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2024 OneDigital Enhanced Wellbeing Calendar

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JANUARYAPRILJULYOCTOBERNOVEMBERDECEMBERFEBRUARYMAYAUGUSTMARCHJUNESEPTEMBERen españolRESOURCES TO SUPPORT YOURWELLBEING · BENEFITS· FINANCESUse these monthly resources to support your wellbeing, understand your benefits, and manage your finances. See something interesting? You can save the information and/or send it to your spouse, partner, or child. Click on a month to get started.

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LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREPreventive care3 reasons to check in with yourdoctorJANUARYBenefits terminology8 words to know about your benefitsplansTax strategies5 key strategies to prepare for theupcoming tax year2024next month .WELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOUR Share your thoughtsSet yourself up for successDetermine your purpose to increaselife satisfaction and wellbeingGetting care4 common provider types and whento use themLEARN MORELEARN MORESE RI E S: P ART 1 SE RI E S: P ART 1 Back to Home

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Did you know...?A family doctor, internist, general practitioner, OB/GYN (women), or pediatrician (children) can all serve as your primary care providerdepending on your needs and preferences. More wellbeing tipsTip: If available, using providers within thesame medical group or hospital system canhelp you coordinate your health care. Establishing a relationship with a doctor whoknows you, your family history and yourlifestyle can help you stay on top of yourhealth.A primary care provider gets to know what’snormal for you, helping identify when you need additional care before it may be obviousto you.JANUARY 2024SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGPREVENTIVE CARE3 reasons to check in with your doctorSave moneyNot all health conditions or medical needs canbe prevented, but research shows that peoplewith a primary care provider relationshipgenerally spend less money on health careand less time in the hospital¹.Better health, lower costs, and less time in thehospital: a win all around.Be proactive about your care Establish a health care “home base”A primary care provider is your place for allthings health care. They can help you identifyany specialists you should see, help you locateadditional care resources, order tests asnecessary, and answer questions.¹ Cleveland Clinic Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to January

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See some actions you can take to uncover your purpose Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to JanuaryMore wellbeing tipsJANUARY 2024SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGUnderstanding purposePurpose is often associated with achieving something grand, like curing an illness. However, it is more than achievement;purpose is having meaning in your life to guide your actions and behaviors. Simply put, purpose is your why. Forsome, this may mean raising a family, building a career, or giving back. When you have a clear sense of purpose, youractions become more intentional, leading you to greater success in your life. The impact of purposeResearch highlights the link between purpose and wellbeing, which positively influences mental health and cognitivefunction. A clear purpose aids in resilience-- turning setbacks into steps forward. Beyond mental benefits, purposepositively affects physical health by reducing inflammation, improving glucose regulation, and lowering the risk ofchronic diseases¹. Living with purpose positively affects total wellbeing, leading to a more fulfilling life. ¹ National Center for Biotechnology InformationUncovering your purposeSo, how can you determine, create, or uncover purpose in your life? There is no one-size-fits-all approach. SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESSDetermine your purpose to increase life satisfaction and wellbeingSE RI ES : PA RT 1Next page

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Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to JanuaryPurpose, part 1VIA Character Strengths SurveyThe Personal Values Assessment (PVA)The Life Values InventoryJANUARY 2024SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGReflect on your values Start with reflection. Use a blank sheet of paper to jot down thoughts aboutyour values, beliefs, strengths, favorite activities and how you spend timeacross various areas of your life. Try utilizing a values assessment for guidanceand compare your values to your current behaviors. 3 values assessments to explore include:Align with organizational goals 70% of employees say that their sense of purpose is defined by their work²; therefore, understanding how your unique purpose aligns with your company’smission, values, and culture is important. Aligning your purpose with yourworkplace fosters a shared sense of meaning and success.Consider the 5-why approach This simple exercise challenges you to delve deeper to uncover the underlyingmotivations and for your life. It involves asking “why” multiple times, toexplore the layers of your values. For example, you can start with “Why am Ipursuing my career”? For the answer you determine, ask yourself why again,and repeat 4 times¹. ¹ Medical News Today² McKinsey, 2023Join a cause or community Much like work, active involvement in a cause or community provides aprofound sense of meaning. Whether supporting a social cause orparticipating in community initiatives, these actions connect you withsomething beyond individual pursuits. By actively engaging, you align yourpersonal purpose with shared goals and values of othersAs you identify what success means for you, let your purpose be your unwavering guide. By tapping into yourpurpose, you can work to realize your true potential, live with intentionality, and maintain positive wellbeing!Understand your benefitsSET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESSDetermine your purpose to increase life satisfaction and wellbeing, continuedSE RI ES : PA RT 1

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Balance billingWhen you use an out-of-network medical or dentalprovider, they may bill you the difference betweenwhat they charge and the amount your insurance pays.Medical: balance billing is in addition to and doesnot count towards your out-of-pocket maximum.CoinsuranceAfter you’ve met your deductible, you’re sometimesresponsible for a percentage of the cost of medical ordental care or prescription medication you received.This percentage is coinsurance.CopayA flat fee you pay each time you receive a copay-eligible medical, dental, or vision service orprescription medication. Support your wellbeingJANUARY 2024UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSBENEFITS TERMINOLOGY8 words to know about your benefits plansDeductibleThe amount you’re responsible for paying in careexpenses before your plan starts paying deductible-eligible expenses.In-networkIn-network care is always your lowest-cost option.Networks are groups of medical, dental, and visionproviders, pharmacies, and facilities that agree todiscount the cost of their care or service.Out-of-pocket maximumThe most you’ll pay for covered in-network medicalcare and prescription drugs in a year. This includesyour deductible, coinsurance, and copays.The out-of-pocket maximum does not include yourpremium (what you pay for the plan), non-coveredexpenses, or out-of-network care that’s been balancebilled. Back to Home Back to January Share your thoughtsMore benefits informationPre/Prior-authorizationSome specialty medical providers, services andprescriptions require prior authorization from yourinsurance company. These may include - but are notlimited to - surgery, imaging (CT, MRI) and certainprescription medications.Primary care physicianA primary care physician (PCP) is your main medicaldoctor – usually a general practitioner (GP), familydoctor, internist, OB/GYN, or pediatrician (forchildren).

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Manage your financesJANUARY 2024UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITS Back to Home Back to January Share your thoughtsSpecialistSearch for: General practitioner, familydoctor, internist, pediatrician, OB/GYNYour primary doctor should be your first callfor all non-emergency health needs.Search for: Cardiologist, dermatologist,orthopedic surgeon, etc. In many cases, your primary doctor will referyou to a specialist if you have specific healthcare needs.Mental health: PsychiatristSearch for: Psychiatrist A medical doctor specializing in mental andbehavioral health. Prescribes and managesmedication.How do you know what providers to seewhen? Here’s a helpful guide to 4 commonprovider types, along with what to search forin the provider directory.Primary doctorSearch for: Marriage/family therapist, mentalhealth counselor, social worker, psychologistOffers talk, behavioral, and other therapy.Does not prescribe or manage medication.Mental health: Counselor/therapistNot sure what to search for? Enter some keywords in the provider directory and suggestions will appear.GETTING CARE4 common provider types and when to use themSE RI ES : PA RT 1More benefits information

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Understand your benefitsRegister now See the recordingTuesday, January 92pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after January 9)JANUARY 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESTAX STRATEGIES5 key strategies to prepare for the upcoming tax yearDiscover five key strategies you can use to makethe most of your 2024 tax planning. Learn valuable insights to help you prepare for theupcoming tax year in this free webinar.5 things you can do to be moretax efficient this year Back to Home Back to January Share your thoughts

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FEBRUARY2 0 2 4next month . prior month Share your thoughtsLEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREHeart Health3 surprising ways to show your heartsome loveHSA 1017 things to know about a HealthSavings AccountRetirement plansLearn about the basics of retirementaccount optionsWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURSet yourself up for successTo be more productive, manage yourenergyGetting care3 things to know about getting asecond opinionLEARN MORELEARN MORESE RI E S: P ART 2 SE RI E S: P ART 2 Back to Home

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SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGHEART HEALTH3 surprising ways to show your heart some loveCare for your smileBrushing and flossing daily can help preventgum disease. What does this have to do withyour heart? Studies have shown that bacteria caused bygum disease can cause inflammation in thebloodstream, increasing your risk for heartdisease. So when you brush and floss - andget regular dental cleanings - you’re caring formore than just your smile.Get enough sleepQuality sleep is important, yet many peopleneed help getting the recommended 6-8hours a night.Along with your mood and bags under youreyes, poor sleep can affect your bloodpressure, circulation, inflammation, and more -which can all impact your heart.Consider seeing your doctor if you’re unableto fall or stay asleep, if you notice loudsnoring, and/or wake up with an “off” feelingin your chest - these may involve your heart!Stand upSitting for too long is bad for your health,even if you exercise regularly. When you’ll be sitting for long periods oftime, even at work or on a plane, make aneffort to stand up and move around. One way to move more can be a walk aroundthe block between episodes of your favoriteshow. Or, commit to taking a phone call fromyour kitchen counter where you can stand.Your heart and body will thank you.FEBRUARY 2024Heart health is a hot topic, and for good reason! Your heart pumps blood that provides your body with the nutrients and oxygen it needs to function. Keeping your hearthealthy involves more than eating a balanced diet and getting exercise. Here are three surprising ways to support your heart health.Source: Cleveland Clinic Source: Cleveland Clinic Source: Cleveland Clinic Back to Home Back to February Share your thoughtsMore wellbeing tips

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Managing your energy Back to Home Back to February Share your thoughtsSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGFEBRUARY 2024There is no shortage of available information, tips and tricks to manage time and be productive at work (and in life). And even so, individuals struggle to know how to findwhat works for them. One of the ways to maximize productivity is by tuning your energy levels.SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESSTo be more productive, manage your energySE RI ES : PA RT 2What is energy?From a biological perspective, energy is defined as the ability to perform work or produce a change. Research reveals multiple types of energy that manifest in our bodies.Source: Harvard Business ReviewPhysical energy: the stamina required forperforming physical activities and involvesaspects like sleep, nutrition, exercise, andoverall physical wellbeing. Mental energy: our alertness and cognitiveresources for completing tasks and involvesaspects like focus, concentration, creativity, andthe ability to engage in cognitive tasks.Emotional energy: our ability to manage andregulate emotions effectively, and influencesresilience, motivation, and interpersonalrelationships. More wellbeing tips

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Understand your benefits Back to Home Back to February Share your thoughtsSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGFEBRUARY 2024SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESSTo be more productive, manage your energy, continuedSE RI ES : PA RT 2How to Manage Your EnergyEnergy levels fluctuate throughout the day based off the body’s circadian rhythms,types of tasks, and environments. When you learn how your natural energy levels ebband flow, you are able to have more autonomy over your work as you set boundariesand create plans. While time is a finite source, energy is renewable.Source: ForbesEnergy management involves understanding personal energy patterns, recognizingpeak performance times, and implementing strategies to sustain energy levelsthroughout the day.It may not always be possible to engage in tasks and work when your body is most energized; however, when possible, tuning into your own physical, mental, and emotional energy helpsprevent burnout, enhances focus, fosters resilience—and, enhances productivity. Start with these ideas:Audit your energy levelsMonitor your energy levels throughout the day to identify your peak energy periodsand align your most important tasks with these times.Get into your flow stateFlow state is a highly productive state when individuals are fully immersed in a task,highly focused and experience heightened levels of creativity. To reach a flow state,engage in your most enjoyable tasks, reduce distractions and ensure you are strikinga balance between a task that is challenging yet manageable.Build in restBuilding in time for rest and recovery is just as important as completing a task itself.When you take breaks—whether to walk, eat a snack, nap, or unplug you are able torecharge and replenish energy levels. Take care of your overall healthMaintain your overall health and wellbeing by practicing healthy habits such asexercising, eating nutritious foods, managing stress and ensuring adequate sleep.Energy, part 1

