Exclusively ThroughHEALTH PLAN CONSORTIUMA Better, Long-Term Employee Benefits Solution By leveraging a consortium of 2,000 group employers and over 200,000employees, large groups can access the national Aetna PPO Network. This consortium allows employers to retain claims surplus in good years and face onlyminor increases in poor years, with no downside. Health plans can be customized tomatch specific needs and come with a smooth renewal process. OUR PARTNERSNATIONAL AETNA PPO NETWORKAll employees and familiesgain access to this growing networkLARGE GROUPSSAVE UP TO 30%Avoid double-digit costincreasesCUSTOMIZE OR MATCHPLAN DESIGNSCustomize plans that caterto your workforceMichael Dillon Principal, Employee Benefits Broker702.217.1619 | Mike.Dillon@OneDigital.comonedigital.com