness3 things you might not know aboutscreening (men also)Understand insurance costsDefining costs for coverage and careHealth savings showdownHSA vs FSA explained prior month
Understand Your Benefits Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to OctoberSYMPTOMSBreast cancer affects about 1 in 8 women; and 1 in every 100 men. Knowing risks and conducting preventive screenings can go a long way for earlydetection, treatment and remission. In recent years, the rate of survival after a breast cancer diagnosis has increased.Here are 3 things you may not realize: OCTOBERSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGBREAST CANCER AWARENESS3 things you might not know (men, too)INITIAL DISCOVERYRISK FACTORSWomen often find initial symptoms on theirown. Knowing your body, including how yourbreasts look and feel, is key to recognizingchanges. Lumps in the breast are not the onlysymptoms of breast cancer; skin irritation,abnormal nipple discharge, and thickening ofskin on breast can be cause reach out to ahealthcare professional.It is critical to be aware of risk factors, includingfamily history. For men, older age, obesity andestrogen-related medications for conditions such asprostate cancer can increase the risk of developingbreast cancer.
Support your wellbeing Manage Your FinancesPremiumYour premium is the amount you pay for a benefit plan,usually through paycheck deductions. You pay thisamount regardless of whether you use the coverage.DeductibleThe amount you’re responsible for paying in care expenses beforeyour plan starts paying deductible-eligible expenses. Know what the deductible applies to. Look for items with ‘DED thenyou pay...’ language in your benefit guide. If you have a HDHP medicalplan with HSA, all non-preventive care is subject to the deductible.CoinsuranceAfter you’ve met your deductible, you’re sometimes responsiblefor a percentage of the medical or dental care or prescriptionmedication received. This percentage is coinsurance. CopayA flat fee you pay each time you receive a copay-eligible medical,dental, or vision service or prescription medication.Out-of-pocket maximumThe most you’ll pay for covered in-network medicalcare and prescription drugs in a year. This includes yourdeductible, coinsurance, and copays.PremiumAnnual cost for coverageOut-of-pocket maximumAnnual maximum cost for covered in-network careMaximum annual liabilityAnnual maximum cost for coverage and care Budget tip! Know your maximum annual liabilityWhen selecting your medical plan, be sure you know your maximum potential cost for coverage and care.OCTOBERUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSUNDERSTANDING INSURANCE COSTSDefining costs for coverage and careWhen you’re choosing your benefits, consider which doctors and facilities are available to you, whether referrals are required for specialists, how care iscovered, and whether you anticipate any major needs during the year (like pregnancy or surgery). Once you have this information, here's what to know aboutcosts for care and coverage.Limit surprises! Budget for this amount Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to October
Understand your benefitsOCTOBERMANAGE YOUR FINANCESHEALTH SAVINGS SHOWDOWN: (HSA) VS (FSA) EXPLAINEDAs we enter open enrollment season, what bettertime to clarify the distinctions between HealthSavings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible SpendingAccounts (FSAs).In this session, we will break down each account typeand touch on choosing the right account based onyour unique journey and goals. Investment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to October See the recordingHSA vs FSA explainedRegister nowTuesday, October 142pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after October 14)
LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREnext month . prior monthPreventive care reminder3 appointments to make this yearNOVEMBERPrescription drugsWhat to know and ways to saveParents and retirementHelping your parents navigateretirement FINANCESMANAGE YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOUR Share your thoughts
Understand Your BenefitsSchedule an annual physical with your primary careprovider to ensure that your blood pressure,cholesterol, vitals, and any other preventive tests are ina normal range; also ensure appropriate vaccinationsare up-to-date. Preventive tests help you stay healthyand can increase longevity. SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGPREVENTIVE CARE REMINDER3 appointments to make this yearNOVEMBERAnnual Physical with your PrimaryCare PhysicianMost people go to the doctor when they are sick; however, some illnesses do not develop as quickly as others. It can be hard to remember to schedule regular preventiveappointments—especially if you have a busy schedule. However, it is important to prioritize your health and total wellbeing by making preventive appointments part of yourroutine. Schedule the following appointments: According to the American Dental Association,individuals should visit their dentist for a check up andcleaning twice a year. Dental health can have a largeimpact on our wellbeing and self-image; and dentalillnesses may increase our risk of developing otherdiseases.Dental checkup with a Dentist Many eye conditions do not have obvious symptomsbut can be treated with early detection. Maintain eyehealth and protect your vision by visiting anOptometrist to get regular screenings and fightdiseases like Glaucoma.Annual Eye Exam with an Optometrist Source: Cleveland Clinic Source: ADA Source: AOA Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to November