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Support your wellbeingA Health Savings Account (HSA) comeswith a High Deductible Health Plan(HDHP) - a certain type of medical plan¹.See moreAn HSA allows you to save pre-tax dollarsfor health care expenses, which can loweryour taxable income.See moreYou choose when to spend money fromyour HSA on health expenses and when tolet your balance grow.See moreYour HSA balance never expires, so youcan plan to save for your future needs -like retirement.See moreAn HSA can work with your otherretirement accounts to make sure yourneeds are fully covered.See moreHSA funds earn interest and grow tax-free. Investment options are oftenavailable to grow your funds even more.See moreYou can use your HSA funds inretirement for general living and healthcare expenses.See moreSee moreHEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 1017 things to know about a Health Savings AccountUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSFEBRUARY 2024A Health Savings Account (HSA) can helpyou save for today - and tomorrow.¹ IRS eligibility rules apply. Back to Home Back to February Share your thoughtsMore benefits information

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Manage your financesMore benefits informationUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSFEBRUARY 2024 Back to Home Back to February Share your thoughtsGETTING CARE3 things to know about getting a second opinionSE RI ES : PA RT 2The data supports second opinions Second opinions are so valuable that yourdoctor might proactively recommend asecond opinion based on your diagnosis,symptoms, and/or treatment plan. In one study, nearly a quarter of patients whogot a second opinion received a completelydifferent diagnosis, and 2/3 got additionaldetailed information ¹.Like most health care, it’s often best to get asecond opinion earlier than later.What a second opinion looks likeOften, your original doctor will encourage youto consider a second opinion. They may havea doctor in mind, or you can ask yourinsurance company. Depending on the relationship between youroriginal doctor and the second doctor, youmight need to bring test results and medicalnotes, and you might need to sign a release.Doctors often collaborate during secondopinions and should keep you up-to-date.Reasons to get a second opinionSecond opinions can provide answers, clarity,and a path forward. Consider asking for asecond opinion if:Your doctor can’t figure out what’s wrongYou’re not comfortable with your doctor’sdiagnosis or treatment approachYou have several options, or you’re beingtold you don’t have any optionsYour diagnosis is serious (like cancer), life-altering, or rareA second opinion is when another doctor, or team of doctors, reviews your medical information to provide a diagnosis and/or treatment plan. Health care and diagnoses canbe tricky, especially if your case is complicated, and another set of eyes might make a big difference.¹ Yale MedicineAs a note: coverage for second opinions can vary by yourplan and situation. You should always confirm coverage first.Source: Loyola Medicine

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FEBRUARY 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESRETIREMENT PLANSLearn about the basics of retirement account optionsUnderstand your benefitsLet’s look at your workplace retirement plan.We’ll discuss the basics of retirement accounts,how much you can save, and available options - allto help you gain a deeper understanding of yourretirement plan. Register now See the recordingTuesday, February 132pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.A comprehensive guide tounderstanding your retirementplan (Available after February 13)Investment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home Back to February Share your thoughts

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MARCH2 0 2 4 prior month Share your thoughtsWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURSet yourself up for successSleep is your body’s superpower—here’s how to make the most of itGetting care3 things to know and do when youget a medical billLEARN MORELEARN MORESE RI E S: P ART 3 SE RI E S: P ART 3LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREColon cancer3 things to know about colon cancerscreeningsVirtual health care3 reasons to give virtual health care atryEstate planning 101What to know about wills, trusts,powers of attorney, and morenext month . Back to Home

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SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGCOLON CANCER3 things to know about colon cancer screeningsTime matters.Colon cancer often doesn’t have noticeablesymptoms until more advanced stages. Earlier detection, made possible by regularscreening, greatly improves the chances ofsuccessful treatment. When caught early, research shows that 90%of patients survive 5 years post-diagnosis.However, only 15% of patients survive 5 yearswhen the cancer has already spread ².Regular screenings lead to earlier diagnoses,leading to longer and healthier lives.Screening options exist.Although studies show that a colonoscopy isthe “gold standard” for prevention ³, a less-invasive sigmoidoscopy or stool test may alsobe a good option depending on your riskfactors. Your doctor can help you determine whichscreening is best for you.¹ Yale MedicineMARCH 2024Cases are increasing among youngerpeople.Colon cancer rates in Americans under age 55doubled between 1995 and 2019 ¹. In 2021, the US Preventive Services Task forcelowered the recommended colon cancerscreening age to 45 instead of age 50. Due tothis change, many insurance companies nowcover preventive colon cancer screeningsstarting at age 45. If you or someone you love is 45 or older, it’stime to get screened. Talk to your doctor toget started. ³ Cancer.gov² SEER statistics Back to Home Back to March Share your thoughtsMore wellbeing tips

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Back to Home Back to March Share your thoughtsSchool Age Teen Adult (6-12 years)(13-18 years)(18-60 years)(61-64 years)(65 years and older)9-12 hours per 24 hours8-10 hours per 24 hours7 or more hours per night7-9 hours per night7-8 hours per nightSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGMARCH 2024SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESSSleep is your body’s superpower—here’s how to make the most of itSE RI ES : PA RT 3Significance of SleepSleep is our body’s natural way of recharging; it is an essential function. In many ways, sleep is everyone’s superpower; itallows us to heal through cellular regeneration, fight off disease, boost our immune systems, generate energy, processmemories, and improve our social skills and productivity. Alternatively, a lack of sleep results in an impaired immune system and an inability to concentrate & retain knowledge; itis associated with shorter life expectancy, cognitive decline, decreased wellbeing, and an increased risk of chronicillnesses like heart disease.The amount of sleep needed to support our daily functions varies according to age:Source: Sleep FoundationThe science of sleepUnderstand the science behind sleep to tune into yourbody’s internal clock. Our bodies function on a 24-hourcycle called a circadian rhythm. When we wake up and are exposed to natural light,our bodies produce a hormone called cortisol, whichstimulates energy; as daylight fades into the evening,our bodies release the melatonin hormone, whichcauses drowsiness. Outside factors such as synthetic screen light, caffeine,alcohol, and sounds interfere with our body’s naturalhormone regulation process and can negatively impactthe sleep cycle. More wellbeing tipsSupport your sleep

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Back to Home Back to March Share your thoughtsSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGMARCH 2024SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESSSleep is your body’s superpower—here’s how to make the most of it, continuedSE RI ES : PA RT 3Source: CDCSupporting sleep hygieneSleep Hygiene refers to both your sleep environment and behavior; prioritizing sleep hygiene leads to moreconsistent, fulfilling rest, and in turn, better overall health. Signs of poor sleep hygiene may present as having a hardtime falling asleep, waking up throughout the night, difficulty waking up in the morning, and drowsiness throughout theday.Implement the following best practices:Setting a consistent sleep/wake scheduleLimiting caffeine intake later in the dayImplementing a nightly routine, that includes ample time away from electronic devices (ideally 1 hour before bed)Upgrade your sleep environment: opt for a cooler temperature in your room, dim lights, and comfortable bedding.Harnessing your body's natural superpower by ensuring restful, abundant sleep can make a significant impact for youroverall wellbeing—leading you to become healthier, happier and more productive. Understand your benefitsSleep, part 1

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Support your wellbeingUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSVIRTUAL HEALTH CARE3 reasons to give virtual health care a tryMARCH 2024Take advantage of a variety of care and services.Quicker care, often for a lower cost.When appropriate, virtual care can help youget care on your schedule without dealingwith germs, a waiting room, or traffic. It’sgreat for regular check-ins and follow-ups, oreven mental health care visits. Even better, virtual care may be a lessexpensive option than in-person visits. Top-notch care is often availablewhen and where you need it.Virtual care is a health care visit through asecure telephone or video call. Accessing care:Many doctors offer virtual visits.Your medical plan might include access toa virtual care (or telehealth) provider.Many virtual care services can be foundwith a quick Google search. Virtual care is often available extended hoursand weekends, especially for everyday medicalneeds. Specific services can vary, but virtual care isoften available for:Non-emergency medical needs (sorethroat or fever, UTI, allergies)Therapy and mental health carePsychiatry (medication management) DermatologyProviders can also prescribe appropriatemedications in many cases, saving you a tripto the doctor’s office.Virtual care is convenient, high-quality care,but it isn’t appropriate for all needs. Life-threatening conditions, severe injuries(breaks, burns, or cuts), and other immediateneeds should still be seen at the appropriatein-person facility (doctor, urgent care, oremergency room). Back to Home Back to March Share your thoughtsMore benefits information

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Manage your financesUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSMARCH 2024 Back to Home Back to March Share your thoughtsSE RI ES : PA RT 3MEDICAL BILLS3 things to know and do when you get a medical bill.Along with being confusing, did you know that medical bills can contain errors? Watch this short video (2:06) to learn what to do when you get a medical bill:Compare the bill against the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your healthplan - before paying the bill.Ask for an itemized statement for hospital-related bills.Be patient. The claims payment process can take some time to finalize. If youhave questions, your insurance company can help you find resources.More benefits information

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MARCH 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESESTATE PLANNING 101What to know about wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and moreUnderstand your benefitsAre you ready to safeguard your legacy throughstrategic estate planning? In this informative session, we’ll share helpful tips on creating a comprehensive estateplan tailored to your unique needs and goals. You’ll learn about essential estate planning toolsincluding wills, trusts, and power of attorney. Plus,learn how to protect your assets and ensure asmooth transfer to your loved ones. Register now See the recordingTuesday, March 192pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.Protecting your legacy throughproper estate planning(Available after March 19) Back to Home Back to March Share your thoughts

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LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREMental health literacy4 things to know about mental healthAPRILWhere to get careUnderstand your optionsDitch debt for goodLearn how to break the cycle2 0 2 4next month .FINANCESWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOUR Share your thoughtsProgress over perfectionTo increase your life span, focus onyour health spanAll stages of lifeMedicare 101: eligibility, what toknow, and helpful resourcesLEARN MORELEARN MORESE RI E S: P ART 1 SE RI E S: P ART 1 prior month Back to Home

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More wellbeing tips Share your thoughtsMENTAL ILLNESS IS COMMONMental health literacy refers to our understanding of how to maintain positive mental health, which includes having knowledge of common mentaldisorders, recognizing common risk factors, and knowing how to seek support¹. Having mental health literacy contributes to better mental health forourselves and our communities. Here are four things to know about mental health that may increase your mental health literacy today: APRIL 2024SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGMENTAL HEALTH LITERACY4 things to know about mental healthEVERY PERSON HASMENTAL HEALTHEvery individual must manage theirmental health, every day. Mental healthencompasses how we think, how wefeel, and how we act. For example,managing stress well is an importantpart of managing mental health. Half of the individuals in the UnitedStates will be diagnosed with a mentaldisorder at some point in their life². When we understand how commonmental illness is, we can work todecrease the stigma surrounding it. It is likely we all know someone with amental health disorder; knowing theways to support those individuals aswell as ourselves is extremely valuable. MENTAL AND PHYSICALHEALTH ARE CONNECTED PREVENTION IS POSSIBLE There is a positive association betweenstrong mental health and physicalhealth. Support your total wellbeing bymaintaining a balanced diet, socializingwith friends and family, exercisingregularly, and avoiding substance use. While mental disorders are common,there are multiple ways to prevent theirdevelopment and progression. Engagein primary prevention througheducation, getting enough sleep,staying active, socializing with others,and practicing mindfulness¹. Practicesecondary prevention by screening andreceiving help early. Back to April Back to HomeSource: CDC; Healthy People 2030; Psychiatry Online

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Increase your health span Share your thoughtsAPRIL 2024SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGLife span, the total number of years lived, has historically been a way of measuring the health of our societies; however, health span, the total number ofyears lived without disease may be a better indicator of total wellbeing. In the Unites States, there is an average life span of 77 years; yet the average health span is shorter at 66 years.¹Living well is more than just living a long time. Try the following to maximize your years, focusing on your quality of life.PRIORITIZEStart by setting goals to give yourself somethingtangible to work towards and consider thereasons behind your goals. For example, are youaiming to relieve stress throughout your workday?Or, maybe you want to maintain the energy tocare for loved ones. Use your reasons to fuelmotivation. Consider using the evidence-based,SMART approach to setting goals.²MOVEPhysical activity promotes healthy aging. Strengthtraining is especially important for maintainingbone density, muscle mass, and mobility, whilecardiovascular exercise promotes heart health andmetabolic efficiency. It is recommended that adultsget 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobicexercise and two days of strength training perweek³. Consider joining a local gym, visitingoutdoor trails and parks, using a fitness app andinvesting in a standing desk when working from acomputer. NOURISH A healthy diet has long been one of the pillars ofgood health. To increase health span, focus onfoods which protect you from chronic illnesses ordiseases that impair quality of life. For example,seek out whole foods, fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, and lean proteins and limit unnecessarysugars, saturated fats, sodium, and alcohol³.Moderation is key—focus on foods you enjoy eatingand that make you feel energized. Source: TIME, Mayo Clinic, NIDDK, SE RI ES : PA RT 1PROGRESS OVER PERFECTIONTo increase your life span, focus on your health spanMore wellbeing tips Back to April Back to Home

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Share your thoughtsAPRIL 2024SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGPROGRESS OVER PERFECTIONTo increase your life span, focus on your health span, continued CONNECTOur brains are hard-wired for socialconnection. Quality relationships withfamily and friends are associated withhigh levels of wellbeing--- includingreduced stress levels, a decrease inloneliness, and even a strengthenedimmune system. Invest time and energyin your relationships and seekopportunities to connect in yourcommunity. Consider joining clubs,group skills classes, or volunteering!⁴LEARNLifelong learning helps to maintaincognitive function, increase personalgrowth, broaden perspectives andspark interests. In addition, gaining newknowledge and skills is associated witha sense of fulfillment ⁵. Reading, visitingmuseums, or even watchinginformational videos online are all waysto continue learning outside oftraditional schooling.Living well is more than just living a long time. Try the following to maximize your years, focusing on your quality of life. TUNE INA long health span can be interruptedby chronic illnesses such as diabetes,cardiovascular disease, and cancer.Eating healthy, exercising, and avoidingharmful substances are all ways toprotect against chronic disease.However, these should be coupled withregular screenings and preventativevisits with a medical professional toensure early detection and treatment ofdiseases. DECOMPRESSChronic stress can wreak havoc on yourbody, leading to a host of concerns:impaired immune function, increasedrisk of heart disease, digestive issues,mental illness and more. Protect yourbody from the negative effects of stressby practicing good mental healthhygiene. Learn more here⁶.Source: Stanford, Walden University NIH SE RI ES : PA RT 1Increase your health spanUnderstand your benefits Back to April Back to Home

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Support your wellbeing Share your thoughtsMore benefits informationTelehealth / virtual careLOWER SEVERITYUrgent care / walk-in clinicMODERATE SEVERITYEmergency room (ER)HIGH SEVERITYAPRIL 2024UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSWHERE TO GET CAREUnderstand your optionsWhen you need health care and can’t see your primary doctor, do you know how to choose the best option for you or your family? Here are someguidelines when considering where to get care.Cold or fluEaracheFever (under 104° F for most people)Seasonal allergiesMinor skin conditions (rash, etc.)Sore throatUrinary tract infectionsBack or muscle painBroken bones (not through the skin)Bronchitis, seasonal allergies, or fluCuts and minor burnsDiarrhea or vomitingSkin conditionsSprains or joint painUrinary tract infectionsBroken bone through the skinChest pain or pressure/heart attackHead injuries, seizures, sudden paralysis, lossof consciousnessHigh fever (104° F or higher)Pneumonia or shortness of breathSevere abdominal painUncontrolled bleedingMany are available 24/7; get seen quicklyLower cost per visitAvailable from your phone or computerMany have evening & weekend hoursOften fairly short wait timesModerate cost per visitOften open 24/7/365May not be attached to a hospital; look for ared EMERGENCY signHighest cost; can have long wait times Back to April Back to Home

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Manage your finances Share your thoughtsMore benefits informationCalculate your eligibilityPart A: HospitalPart B: MedicalCost: Monthly premium appliesSign up at age 65 See what’s coveredSee what’s coveredLearn morePart D: PrescriptionSee what’s coveredGetting prescription coveragePart C: Medicare AdvantageCombines Part A (Hospital) + Part B (Medical)......and often includes Part D(Prescriptions) Back to April Back to Home1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)Medicare.gov1-888-530-2586APRIL 2024UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSALL STAGES OF LIFEMedicare 101: eligibility, what to know, and helpful resourcesSE RI ES : PA RT 1Medicare hotline: Confirm eligibility orcoverage, sign up, ask questions, etc.OneDigital Advanced Health: Speakwith a licensed agent about MedicareAdvantage and Supplemental plansavailable to you.EligibilityYou’re generally eligible for Medicare when you turn 65. Have a Health SavingsAccount? All contributions must stop once enrolled in Medicare A and/or B. ResourcesParts of MedicareCost: $0 for most peopleEnrollment is usually automaticWe do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we dooffer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

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Understand your benefitsRegister now See the recording Share your thoughtsTuesday, April 92pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after April 9)APRIL 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESDITCH DEBT FOR GOODLearn how to break the cycleConsumer debt can be, well, consuming. It can beeasy to feel like you’re in way too deep. In this session, we’ll share some practical strategiesto help you break the cycle and secure long-termfinancial stability. We’ll cover credit card debt,budgeting techniques, debt consolidation options,and smart borrowing practices to support yourjourney towards a debt-free future.Ditch debt for good.Learn how to break the cycle Back to AprilInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home

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MAY2 0 2 4next month . prior month Share your thoughtsLEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREFINANCESWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURLEARN MORELEARN MORETable topics3 questions to ask your child, pre-teen, or teen at dinner tonightHSA vs. HRA vs. FSAWhat to know about pre-tax healthcare accountsHome & auto insuranceUnderstanding what your home &auto insurance covers Progress over perfectionStigma still exists. Strategies to breakdown barriers to mental health.All stages of lifeYou’re never too young for...SE RI E S: P ART 2 SE RI E S: P ART 2 Back to Home

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Share your thoughtsMore wellbeing tipsSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGTABLE TOPICSQuestions to ask your child, pre-teen, and teen at dinner tonightMAY 2024Children (under age 10)Meaningful conversations and connections with younger people are so important. However, today’s digital world adds a new set of challenges that can be tough to navigate.Here are some open-ended, developmentally appropriate questions to get you started. Remind yourself to be curious and non-judgemental during your conversation.rWhat’s something you’re good at? Helping kidsidentify something they’re good at is a great way toboost their self-esteem.Would you rather be super big, like an elephant,or super small, like an ant? Why? Askingfantastical questions helps support your child’simagination.What is something that makes you sad? Askingabout feelings can help encourage self-awarenessand normalize everyday experiences. What is something that makes you feel proud ofyourself? Reflecting on a point of pride—whether itinvolves a skill, a successful project or a personalattribute can help build confidence.What is something you have learned recently?Helping kids to recall and share can aid in boostingcommunication skills and articulation. What qualities do you look for in friends? Encouraging critical thinking promotes self-awareness. Asking about qualities encouragesmaking good choices.How do you handle tough situations? Normalizingchallenges and talking through how to managedifficult emotions reduces shame and promoteshealthy problem-solving.What is something you are grateful for? Focusingon gratitude promotes positivity and helps buildempathy for others as well as resilience. What advice would you give someone else?Asking for a teen's perspective sends the messagethat they are trusted to have their own opinionsand have a valuable perspective to share. Pre-teens (10-12) Teens (13 and up) Back to May Back to Home

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Reducing stigma Share your thoughtsSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGMAY 2024PROGRESS OVER PERFECTIONStigma still exists; try these strategies to break down barriers to mental healthSE RI ES : PA RT 2Defining Stigma in the Context ofMental Health “Stigma is the biggest killer out there. Stigma killsmore people than cigarettes, than heroin, than anyother risk factor. Because it keeps people in theshadows, it keeps people from asking for help, itkeeps good people from being willing to offerhelp.” – Dr. Jerome Adams, Former U.S. SurgeonGeneral.¹Source: Lyra, MckinseyMore wellbeing tipsMental health stigma is when an individual, group, or society holds a negative and unfair belief aboutsomething; it stems from a lack of understanding, fear, shame, prejudice, and/or discrimination towardsindividuals with mental health conditions.² There are three primary types: Self-Stigma refers to internal negative attitudes an individual holds towards their own mental healthconditions. Public Stigma is society’s negative views or discriminatory attitudes towards individuals with mental healthconditions. Structural Stigma involves government or organizational policies that limit opportunities, resources andaccess to care for individuals with mental health conditions.Mental health plays a central role in our daily lives; it impacts our overall wellbeing and work. Despite advances made in understanding mental health and treating mentalillness, individuals often struggle to improve their mental health. Stigma can be one of the biggest barriers to working on our mental health. Back to May Back to Home

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Share your thoughtsLearn about stigmaUse Person-First & Identity-FirstLanguage It is important to be cognizant of thelanguage we use when discussing sensitivetopics such as mental health. Use person-firstand identity-first language to show respectfor an individual and remove emphasis fromtheir disability or condition. Always ask anindividual what style of language they prefer.Learn more about both language styles here. Challenge Your Own Beliefs Engaging in self-reflection can helpindividuals understand their own internalbeliefs and work to combat any negativeperspectives. Many individuals believe thatsuffering from mental health ailments is asign of weakness and something that theycan “control”; however, seeking help andeducating yourself can reduce stigmatizedbeliefs. Avoid defining yourself or someoneelse based on a mental health condition. Maintain an Open Dialogue aboutMental Health Sharing positive messages, words ofencouragement, and personal stories aboutmental health can help create a safe spacefor individuals to reach out, further reducingstigma. Research shows that sharingpersonal stories about mental health withsomeone who is suffering from a mentalhealth challenge is one of the best ways toreduce stigma, fear, and negative attitudessurrounding mental health.³Recognize the equality betweenmental and physical health Physical health is often given moreimportance than mental health; in reality,both components are crucial to our overallwellbeing. For example, many people treat abroken bone more seriously than depression.It is also important to understand the impactmental health can have on our physicalhealth. For example, individuals sufferingfrom depression are at a higher risk ofdeveloping diabetes and have a poorerprognosis.⁴SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGMAY 2024SE RI ES : PA RT 2How can we reduce stigma? Start with these tactics: Learn more about stigma and breaking down barriers: PROGRESS OVER PERFECTIONStigma still exists; try these strategies to break down barriers to mental health, continuedSource: APA, NIHUnderstand your benefits Back to May Back to Home

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Support your wellbeing Share your thoughtsMore benefits informationHealth Savings Account (HSA)Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)Flexible Spending Account (FSA)ContributionsYou contribute pre-tax funds from each paycheck. Learn moreYour employer makes contributions on your behalf;you are not able to contribute to an HRA.You contribute pre-tax funds from each paycheck.Eligible expensesCurrent and future medical, dental, vision, andprescription expenses Eligible expenses vary, but typically include medicaland prescription costs for the current year.Full health care: medical, dental, vision,prescription expenses for this yearLimited purpose (HSA-compatible): dental &vision expenses onlyLeftover funds atthe end of the yearHSA funds never expire - and you can use them inretirement! Depending on your plan, you may be able to roll overunused funds to the following year.Depending on your plan, you may be able to roll overunused funds to the following year.EligibilityYou must be enrolled in a qualifying high deductiblehealth plan (HDHP) and you cannot have any othernon-HDHP health coverage.You must be enrolled in your employer’s HRA medicalplan. The HRA comes with the medical plan andcannot be separated.Can be paired with any medical plan (or no medicalplan) - BUT you cannot have a full health care FSAand contribute to an HSA at the same time.HSA, HRA, AND FSAWhat to know about pre-tax health care accountsUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSMAY 2024Pre-tax accounts are a great way to pay for health care expenses with tax-free dollars, but they’re not all created equally. Here’s a general overview:The materials and the information provided are not designed or intended to be applicable to any person’s individual circumstances. These statements do notconstitute an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction. All included information and data are limited only to the inputs and other financial assumptions indicated. Back to May Back to Home