Support your wellbeingManage Your FinancesThis can change sometimes, so it’s always a good ideato check! Your medical ID card (or prescription ID card,if it’s separate) should have a link to check forparticipating pharmacies.Know what pharmacies are in-networkMedication that’s advertised on television, billboards,or social media is generally among the most expensive.It doesn’t mean they aren’t effective, but genericmedications are often available at a fraction of the cost.Go genericIf you take regular medications, mail order is often lessexpensive – and more convenient. Your doctor cansubmit a 90-day prescription and the medication willbe sent directly to you. This is available for mostmedications, but not all. Consider mail orderMany medications have alternate options that treat thesame condition. Sometimes, certain medications arecovered and others aren’t. If your doctor prescribes anon-covered medication, they may need to consider analternative.Know about alternativesHave leftover or expired medication?Make plans to dispose of it safely, especially if it’s addictive or dangerous (like opioid painkillers). The FDA has permanent drug collection sites alongwith periodic takeback events to help keep you, yourfamily, and your community safe.PRESCRIPTION DRUGSWhat to know and ways to saveUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSNOVEMBERIt’s important to fill and take your doctor-prescribed medication as directed. Here’s what to know whenyou get a prescription: Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to November
NOVEMBERMANAGE YOUR FINANCESHELPING YOUR PARENTS NAVIGATE RETIREMENT Understand your benefitsWhether you're on the journey or helping a loved onenavigating this chapter, making informed decisions isthe best way to empower the individual taking thenext steps.In this session, we will provide helpful insights to helpyou or your loved ones transition into retirementwith confidence. Investment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to November See the recording Navigating retirementRegister nowTuesday, November 112pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after November 11)
LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MORE prior monthHealth over the holidays3 ways to care for your mental health& wellbeingDECEMBERWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURFSA dollars3 surprising ways to spend FSAdollars2026 Market OutlookDive into the key takeaways from2025 going into the new year Share your thoughts
Understand Your BenefitsSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGHEALTH OVER THE HOLIDAYS3 ways to care for your mental health & wellbeingDECEMBERThe holiday season can be a time to connect with family and friends, honor religious observances, and reflect on the previous year. Social gatherings, shoppingand gift-giving, and breaks from the hustle of work often bring feelings of excitement and comfort. Regardless of how you celebrate, the busy-ness of holidayactivities can also bring on feelings of stress and fatigue. Here are three ways to take care of yourself during this holiday season:Social events can be enjoyable, but may also beoverwhelming. Setting personal boundaries ahead oftime and vocalizing these boundaries to your peers canhelp ease your mind. This can look like the following:taking time to relax, avoiding situations that causeunnecessary pressure, or even skipping out on the nextevent to charge your social battery.Set boundariesSocial media can be a fun way to connect with lovedones during the holiday season; however, sometimes itcan lead us to unnecessarily compare ourselves toothers and feel as though we are missing out. Tryactive listening and eliminating distractions in themoment to stay engaged and focused on what makesthe holidays special to you.Be present in the momentThe holidays are often a time we focus on the otherpeople in our lives, and it can be easy to lose sight ofour own emotions and wellbeing. Remember topractice self-care during the holidays, take breaks,prioritize sleep and work towards balance. Check in on yourselfEveryone experiences the holidays differently; remember to extend kindness and acceptance towards your community during this holiday season! Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to December
Support your wellbeing Manage Your FinancesFertility care (IVF, surgery)Birth controlLactation expenses (breast pumps and supplies)Pregnancy test kitVasectomy/sterilizationFamily planningProsthetic limb(s)Braille books and magazinesHearing aidsGuide dog/service animal (purchase/training/care)WheelchairWigAdaptive services/careStop-smoking programsTherapy/psychoanalysisPsychiatric careWeight loss programHealth supportUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSFSA DOLLARS3 surprising ways to spend FSA dollarsDECEMBERDon’t let your FSA dollars expire at the end of the year! Here are three surprising ways to spend FSA dollars:Learn more about eligible expenses. Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to December
DECEMBERMANAGE YOUR FINANCES2026 MARKET OUTLOOKDive into the key takeaways from 2025 going into the new yearUnderstand your benefitsJoin us as we take a quick look back at what themarkets delivered in 2025 and discuss economictrends and market dynamics that may shape whatlies ahead. Investment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to December See the recordingDive into the key takeaways from2025 going into the new year.Register nowTuesday, December 62pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after December 6)