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Manage your financesMore benefits information Share your thoughtsUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSMAY 2024ALL STAGES OF LIFEYou’re never too young for...SE RI ES : PA RT 2Life insuranceLife insurance provides families with financialsecurity, especially if the main wage earner passesaway. However, studies estimate that more than100 million Americans are either underinsured orcompletely uninsured ¹. When buying life insurance, consider yourexpenses and household income - what wouldhappen if that income source was lost? How longwould finances stay afloat?It’s a good idea to review your life insurancecoverage every couple of years and whenever youhave a big life event - like marriage, having a child,or buying a house. Retirement may sound like it’s far away, but there’sno better time to start saving than right now. By age 65, someone who saves $100 a month atage 25 will have nearly double for retirement thanif they started saving the same amount at age 35 ².This jump is due to compound interest - when youearn interest on your interest.Not sure how much to save? A qualified financialadvisor can help you build a plan. Disability insurance can protect your income ifyou’re not able to work due to a disability.The Social Security Administration estimates thatone in four of today’s 20-year-olds will becomedisabled by age 67. Regardless of your age and health, you maybecome temporarily or permanently unable towork due to surgery, pregnancy, or other illnessesor accidents. Disability insurance can help fill thefinancial gap.Like birthdays, changing benefit needs sometimes sneak up on us. Whether you’re 22 or 52, you’re never too young (or old) for...¹ Forbes Source: Social Security AdministrationRetirement contributions² Business InsiderDisability insurance Back to May Back to Home

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MAY 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESHOME & AUTO INSURANCEUnderstanding what your home & auto insurance covers (and might not)Understand your benefitsYour home and car are probably among yourbiggest purchases, but insuring them can beconfusing. In this session, we’ll demystify what home and autoinsurance covers - and may not cover - to help youmake the best coverage decisions possible. Register now See the recordingTuesday, May 142pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.Understanding what your home &auto insurance covers (and mightnot)(Available after May 14) Share your thoughts Back to MayInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home

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JUNE2 0 2 4 prior month Share your thoughtsFINANCESWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURProgress over perfectionBecoming a better ally- here’s how tostart All stages of lifeWhen your life changesLEARN MORELEARN MORESE RI E S: P ART 3 SE RI E S: P ART 3LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREAsk a financial plannerA unique opportunity to ask yourmost pressing questionsMen’s healthMales: 3 screenings to ask yourdoctor about Disability insurance3 ways disability insurance protectsyour income Back to Homenext month .

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SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGMEN’S HEALTHMales: 3 screenings to ask your doctor aboutBlood Pressure Screening Blood pressure is the measure of force thatyour blood uses to move through yourarteries. Getting your blood pressure checkedat regular intervals is important to prevent thedevelopment of serious health problems likecardiovascular disease. Create a screeningschedule with your physician and maintain arecord of the readings to keep track ofabnormalities.³90% of colorectal cancer can be preventedthrough regular screenings ⁴. Adequatescreenings—such as a colonoscopy can helpwith early detection. Be sure to check therecommended age and screening intervals forgetting screened.JUNE 2024Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancerdiagnosis among men, affectingapproximately 1 in 8.² Primary risk factorsinclude: age; race/ethnicity; genetics; familyhistory; diet; as well as many others.Talk to your physician about whether theyrecommend a prostate-specific antigen bloodtest or a digital rectal exam to ensure yourprostate is healthy. Share your thoughtsMore wellbeing tipsStudies show that men are less likely to visit the doctor, which can substantially affect their health.¹ Clear communication with one’s doctor and regular preventive health screenings canhelp lower health risks and detect diseases early. Along with regular physical exams, discuss your family’s health history with your doctor so that they can recommend appropriatescreenings. Ask about these screenings at your next healthcare appointment: Prostate Cancer Screening Colorectal Cancer Screening Learn more about colon cancer screenings Back to Home Back to JuneSource: CDC; ;Cleveland Clinic; Penn Medicine

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Share your thoughtsSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGJUNE 2024PROGRESS OVER PERFECTIONBecoming a better ally; here’s how to startSE RI ES : PA RT 3Historically, sexual and gender minority groups have faced prejudice, discrimination, and social exclusion. Despite progress in recent decades, LGBTQIA+ people continue to face manychallenges, including the spread of misinformation, a lack of inclusive healthcare, and acts of violence. Becoming an ally to the LBGTQIA+ community can help end ignorance, create safespaces, rally for acceptance and promote mutual respect.¹More wellbeing tipsAllyship strategiesSource: Human Rights Campaign Foundation; ShareAmericaSee some intentional strategies to become an ally for the LBGTQIA+ community in both your personal and professional lifeWho makes up the LGBTQIA+ Community? The LGBTQIA+ community encompasses individuals who identify as Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual, Transgender and/or Gender Expansive, Queer and/or Questioning,Intersexual, Asexual, and Two-spirited. The + symbolizes the ongoing evolution andinclusivity of the community, reflecting the full diversity of sexual and genderexpression.²Individuals who make up this community come from various racial, ethnic, andsocioeconomic backgrounds, and further, individuals develop their own sexualidentity through their unique life experiences.¹Who is an ally for the LBGTQIA+ Community?An ally is an individual who acknowledges and supports the LBGTQIA+ community inthe following ways: showing compassion and concerns for individuals; educatingoneself about the struggles the community faces; advocating for the health,happiness, success, and equality of community members; challenging discriminatorypractices; and identifying opportunities to offer support. Back to Home Back to June

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Share your thoughtsUnderstand your benefitsAllyship, part 1At workSupport Equitable PracticesSupport equal opportunities within the workplace for all individuals. Adopt a ‘seesomething, say something’ approach by reporting any events of discrimination to humanresources or your designated support team. Include Pronouns in Email Signatures and Company ProfilesAdding preferred pronouns into email signatures and profiles can help all colleaguesknow how to properly address each other, avoiding confusion and preventingmisgendering. Allies can include pronouns to signify that they are supportive of theLBGTQIA+ community, taking burden off individuals navigating self-disclosure. Utilize Inclusive Language in CommunicationsUse gender neutral language when possible; for example, “hey everyone” is a betteralternative than “hey guys”³. Also avoid using gender stereotypes.Participate in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging InitiativesWorkplaces that build a culture based on inclusion help to foster a sense of belonging forall individuals. Consider joining any initiatives that recognize and celebrate all individuals.If your organization does not have an Employee Resource Group for those in theLBGTQIA+ community and allies, consider creating one.SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGJUNE 2024PROGRESS OVER PERFECTIONBecoming a better ally; here’s how to start (continued)SE RI ES : PA RT 3Source: Forbes In your personal lifeConfront Your Own BiasesEveryone has biases-- continually reflect on your own beliefs and assumptions to combatjudgements. Additionally, remain humble, willing to learn and open to correction.Educate YourselfLearn from other individuals’ experiences and insights by listening. It is okay to admit thatyou do not know all the answers—but don’t stop there. Consider researching LGBTQIA+topics, having a conversation or reaching out to a friend or family member who feelscomfortable sharing. Join Community LGBTQIA+ Organizations or Causes There are likely multiple local events in your community that you may learn about with aquick internet search. Joining events and becoming an active participant increasesempathy, demonstrates support and helps to break down stigmas.Take ActionBeing an ally means going beyond just acknowledging members of the LGBTQIA+community. Actively spend time and energy understanding challenges and speaking upagainst harmful language and practices. Back to Home Back to June

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Support your wellbeingUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSDISABILITY INSURANCE3 ways disability insurance protects your incomeJUNE 2024Peace of mind76% of Americans report feeling stressed overfinancial worries. Stress and lost sleep don’thelp you get better when you’re sick or injured. Disabilities - whether temporary or permanent -can happen to anyone. That’s why manyinsurance professionals consider disabilitycoverage as the most important benefit forfinancial stability behind medical insurance.Not only can it help protect your finances, itcan help protect your peace of mind also.Financial security in the short-termShort-term disability (STD) coverage helps youpay the bills if you’re unable to work due tosurgery, pregnancy, an illness, or an off-the-jobaccident. Benefits are often paid on a weekly basis as apercentage of your income. You can use themoney for whatever you need - mortgage orrent, groceries, car payments, and more. Short-term disability coverage helps you stayfinancially afloat so you can focus on gettingbetter. Longer-term needsLong-term disability coverage can providecontinued financial support if you’re not able toreturn to work. Benefits are often paid on a monthly basis as apercentage of your income. Like short-termcoverage, you can use the money for whateveryou need. As a note - if you’re on long-term disability, youmight also be required to apply for SocialSecurity Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/orMedicare. Share your thoughtsMore benefits information Back to Home Back to June

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Manage your financesUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSJUNE 2024 Share your thoughtsSE RI ES : PA RT 3ALL STAGES OF LIFEWhat to know and do when you experience life changesLife changes - marriage or divorce, birth or adoption of a child, job changes and more - can mean changes to your benefits plans.Here’s what to know and do when these happen. Still have questions? Check with your benefits department. More benefits informationChoosing coverage for the first timeJust turn 26? First “grown-up” job? Gettingbenefits for the first time is exciting! Know:When your coverage begins.Your options and what they cost.When you need to submit choices.Do:Review the benefits information when youreceive it - there’s often a time limit.Ask questions if you need help. Submit your choices by the deadline.Adding or removing a dependentA dependent is a family member on your benefitsplan. You may need to add or remove someonedue to birth, adoption, marriage, divorce, jobchanges, and other reasons.Know:When the change occurs (i.e. marriage date orchild’s date of birth).What changes you can make to coverage.Do:Submit the change request by the deadline(usually 30 days after the life event).Provide any required documentation (birthcertificate, marriage license, etc.)Job or other benefits changesYou might need to change coverage if you or yourspouse starts or ends a job with benefits, if yougain or lose Medicaid eligibility, and other similarsituations.Know:What changes you can make based on theevent (i.e. if your spouse loses their benefits,they can often join your plan).Do:Submit the change request by the deadline(usually 30 days after the life event).Provide any required documentation (birthcertificate, marriage license, etc.) Back to Home Back to June

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JUNE 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESASK A FINANCIAL PLANNERA unique opportunity to get answers to your most pressing questions!Understand your benefitsHow much should I be saving for retirement?What’s a good way to pay off my debt? How do I save for my child’s college?Bring your questions and join financialprofessionals Mindee Kissinger and Keith Huberas they answer your questions in this special “AskMe Anything” edition of Financial Academy.Register now See the recordingTuesday, June 112pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.I’m a Financial Planner, ask me anything!(Available after June 11) Back to Home Back to June Share your thoughtsInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital.The materials and the information provided are for informational and educational purposes only and not designed or intended to be applicable to any person’s individual circumstances. These statements do not constitute an offer orsolicitation in any jurisdiction. For questions regarding your individual circumstances, please consult your financial professional

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LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREJULY2 0 2 4next month .FINANCESWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOUR Share your thoughtsStay groundedLooking to Grow? Start with self-awarenessCare for allNeed a new doctor? Some questionsto askLEARN MORELEARN MORESE RI E S: P ART 1 SE RI E S: P ART 1Women’s healthWomen: 3 screenings to ask yourdoctor about Life and AD&D3 reasons life insurance mattersHow to invest for successA beginner’s guide prior month Back to Home

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More wellbeing tips Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to JulyCERVICAL CANCER SCREENING Women continue to be disproportionately impacted by many diseases and conditions. Prevention is key, and early screening is one way to prevent thedevelopment or worsening of a condition. It can be challenging to stay in the know about which screenings are recommended and when. Here are threeimportant screenings to ask your doctor about today: JULY 2024SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGWOMEN’S HEALTHWomen: 3 screenings to ask your doctor aboutBREAST CANCER SCREENING BONE DENSITY SCREENING Breast cancer accounts for 1/3 of new female cancerdiagnoses each year. While many of the causes forbreast cancer are unknown, there are modifiablelifestyle factors which can prevent the developmentof breast cancer such as a healthy diet and regularexercise. Mammography screenings are recommended everytwo years for women ages 50-74.Up to 93% of cervical cancers are preventable byvaccination and early screening. Pap Tests arerecommended every three years for women ages21-29. These may be coupled or replaced with anHPV test after age 30.Talk to your doctor about the correct screening foryou. A bone density test screens for osteoporosis.Women have a higher risk than men of developingosteoporosis, especially as they age. Risk factors forosteoporosis could include vitamin D and calciumdeficiencies, substance use, having a low bodyweight, lack of physical activity, and certainmedications or diseases.Despite these risk factors, screening is necessary foridentifying osteoporosis early. Bone densityscreenings are recommended for women aged 65or older. Sources: American Cancer Society, CDC,, Gallup

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Improving self-awareness Share your thoughtsMore wellbeing tipsPositive self-awareness can look like… Self-awareness encompasses our conscious knowledge of our own character,feelings, desires, and outlook on the world. It involves honestly assessing ourstrengths and weaknesses, acknowledging the impact of our actions, andunderstanding how others perceive us.Self-awareness is key for growth and connection with others in both our personaland professional lives. What is self-awareness?Recognizing and taking accountability for amistake made on a project Checking in on yourself when you notice apersonal bias is getting in the way of a decisionListening intently and selflessly when a friendcomes to you with a problem Understanding and communicating yourstrengths and weaknesses in an interview Being able to accept constructive criticism atwork and using it to improve Knowing the best method of communication fordiffering audiences Increased self-awareness has multiple benefits. It has been linked to improvedwellbeing and positive self-image as we are better able to understand ourselves,including our tendencies, behaviors and personal biases.Additionally, self-awareness often leads to a strong capacity for empathy andenhanced communication skills as we tune into the perspectives of others and moreeasily engage in the world around us.Why self-awareness is importantJULY 2024SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGSource: Trauma Research Foundation, Harvard Business Foundation, Center for Creative LeadershipSE RI ES : PA RT 1STAY GROUNDEDLooking to grow? Start with self-awareness Back to Home Back to July

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Share your thoughtsJULY 2024SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGSE RI ES : PA RT 1Self-awarenessUnderstand your benefitsSTAY GROUNDEDLooking to grow? Start with self-awareness (continued)Mindfulness allows you to focus on your feelings andemotions without judgement. To stay grounded in themoment, try meditating, yoga, and practice gratitudeto center yourself. Also check out other mindfulness exercises. Engage in mindfulness How to improve self-awarenessConsider writing down goals to understand what drivesyou and what is important to you. Journal to processyour thoughts and emotions, clear negative thoughts,and gain insight.ReflectObserving the way other people live their lives can helpyou realize your own tendencies, behaviors, andthoughts. Try putting yourself in others’ shoes—thiscan help you empathize and connect. Look outward to look inward Checking in with ourselves and monitoring ourprogress periodically can keep us on track. Consider taking psychometric tests to learn moreabout yourself.Assess Constructive feedback can feel uncomfortable, but itdoes not need to be associated with negativity. It canbe helpful to ask trusted friends, family members, orcolleagues for sincere input.Ask for feedback Back to Home Back to July

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Support your wellbeing Share your thoughtsMore benefits informationAs the typical cost of a funeral approaches $8,000, lifeinsurance can provide your family with financial peaceof mind. Life insurance payments can also helpsurviving family members with any medical bills orother end-of-life care expenses – which can beexpensive. Losing an income causes financial strain within mostfamilies. Life insurance is designed to provide financialpeace of mind though replacement of the lostincome, often in a lump sum. Plus, life insurancepayments are often tax-free. In case of a debilitating accident, AD&D benefits canhelp you replace lost wages, pay for increased medicalneeds or housing modifications, and more. The moneyis yours to use as needed.Financial coverage for final expensesJULY 2024UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSLIFE AND AD&D 1013 reasons Life and AD&D insurance mattersLife insurance pays a benefit if you pass awaywhile you're covered, providing peace of mindby easing financial burdens. Many life insuranceplans also include Accidental Death andDismemberment (AD&D) insurance.AD&D may pay your beneficiary if you passaway due to an accident – often in addition toyour life insurance benefit. Or you may receivea partial AD&D benefit if you lose specifiedbodily functions (sight, limbs, paralysis, etc.)due to an accident. Beneficiary: a person (or people) you choose toreceive your life insurance payment. Life insurance can provide: Long-term financial protectionSome families use life insurance proceeds to pay offtheir mortgage, student loans, or other large debts.Others may set up a college fund for younger survivingchildren, reducing the need for expensive student loansin the future. Debt relief Life insurance can be a valuable financial planning tool tocare for your family. If you’re not sure how much isenough, a financial planner can help. Back to Home Back to July

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Manage your finances Share your thoughtsMore benefits informationIf your area has more than one hospital system, consider having allyour providers (PCP, OB/GYN, and any specialists) within the samehospital system to streamline your care. What hospital system are you part of?ASKIt can sometimes be challenging to get to the doctor’s office. Manyproviders offer virtual appointments when medically appropriate.Do you offer telemedicine?ASKSome doctors are continually booked out, while others have more immediate availability.How long do you usually need to wait to schedule an appointment?ASKMany doctor offices have a Physician’s Assistant (PA) and/or NursePractitioner (NP) on staff to help with less complicated medical needs.If you’re not available, who will be able to see me? ASKJULY 2024UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSCARE FOR ALLQuestions to ask a new doctorSE RI ES : PA RT 1Studies show that a strong doctor-patient relationship often leads to better health outcomes. If it’s time to find a new doctor, start with your insurance plan tolocate providers in your network who are accepting new patients. You can usually call your insurance company or locate a list on their website. From that list, here are some questions to consider as you’re making your decision. If you have existing medical conditions or diagnoses, it’s important to make sure your prospective doctor has theexperience to treat your needs. Board-certified physicians have passed added written and oral exams to endorsetheir skills and knowledge in their specialty area(s).What experience do you have with my existing conditions?ASKBeyond these questions, ask yourself whether you feel comfortable with the doctor. Can you see yourself askingthem embarrassing questions? Or being vulnerable in front of them? Trust doesn’t form overnight, but trust is akey part of a strong doctor-patient relationship. Back to Home Back to July

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Understand your benefitsRegister now See the recording Share your thoughtsTuesday, July 92pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after July 9)JULY 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESHOW TO INVEST FOR SUCCESSA beginner's guideIt’s time to demystify the complexities of investingand simplify concepts like risk management, portfoliodiversification, and building long-term wealth.Whether you're new to investing or looking to learnmore, this webinar is here to help you make informedinvestment decisions and set yourself on the road tofinancial security. Invest smarter, not harder. Investment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home Back to July

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AUGUST2 0 2 4 Share your thoughtsLEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREFINANCESWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURLEARN MORELEARN MOREStay groundedStress is unavoidable—here’s how tomanage it effectivelyCare for allFinding affirming care providers(LGBTQ, neurodivergent, minority)SE RI E S: P ART 2 SE RI E S: P ART 2Family support: back to school3 ways to take the sting out of back toschoolPrevention protectionPlan for seasonal vaccines – oftencovered 100%Planning to retireUnderstanding your social securitybenefitsnext month . prior monthLEARN MOREPlanning to retireMedicare made easySE RI E S: P ART 2SE RI E S: P ART 1 Back to Home

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Back to Home Back to August Share your thoughtsMore wellbeing tipsTo make the back-to-school transition easier forchildren try organizing a play date with one or more oftheir friends from school. During school transitions,exposure to a familiar peer can aid in a child’s academicand emotional adjustment.SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGFAMILY SUPPORT: BACK TO SCHOOL3 ways to take the sting out of back to schoolAUGUST 2024Organize a play date for your childbefore school startsGetting prepared to go back to school can be an emotional transition time for children and parents; the end of summer quickly arrives and soon back to school jitters kick in.Often, feelings of anticipation will lead to children showing signs of nervousness, stress, and anxiety. These feelings may be tied to adopting a new routine, schoolwork, and social interactions. Try implementing the following tactics at home to take the sting out of back-to-school season: Make the back-to-school transition easier by practicingyour family’s routine for school days prior to theacademic year’s start. Set a realistic bedtime for yourchild to get them acclimated, help prepare their schooloutfit and materials the night before, and comemorning, have them wake up on time and eat anutritious breakfast. This will help create a routine andease them into the new year school year when the timecomes,Rehearse school day routines prior tothe actual start of schoolShift any negative views and sentiment surroundingend of summer and back-to-school season by having acelebratory dinner or small party. This allows childrento associate positive emotions and excitement with thestart of school. Make back-to-school a positiveoccasion for children Source: Hopkins Medicine

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Reducing stress Share your thoughtsSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGAUGUST 2024STAY GROUNDEDStress is unavoidable – here’s how to manage it effectivelySE RI ES : PA RT 2More wellbeing tipsEveryone experiences stress.Stress is our body’s innate, physiological reaction that triggers a release of hormones, allowing us to respond quickly to dangerous situations or challenges. Itencompasses our “fight or flight” response. Stress is not always bad; it can protect us from danger and help us push through difficult tasks. However, too muchstress can negatively impact our physical and mental health. Chronic stress is stress that persists over long periodsof time. It can lead to feelings of fatigue, insomnia,aches or pains and behavior changes. In the long term,chronic stress has been linked to cardiovasculardiseases, diabetes, obesity, substance abuse, andmental illness.Chronic stress Everyone experiences stress differently Stress can look different for everyone. Some situationsmay cause stress for one individual, but not another. Thisis why it is important to get to the root of what isspecifically causing stress for you. Common sources of stress could include but are notlimited to: dissatisfaction with career, excessiveworkloads, lack of opportunities, social or familydemands, lack of supports, caregiving, interpersonalturmoil, or other obligations. Taking time to reflectinternally may help identify root causes of stress. Preventing bad stress at work and outside ofwork At work, unmanaged stress leads to a decrease inmotivation and eventually cause burn-out. In ourpersonal lives, stress may reduce our morale and ourability to do the things we enjoy. We can equip ourselvesto manage stress so that it does not impede our ability tofunction in our day-to-day lives. Source: Hopkins Medicine Back to Home Back to August

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Share your thoughtsLearn about stressSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGAUGUST 2024SE RI ES : PA RT 2Here are some techniques to manage stress both in and out of work… Understand your benefitsSTAY GROUNDEDStress is unavoidable – here’s how to manage it effectively (continued)Take charge in the moment It is normal for emotions to fluctuate duringthe workday and to feel periods of stress. Tofind relief from overwhelm, try walkingoutside, engaging in deep breathingexercises, or listening to calming music toease your mind. Take breaks Take small breaks throughout the day torecharge, stretch and clear your mind.Consider setting aside time for activities youenjoy. Also ensure you take personal time orvacations to unplug and help you to relax.Manage time and energy effectively Time management can help us reach our dailyand long-term goals more efficiently, whichcan ease feelings of worry. Try the following:using a planner or reminder app on yourmobile device to track tasks, time batching,delegating tasks to avoid the burn of a heavyworkload, setting boundaries around time,and setting aside un-interrupted work time.Find perspective Our bodies do not effectively distinguishbetween physical, dangerous situations andemotional situations; most often, the stressresponse is engaged in both scenarios. Tocombat stress in non-dangerous situations,consider your perspectives. Try reflecting onwhat is most important you, control what youcan, and avoid overthinking minor, dailydisturbances. Reduce stress to prevent burnout at work Manage stress in your personal life Socialize Connecting with family, friends, or individualsin your community can boost your mood andtake your mind off daily stressors. Tryscheduling time, or even bringing anotherindividual with you for daily errands. Exercise Movement can increase your feel-goodendorphins and improve your spiritsthroughout the day 3. Try daily walks,workouts, or any other form of movement thatenergizes you. Disconnect It is normal to feel overwhelmed fromconstant exposure to the internet and media.Try setting time limits on social mediascrolling or monitoring the content you view. Unwind Aim to have a consistent sleep schedule. Trysetting aside time in your day to focus onrelaxation. Consider meditation, yoga, ordeep breathing exercises to decompress. Back to Home Back to August

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Support your wellbeing Share your thoughtsMore benefits informationCheck with your child’s pediatrician for childhoodimmunizations like measles, whooping cough(pertussis), chickenpox, Hepatitis A and B, and more.These are often delivered on a schedule designed tomaximize your child’s protection. See more about childhood vaccines For childrenVaccine recommendations can vary by age, health risks,and pregnancy/nursing status. Check with your doctorfor their recommendations based on your individualhealth needs. See more about adult vaccines For adultsFind a health center and ask about vaccines See free or low-cost vaccine programs by state PREVENTION PROTECTION Plan for seasonal vaccines – often covered 100%UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSAUGUST 2024The start of autumn and back-to-school means flu season is almost here. Check with your doctor to seewhich vaccine(s) are right for you to stay protected. Remember - vaccines for adults and children areoften covered 100% as preventive care. Need a COVID booster or flu shot? Many local pharmacies offer these with little to no wait. If you don’t have health insurance, low-cost or no-cost vaccines might still be available to you. Back to Home Back to August

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Manage your financesMore benefits information Share your thoughtsThe OutList LGBTQ+ Healthcare Directory MyTransHealth Mental health / therapists: Psychology Today LGBTQ+Health care is care for all of you, and all that makes you who you are. Affirming, culturally competent health care providers contribute to positive health andwellbeing outcomes. See general tips to find a culturally competent provider (this is mental health-focused, but it applies to health care as well) Note that these resources do not ensure network participation; please check your insurance network before scheduling an appointment. Culturally competent care: the ability to provide quality, individualized care for people with a variety of diverse values, beliefs, customs, languages, cultures, and behaviors. UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSAUGUST 2024CARE FOR ALLFinding affirming care providersSE RI ES : PA RT 2Select your state, then All filters Scroll to sexuality and make a selectionBlack Doctors USA HUED Mental health / therapists: Psychology TodayPeople of colorSelect your state, then All filters Scroll to ethnicity and make a selectionNeurodiverse affirming providers Mental health / therapists: Psychology Today NeurodiverseSelect your state, then All filters Scroll to issues and make a selectionDisclaimer: The information and links provided by OneDigital are intended to be additional resources, however it's important to note that we do not control the content of external websites andthat these external resources are not monitored, endorsed, or vetted by OneDigital. We encourage you to verify network participation, competency, and medical proficiency prior to engaging aprovider for health care services. Back to Home Back to August

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AUGUST 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESPLANNING TO RETIREUnderstanding your Social Security benefitsUnderstand your benefitsWhether you're approaching retirement or simplyseeking to maximize your Social Security income, thiswebinar will be a comprehensive guide to help youmake informed decisions for a financially securefuture.Register now See the recordingTuesday, August 132pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.Planning to retire: understandingyour Social Security benefits (Available after August 13) Share your thoughtsInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home Back to AugustManage your financesSE RI ES : PA RT 1

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Register now See the recording Share your thoughts Back to Home Back to AugustAUGUST 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESPLANNING TO RETIREMedicare made easyMaking decisions about Medicare can leave youfeeling overwhelmed and uncertain. After all, you aremaking important healthcare decisions that can affectthe rest of your life. This comprehensive session willguide you through the ins and outs of Medicare tohelp you make informed decisions about yourhealthcare coverage. Tuesday, August 272pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.Planning to retire: Medicare madeeasy (Available after August 27)Investment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital.Manage your financesSE RI ES : PA RT 2

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SEPTEMBER2 0 2 4 prior month Share your thoughtsFINANCESWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURStay groundedHow to maintain a support system ina digital worldCare for allSelecting a medical plan: what toknow about the different typesLEARN MORELEARN MORESE RI E S: P ART 3 SE RI E S: P ART 3LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MORESuicide prevention &awareness4 things to knowMental health resources5 ways to care for your mental healthPlanning to RetireCreating a reliable retirement incomestream LEARN MOREPlanning to RetireThe emotions of retirementSE RI E S: P ART 4SE RI E S: P ART 3next month . Back to Home

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Back to HomeBack to September Share your thoughtsMore wellbeing tipsMythFactIndividuals who talk about suicide are lookingfor attention. Most often, talk regarding self-harm and suicide is related to distress and should beinterpreted as a cry for help. Individuals who die by suicide are selfishand/or weak. Individuals who take their own life often experience significant emotional distress,preventing them from recognizing and choosing alternative options. Suicide often occurs without any warningsigns. The majority of the time, individuals display warning signs that they are struggling, indistress, or thinking about suicide. Education on warning signs is critical forprevention. Talking to someone about suicidal thoughtswill make them more likely to follow throughwith actions. In fact, the opposite is likely true. When an individual is able to share concerns, theymay feel less pressure. This can be a step towards saving someone’s life. Need help? The National Lifeline is here.SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGSUICIDE PREVENTION & AWARENESS4 things to knowSEPTEMBER 2024Suicide is a leading cause of death globally. According to the CDC, suicide is defined as death by injuring oneself with the intent to die. There are manymisconceptions around suicide—recognizing myths and combatting them is key to breaking stigma and preventing future suicides. Source: Mayo Clinic9 8 8Call or textEnglish and SpanishDay and night

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Share your thoughtsMore wellbeing tipsSocial connection strategiesAccording to the CDC, social connectedness is thedegree to which people have and perceive a desirednumber of quality relationships that create a sense ofbelonging, being valued and supported. Individuals inour support systems often have qualities we admireand may include family members, friends, mentors,colleagues and many others. Our support systems play an integral role in ouroverall health and wellbeing by providing a safe havenin times of stress and need through listening, offeringempathy, and sharing advice. What is social connectedness?There is a positive correlation between mental healthand the strength of social connection; having a strongsupport system can reduce feelings of stress, depression,and anxiety.A support system can improve an individual’s ability tocope with challenges as they arise. Individuals with stronger social bonds have a 50%increase in likelihood of survival and longevity; relatedto physiological benefits such as reduced bloodpressure, improved immunity, and increased longevity.The absence of a support system can be extremelydetrimental and serve as a gateway to other ailmentsincluding mortality. SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGSEPTEMBER 2024STAY GROUNDEDEveryone needs connection – here’s how to maintain a support system in a digital world.SE RI ES : PA RT 3By nature, humans are social creatures; however, in a fast-paced digital world, it can be hard to maintain a support system in which we feel a genuine connectionwith others. Technology has become increasingly accessible and is playing a more central role in our day-to-day lives. Despite advances in technology that allowindividuals to form connections virtually, people are feeling lonelier and more disconnected than ever.Research shows:Source: Psychology Today; CDC Back to HomeBack to September

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Share your thoughts Understand your benefitsSocial connectionsBuild and enhance social connections:Examine your current relationships; continue to invest time, effort and energy tomaintain regular contact through phone, text, or spending time together.Join social clubs, volunteer for a cause, meet your neighbors, or look for other ways toconnect with individuals around shared passions and interests. Look to enhanceyour network by connecting with individuals from multiple different backgrounds,ages and experiences.Acknowledge and reach out for support when you need it—from family members,friends and even a healthcare provider; be willing to offer a listening ear,encouragement and care to others as well.Overcome barriers to social connections by being intentional: express gratitude, findways to connect while doing regular activities (e.g., going to the gym or runningerrands); and use technology as an aid and not a replacement for face-to-faceconnection.SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGSEPTEMBER 2024SE RI ES : PA RT 3Source: CDCSTAY GROUNDEDEveryone needs connection – here’s how to maintain a support system in a digital world. (continued)It is important to recognize that relationships are a two-way street; therefore,remember to treat individuals the way you want to be treated. Back to HomeBack to September

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Support your wellbeingUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSMENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES5 ways to care for your mental healthSEPTEMBER 2024 Share your thoughtsMore benefits informationMental health is complex. It’s part of our thoughts, emotions, habits, priorities, energy levels, appetite, feelings, relationships, finances, and every other part ofour lives. Take a moment to check in with yourself. Need a little mental health maintenance? Here are some care tips: Do something nice for someone. Smile at a stranger. Complimentsomeone’s outfit. Wave at a baby in the grocery store. Or bringsomeone’s garbage cans in for them. Even small acts of kindness canincrease levels of dopamine and serotonin in your brain – an instantboost to your mood, feelings of satisfaction, and overall wellbeing.Everyday mental healthEducate yourself on what mental health is – and isn’t. Health is morethan activity and what you eat – it’s your state of mind as well. In an ageof social media psychologists, make sure you’re getting information fromcredible sources. Here are a few places to start: Learn about mental health conditions: Substance Abuse & MentalHealth Services Administration (SAMHSA), Cleveland Clinic, andMayo Clinic Veterans and service members Getting support Talk to someone. Whether a trusted friend or family member, your doctor or therapist, or the 988 Crisis Line –talking to someone can help ease your burden or stress. With nearly 1 in 4 US adults experiencing a mentalhealth condition, you’re not alone if you need assistance. When things get toughTry counseling. Whether in-person or virtual (through secure teleconference), counseling can help you workthrough challenges, learn or refine skills, navigate a big life change, or remain a long-term partner in caring foryour mental health. Virtual and in-person sessions are often available depending on your provider andmedical insurance. Research mental health providers by state, specialty, and more (confirm insurance coverage) Learn about medication options. Medication – whether short-term or long-term – can be a helpful tool tomanage your mental health. Your primary doctor will likely refer you to a psychiatrist, a medical doctorspecializing in mental health, to prescribe and manage medication. Remember: whatever it is, you don’t have to go through it alone. Back to HomeBack to September

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Share your thoughtsMore benefits informationNetwork access and referral requirementsType & definitionDoctor/provider choicePrimary care physician (PCP)Seeing a specialistHMO: Health MaintenanceOrganizationIn-network only except for trueemergenciesMay be required to useinsurance-owned facilities (like Kaiser)Must select your specific primary care physician orone might be selected for youInsurance requires a referral from your primary carephysicianEPO:Exclusive ProviderOrganizationIn-network only except for trueemergenciesA primary care physician selection is generally notrequiredInsurance usually does not require a referral from yourprimary care physician, but the specialist mightPOS : Point-of-ServiceIn- and out-of-network careA primary care physician selection may be requiredInsurance often requires a referral from your primary carephysicianPPO: Preferred providerorganizationIn- and out-of-network careA primary care physician relationship is encouraged,but not recorded by the insurance companyInsurance often does not require a referral from yourprimary care physician, but the specialist mightUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSSEPTEMBER 2024SE RI ES : PA RT 3Medical plans are often categorized by network access and referral requirements, and HSA or HRA access.Know what the different plan types mean so you’re ready when it’s time to make a plan choice.CARE FOR ALLSelecting a medical plan: what to know about the different typesHSA or HRA access Back to HomeBack to September

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Manage your finances Share your thoughtsMore medical plan typesHSA or HRA accessType & definitionWhat to knowHRA Health Reimbursement Arrangement The HRA is tied to a specific medical plan Your employer sets aside a specific dollar amount for you to use towardsqualifying medical expenses You are not able to contribute to an HRAHDHP with HSA High Deductible Health Plan withHealth Savings Account Learn more about HSAs HSAs come with a qualified HDHP (sometimes called CDHP). These plans: meet minimum deductible and maximum expense requirements only cover preventive care before the deductible is met usually cost less (have lower premiums) than other medical plans may have a family deductible if you cover any dependents (each personwould contribute to one family deductible instead of having per-persondeductibles)Annual cost for coverage (premium)Out-of-pocket maximumTotal maximum liabilityUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSSEPTEMBER 2024SE RI ES : PA RT 3CARE FOR ALLSelecting a medical plan: what to know about the different types (continued)(all plan types above may come with either an HSA or HRA)Along with these items, consider adding yourannual cost for coverage (premium) to the out-of-pocket maximum for each plan to get yourtotal maximum liability for the year. for in-network, covered careOnly you can decide which plan type is best foryou. Back to HomeBack to September

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SEPTEMBER 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESPLANNING TO RETIRECreating a reliable retirement income streamUnderstand your benefitsWe all have our dreams for our time spent afterretirement. But, to make those a reality, we needto prepare for how we will be funding them. Join us as we delve into essential strategies forcreating a sustainable retirement income plan.Register now See the recordingTuesday, September 102pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.Planning to retire: creating a reliableretirement income stream (Available after September 10) Share your thoughtsInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to HomeBack to September Manage your financesSE RI ES : PA RT 3

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SEPTEMBER 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESPLANNING TO RETIREThe emotions of retirementWhen you think of everything that goes intoplanning your retirement, the emotional aspectsare often overlooked. In this session, we explorethe emotional journey people experience as theyapproach retirement and offer insights intonavigating the feelings of excitement, uncertainty,and identity shift that retirement can bring. Register now See the recordingTuesday, September 242pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.Planning to retire: the emotions ofretirement(Available after September 24) Share your thoughtsInvestment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to HomeBack to September Manage your financesSE RI ES : PA RT 4

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LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREOCTOBER2 0 2 4next month .FINANCESWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOUR Share your thoughtsConnect with what mattersMovement matters for everyoneBenefits 101Health benefits: medical, dental,visionLEARN MORELEARN MORESE RI E S: P ART 1 SE RI E S: P ART 1Breast cancer awareness3 things you might not know aboutscreening (men also)Understand insurance costsDefining costs for coverage and careDecoding your employeebenefitsWhat your benefits mean for yourfinances prior month Back to Home

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More wellbeing tips Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to OctoberSYMPTOMSBreast cancer affects about 1 in 8 women; and 1 in every 100 men. Knowing risks and conducting preventive screenings can go a long way for earlydetection, treatment and remission. In recent years, the rate of survival after a breast cancer diagnosis has increased.Here are 3 things you may not realize: OCTOBER 2024SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGBREAST CANCER AWARENESS3 things you might not know (men, too)INITIAL DISCOVERYRISK FACTORSWomen often find initial symptoms on theirown. Knowing your body, including how yourbreasts look and feel, is key to recognizingchanges. Lumps in the breast are not the onlysymptoms of breast cancer; skin irritation,abnormal nipple discharge, and thickening ofskin on breast can be cause reach out to ahealthcare professional.It is critical to be aware of risk factors, includingfamily history. For men, older age, obesity andestrogen-related medications for conditions such asprostate cancer can increase the risk of developingbreast cancer.

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Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to OctoberMore wellbeing tipsOCTOBER 2024SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGSE RI ES : PA RT 1CONNECT WITH WHAT MATTERSMovement matters for everyone—give these ideas a try Physical activity is critical for overall health andwellbeing—regardless of age or health status.Regular movement has been associated withmanaging weight, strengthening bones andmuscles, improved mental health, increasedlongevity, and reduced risk of developing chronicdiseases. Physical activity can range from walking at a lightpace to running or shoveling snow; however, tomeet the National Institute of Health’s guidelines,an individual has to complete the equivalent of 150to 300 minutes of physical activity in a week.Despite its many benefits, less than 26 percent ofAmerican adults, and 20 percent of Americanadolescents report sufficient physical activity. It canbe hard to fit regular exercise into busy schedules—especially when stress can drain your energy.If you are short on time, identify little parts of your daywhere you can engage in physical activity. Try to take aten-minute walk or stretch between meetings, use thestairs instead of elevator, create a schedule fordifferent types of physical activity, and make smallchanges like using a standing desk. TimeOvercoming barriers to physical activityBored of your regular routine? Think more broadly.Spend time outside with your family—getting fresh air,walking the dog, visiting a local park or attraction (likean aquarium), or trying something new. For example, alocal dance class with your partner is a great idea forfun and movement.IdeasLack of motivation is a major deterrent to regularmovement; however, by focusing on things thatinterest you, you can increase your enjoyment. Also trymaking it social—invite a friend to join you on a walk orcheck out a local class together. You could also tryactivities as a family!MotivationUnsure of where to start, or need more education?Many exercises require you only to use what is at yourdisposal—natural hills, trails, or stairs. If you are lookingto learn something new, try a class, exercise app,orgather information on a new technique. SkillsUnderstand your benefits

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Support your wellbeingMore benefits informationPremiumYour premium is the amount you pay for a benefit plan,usually through paycheck deductions. You pay thisamount regardless of whether you use the coverage.DeductibleThe amount you’re responsible for paying in care expenses beforeyour plan starts paying deductible-eligible expenses. Know what the deductible applies to. Look for items with ‘DED thenyou pay...’ language in your benefit guide. If you have a HDHP medicalplan with HSA, all non-preventive care is subject to the deductible.CoinsuranceAfter you’ve met your deductible, you’re sometimes responsiblefor a percentage of the medical or dental care or prescriptionmedication received. This percentage is coinsurance. CopayA flat fee you pay each time you receive a copay-eligible medical,dental, or vision service or prescription medication.Out-of-pocket maximumThe most you’ll pay for covered in-network medicalcare and prescription drugs in a year. This includes yourdeductible, coinsurance, and copays.PremiumAnnual cost for coverageOut-of-pocket maximumAnnual maximum cost for covered in-network careMaximum annual liabilityAnnual maximum cost for coverage and care Budget tip! Know your maximum annual liabilityWhen selecting your medical plan, be sure you know your maximum potential cost for coverage and care.OCTOBER 2024UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSUNDERSTANDING INSURANCE COSTSDefining costs for coverage and careWhen you’re choosing your benefits, consider which doctors and facilities are available to you, whether referrals are required for specialists, how care iscovered, and whether you anticipate any major needs during the year (like pregnancy or surgery). Once you have this information, here's what to know aboutcosts for care and coverage.Limit surprises! Budget for this amount Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to October

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Manage your financesMore benefits informationMedical insuranceDental insuranceVision insuranceWhat itcoversRoutine and emergency medical care andprescription drugsIncludes coverage for preventive care (annual examsand immunizations), routine care, emergencies,surgery and hospitalizations, mental health care,and more.Dental exams, cleanings, and oral careIncludes coverage for preventive exams, cleanings,and x-rays. May cover extractions (tooth removal),implants, crowns, and orthodontic care (braces)depending on your plan. Annual eye exams plus glasses or contact lensesIncludes annual standard eye exams to check yourvision and overall eye health. If needed, prescriptionglasses (lenses and frames) OR contact lenses areavailable.Why itmattersMedical insurance provides financial protectionwhen you need health care, whether routine or in anemergency. Regular dental care helps more than just your smile –it can even help your heart. Annual eye exams help keep your vision sharp,especially if you have a condition like diabetes.What toknowIf something major happens, like hospitalization orsurgery, the out-of-pocket maximum is a betterindicator of your costs (along with your cost forcoverage). Tip: Regardless of your medical plan, trueemergency care is covered as in-network even ifyou get care at an out-of-network facility. If your dental plan offers out-of-network care and youuse a dentist who isn’t part of your network, you’lllikely receive a bill – even for preventive care. This isdue to balance billing, when a non-network providercharges you the difference between what insurancepays and how much they charge. There’s often a frame allowance, which means thevision plan will pay up to a certain amount for framesand you’ll be responsible for any difference. You’re also usually responsible for certain lens add-ons, like anti-reflective coatings or tints. Like most plans, you’ll get a higher benefit if you usean in-network provider.OCTOBER 2024UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSBENEFITS 101Health: medical, dental, and vision SE RI ES : PA RT 1 Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to October

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Understand your benefitsRegister now See the recordingTuesday, OCTOBER 82pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.(Available after OCTOBER 9)OCTOBER 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESDECODING YOUR EMPLOYEE BENEFITSWhat your benefits mean for your financesWhether you're a new employee or a seasonedprofessional, it’s important to understand yourbenefits package. Join us as we break down varioustypes of employee benefits such as health insurance,retirement plans, stock options, and more. What your benefits mean for yourfinances.Investment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home Share your thoughts Back to October

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NOVEMBER2024next month . prior month Share your thoughtsLEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREFINANCESWELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURLEARN MORELEARN MOREConnect with what mattersPractice gratitude to improve healthand happinessBenefits 101Financial: HSA, FSA, life anddisability, retirementSE RI E S: P ART 2 SE RI E S: P ART 2Tips and tricks for raisingmoney-smart kidsHow to talk finance with your kidsPreventive care reminder3 appointments to make this yearPrescription drugsWhat to know and ways to save Back to Home

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Back to Home Back to November Share your thoughtsMore wellbeing tipsSchedule an annual physical with your primary careprovider to ensure that your blood pressure,cholesterol, vitals, and any other preventive tests are ina normal range; also ensure appropriate vaccinationsare up-to-date. Preventive tests help you stay healthyand can increase longevity. SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGPREVENTIVE CARE REMINDER3 appointments to make this yearNOVEMBER 2024Annual Physical with your PrimaryCare PhysicianMost people go to the doctor when they are sick; however, some illnesses do not develop as quickly as others. It can be hard to remember to schedule regular preventiveappointments—especially if you have a busy schedule. However, it is important to prioritize your health and total wellbeing by making preventive appointments part of yourroutine. Schedule the following appointments: According to the American Dental Association,individuals should visit their dentist for a check up andcleaning twice a year. Dental health can have a largeimpact on our wellbeing and self-image; and dentalillnesses may increase our risk of developing otherdiseases.Dental checkup with a Dentist Many eye conditions do not have obvious symptomsbut can be treated with early detection. Maintain eyehealth and protect your vision by visiting anOptometrist to get regular screenings and fightdiseases like Glaucoma.Annual Eye Exam with an Optometrist Source: Cleveland Clinic Source: ADA Source: AOA

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SUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGNOVEMBER 2024CONNECT WITH WHAT MATTERESPractice gratitude to improve health and happinessSE RI ES : PA RT 2More wellbeing tipsWhat does it mean to practice gratitude?Gratitude encompasses an overall feeling of appreciation and thankfulness. It isimportant to differentiate gratitude from simply being happy. Practicing gratitude doesnot mean ignoring negative circumstances and emotions but rather searching for andrecognizing the good aspects of our lives.Source: ForbesHow to practice gratitudeHow is gratitude related to health and happiness?Practicing gratitude is associated with decreased stress, improved cognition, as well asimproved mental health, physical health, and overall wellbeing. Practicing gratitude canalso help us connect with others and reduce negative emotions. When we extendgratitude outwards, we often feel more content with our own lives. Additionally,gratitude can increase our resilience, helping us cope with challenges we face.Tap into your why Working towards goals takes time,and it is easy to feel like caught upin daily, mundane tasks. Tryreflecting on the reasoning behindtasks to help provide direction inyour life. Consider writing downlong and short-term goals to gain anappreciation for the steps along theway. Focus on the goodWhen life becomes overwhelming, itcan be difficult to remain positive.Consider keeping a gratitude journalto reflect on aspects of your life youare grateful for—this can help youtrain your brain to find the positiveand mitigate stress. Here are sometips to get started.Give back People who are actively involved inimproving their community tend to havehigher levels of wellbeing. Giving back canhelp us to appreciate what we have,connect us with a broader sense ofpurpose, and connect us with others. Joinvolunteer organizations or practice dailyacts of kindness to increase gratitude.Connect with others Our sense of connectivity isdirectly linked with our totalwellbeing. Connect betterwith others by expressingappreciation. Try saying thankyou often, or even writingthank you notes to people inyour life. Empathize and reflect It is normal to focus on our own livesand emotions; however, focusingtoo much on ourselves can increasefeelings of discontent, pressure andnegativity. Imagining yourself inothers’ shoes can help youunderstand a different perspectiveand tune into the bigger picture. Source: GallupUnderstand your benefits Back to Home Back to November Share your thoughts

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Support your wellbeingMore benefits informationThis can change sometimes, so it’s always a good ideato check! Your medical ID card (or prescription ID card,if it’s separate) should have a link to check forparticipating pharmacies.Know what pharmacies are in-networkMedication that’s advertised on television, billboards,or social media is generally among the most expensive.It doesn’t mean they aren’t effective, but genericmedications are often available at a fraction of the cost.Go genericIf you take regular medications, mail order is often lessexpensive – and more convenient. Your doctor cansubmit a 90-day prescription and the medication willbe sent directly to you. This is available for mostmedications, but not all. Consider mail orderMany medications have alternate options that treat thesame condition. Sometimes, certain medications arecovered and others aren’t. If your doctor prescribes anon-covered medication, they may need to consider analternative.Know about alternativesHave leftover or expired medication?Make plans to dispose of it safely, especially if it’s addictive or dangerous (like opioid painkillers). The FDA has permanent drug collection sites alongwith periodic takeback events to help keep you, yourfamily, and your community safe.PRESCRIPTION DRUGSWhat to know and ways to saveUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSNOVEMBER 2024It’s important to fill and take your doctor-prescribed medication as directed. Here’s what to know whenyou get a prescription: Back to Home Back to November Share your thoughts

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More benefits informationUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSBENEFITS 101Financial: HSA, FSA, life and disability, retirementSE RI ES : PA RT 2NOVEMBER 2024Health Savings Account (HSA)Health Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)Dependent Care AccountHow itworksPay for current and future eligible health (medical,dental, vision, prescription) expenses with pre-taxmoney.Pay for current eligible health (medical, dental, vision,prescription) expenses with pre-tax money. Pay for current eligible dependent care expenses withpre-tax money.Why itmattersHealth expenses are inevitable. A Health SavingsAccount allows you to save money for expenses thathappen this year, next year, or in 5 years. Your fundsnever expire and continue to roll over year after year.Learn more about HSAsSave money by paying for health care expenses with pre-tax funds. You can usually enroll in a health care FSAregardless of your medical plan enrollment – unlessyou’re actively contributing to an HSA (learn more). Make your dependent care dollars go further by payingup to $5,000 each year with pre-tax dollars. What toknowYou must be enrolled in a qualified High DeductibleHealth Plan (HDHP) to contribute to an HSA. Themoney is always yours to use for qualified expenses –regardless of the medical plan you’re enrolled in whenyou need the money. Learn more about HSA eligibilityYou can contribute up to a certain maximum each year.You may be able to roll over a portion of unused funds tothe next year.Be sure to keep your receipts for all FSA transactions.Only the amount you’ve actually contributed year-to-dateis available for use at any time. Qualifying dependentsinclude children under 13, disabled adult children, ordisabled tax dependents (spouse, parents, etc.) underyour care.Life, disability, retirement Back to Home Back to November Share your thoughts

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Manage your financesMore benefits informationUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSBENEFITS 101Financial: HSA, FSA, life and disability, retirement (continued)SE RI ES : PA RT 2NOVEMBER 2024Life insuranceDisability insuranceRetirementWhat itcoversPays a lump sum benefit if you pass away whilecovered.Can provide continuing income if you’re unable to workdue to illness or injury.Provides income in retirement once you’re no longerworking. Why itmattersLost income and expenses related to losing a familymember can be financially devastating. Life insurancecan help lessen the blow. Disability can happen to anyone, and the bills still need tobe paid. Knowing you’ll continue to receive a paycheckcan help your finances – and your health. Nearly 1 in 3 adults over 65 are financially insecure. Ashealth care, housing, and food costs continue to rise,retirement savings are increasingly more important. What toknowYou’ll designate a beneficiary to receive the insurancebenefit. Make sure to review this regularly!There are two kinds of disability: short-term and long-term. Your doctor will need to provide information toyour insurance company.It's never too early to begin saving for retirement! If youremployer offers a match, try to contribute enough tomake the most of the employer match. Learn more aboutfinances and savings. Back to Home Back to November Share your thoughts

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NOVEMBER 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCESTIPS AND TRICKS FOR RAISING MONEY-SMART KIDS How to talk finance with your kidsUnderstand your benefitsYou might be one of the many Americans who wishthey’d learned more about money growing up. Forbetter or worse, our childhood experiences oftendrive our financial decisions as adults. We want tohelp you empower your kids when it comes to moneyand give them a head start. Join us as we explorestrategies you can introduce to your family for healthymoney habits from an early age. Register now See the recordingTuesday, NOVEMBER 122pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded. How to talk finance with your kids.(Available after NOVEMBER 13)Investment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to Home Back to November Share your thoughts

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prior month Share your thoughtsFINANCESLEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREDECEMBER2 0 2 4WELLBEINGSUPPORT YOURBENEFITSUNDERSTAND YOURFINANCESMANAGE YOURConnect with what mattersBoost your mental health with smallacts of kindnessBenefits 101Life and family: mental health care,pet insurance, additional benefits SE RI E S: P ART 3 SE RI E S: P ART 32025 market outlookDive into the key takeaways from2024 going into the new yearHealth over the holidays3 ways to care for your mental health& wellbeingFSA dollars3 surprising ways to spend FSAdollars Back to Home

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Back to HomeBack to December Share your thoughtsMore wellbeing tipsSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGHEALTH OVER THE HOLIDAYS3 ways to care for your mental health & wellbeingDECEMBER 2024The holiday season can be a time to connect with family and friends, honor religious observances, and reflect on the previous year. Social gatherings, shoppingand gift-giving, and breaks from the hustle of work often bring feelings of excitement and comfort. Regardless of how you celebrate, the busy-ness of holidayactivities can also bring on feelings of stress and fatigue. Here are three ways to take care of yourself during this holiday season:Social events can be enjoyable, but may also beoverwhelming. Setting personal boundaries ahead oftime and vocalizing these boundaries to your peers canhelp ease your mind. This can look like the following:taking time to relax, avoiding situations that causeunnecessary pressure, or even skipping out on the nextevent to charge your social battery.Set boundariesSocial media can be a fun way to connect with lovedones during the holiday season; however, sometimes itcan lead us to unnecessarily compare ourselves toothers and feel as though we are missing out. Tryactive listening and eliminating distractions in themoment to stay engaged and focused on what makesthe holidays special to you.Be present in the momentThe holidays are often a time we focus on the otherpeople in our lives, and it can be easy to lose sight ofour own emotions and wellbeing. Remember topractice self-care during the holidays, take breaks,prioritize sleep and work towards balance. Check in on yourselfEveryone experiences the holidays differently; remember to extend kindness and acceptance towards your community during this holiday season!

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More wellbeing tipsSocial connection strategiesSend a thoughtful messageText a friend or family member just to let them know you'rethinking about them.Volunteer your timeSpend a few hours volunteering at a local shelter orcommunity center.Leave a positive noteWrite an encouraging note and leave it where someone willfind it, like on a colleague’s desk or a public bulletin board.Hold the door openA simple gesture like holding the door open for someonecan spread a bit of cheer.Donate unused itemsClear out your closet and donate items you no longer needto charity.Pay it forwardBuy a coffee for the person in line behind you at the café.Offer a helping handHelp a neighbor with their groceries or offer to walk theirdog.Compliment someoneOffer a genuine compliment to a colleague or a stranger; itcan make their day and yours.Reduced stressSUPPORT YOUR WELLBEINGDECEMBER 2024CONNECT WITH WHAT MATTERSActs of kindnessSE RI ES : PA RT 3Discover the power of kindnessIn our fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook thesmall gestures that can have a big impact on ourwellbeing. Engaging in small acts of kindness canbrighten someone else's day and significantly boostyour mental health. Research has shown that these simple, selfless actscan reduce stress, increase happiness, and foster asense of connection with others. Let's explore howyou can incorporate kindness into your everyday lifeand reap the mental health benefits:Simple acts of kindness to try todayIncorporating small acts of kindness into your daily routine is easy and rewarding. Not only will you brighten someoneelse's day, but you'll also experience the incredible mental health benefits that come with being kind. Remember, no act of kindness is too small; each gesture can make a significant difference. Give it a try and witness thepositive change in your life and the lives of those around you! Improved relationshipsBoosted self-esteemIncreased happinessAdded gratitude Back to HomeBack to December Share your thoughts

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Support your wellbeingMore benefits informationFertility care (IVF, surgery)Birth controlLactation expenses (breast pumps and supplies)Pregnancy test kitVasectomy/sterilizationFamily planningProsthetic limb(s)Braille books and magazinesHearing aidsGuide dog/service animal (purchase/training/care)WheelchairWigAdaptive services/careStop-smoking programsTherapy/psychoanalysisPsychiatric careWeight loss programHealth supportUNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSFSA DOLLARS3 surprising ways to spend FSA dollarsDECEMBER 2024Don’t let your FSA dollars expire at the end of the year! Here are three surprising ways to spend FSA dollars:Learn more about eligible expenses. Back to HomeBack to December Share your thoughts

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More benefits informationMental health carePet insuranceAdditional benefit optionsHow itworksMental health care is more accessible than ever. EAP: You may have access to an Employee AssistanceProgram (EAP) through your employer. These usuallyinclude 24/7 access to support along with financial,health, and legal resources. Therapy & psychiatry: Most medical insurance planscover mental health care (therapy, medicationmanagement, and more) the same as regular medicalcare. If you’re like most pet owners, your furry (or feathered)friends are family. Pet insurance has increased in popularity in recent years.Whether your employer offers coverage or you’repurchasing it on your own, coverage options can vary. Most plans cover emergency and accident care. Some offerpreventive care (like exams), and some have an annual orlifetime limit they’ll pay out. You may have access to additional plans like accident,critical illness, cancer coverage, or hospital indemnity. These plans are often available for purchase,separately from medical coverage, and pay benefits forvery specific diagnoses or treatments. Some plans pay a lump sum based on the diagnosis,and some pay certain amounts based on treatmentsreceived.Why itmattersThere’s been an increased cultural focus on mentalhealth in recent years – and for good reason. Takingcare of your mind is just as important as taking care ofyour physical health. Vet care has come a long way in recent years, and there’s afinancial cost associated with it. Pet insurance can helpprotect your pet and your finances.An accident, unexpected diagnosis, or hospital staycan impact your finances – even with medicalinsurance. These plans can help provide a financialbuffer.What toknowIf you or someone you know needs help, 988 is available24/7/365 in English and Spanish. Call, text, chat, or goonline. Learn more about psychologists andpsychiatrists. Not all plans are equal! Ask how the plan calculatespayments: the actual vet bill or a “reasonable andcustomary” amount. In most cases, you’ll receive a greaterbenefit from plans that pay based on the actual vet bill.When considering these plans, consider what theycover, what they pay out, and how much they cost.Some plans pay a health screening benefit when youget specific preventive services or tests. UNDERSTAND YOUR BENEFITSDECEMBER 2024SE RI ES : PA RT 3BENEFITS 101Life and family: mental health care, pet insurance, additional benefit options Manage your finances Back to HomeBack to December Share your thoughts

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DECEMBER 2024MANAGE YOUR FINANCES2025 MARKET OUTLOOKDive into the key takeaways from 2024 going into the new yearUnderstand your benefitsWe can’t predict what 2025 has in store but we canreflect on what we’ve learned in 2024 to betterprepare ourselves for the upcoming year. Join usalongside Greg DeGennaro, Director of InvestmentCommunications, as he dives into the keytakeaways from 2024 and our initial thoughts onwhat 2025 may bring.Register now See the recordingTuesday, DECEMBER 102pm CentralThis webinar will be recorded.Dive into the key takeaways from2024 going into the new year.(Available after DECEMBER 10)Investment advice offered through OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of OneDigital. Back to HomeBack to December Share your thoughts