YourBenefitsEffective October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024
You must request a change to your benefitswithin 30 days of your life event (60 days forchanges involving Medicaid eligibility). Documentation may be required.Enroll nowYour benefit plans are in effect October 1 –September 30 each year. In general, there arethree times you can make benefit selections:Making benefit selectionsGetting startedEligibility Enrolling in coverageFor youYou are eligible for benefits as a full-time employeeworking at least 30 hours per week.Your Spouse Your benefits begin on the first day of the monthfollowing 30 days of employment; this is youreffective date. Be sure to submit your selectionswithin your first 30 days of employment. Your benefit selections will be in effect throughSeptember 30. When you're first eligible Open Enrollment is your one chance each year toreview your coverage options and make changes toyour benefits.Your choices are in effect from October 1 –September 30 of the following year unless you havea qualifying life event. At Open Enrollmentmarriage or divorce, birth or adoption, death of a covered dependent, and a change in eligibility through Medicare,Medicaid, or a spouse or parent's coverage. Qualifying life events allow you to change yourcoverage during the year outside of OpenEnrollment. These include: If you have a qualifying life eventYou may also cover your eligible dependents whenyou elect coverage for yourself.Covering your familyMedical, dental and vision: until age 26regardless of student or marital statusChild life insurance: until age 21, or 26 if afull-time studentDependent children are eligible:You may cover your legal spouse.Your childrenCompany Identifier: HNWS
Balance billingWhen you use an out-of-networkmedical or dental provider, theymay bill you the difference betweenwhat they charge and the amountyour insurance pays.Medical: balance billing is inaddition to – and does not counttowards – your out-of-pocketmaximum.CoinsuranceAfter you’ve met your deductible,you’re sometimes responsible for apercentage of the cost of themedical care, dental care, orprescription medication youreceived. This percentage iscoinsurance.CopayA flat fee you pay each time youreceive a copay-eligible medical,dental, or vision service orprescription medication. DeductibleThe amount you’re responsible forpaying in care expenses before themedical or dental plan starts payingdeductible-eligible expenses.In-networkIn-network care is always yourlowest-cost option. Networks aregroups of medical, dental, andvision providers, pharmacies, andfacilities that agree to discount thecost of their care or service.Out-of-pocket maximumThe most you’ll pay for covered in-network medical care in a year. Thisincludes your deductible, anycoinsurance or copays, andprescription drugs. The out-of-pocket maximum doesnot include your premium (theamount you pay for coverage), non-covered expenses, or out-of-network care that’s been balancebilled.Primary care physicianA primary care physician (PCP) isyour main medical doctor – usuallya general practitioner (GP), familydoctor, internist, OB/GYN, orpediatrician (for children).Referral/pre-authorizationSome specialty medical providersand services require a referral froma primary doctor. These may include- but are not limited to -cardiology, psychiatry, orthopedicsurgeons, rheumatology, surgery,and imaging (CT or MRI).Have questions? Your advocate is here to help youwith all things benefits. See theircontact information on the nextpage.How to handle medicalbills (4:46)Annual NoticesWe’re required to tell you about certain rights andresponsibilities you have as an employee ofHolley-Navarre Water System, Inc. You can request a paper copy at no charge from:Jarod Cross, HR Manager850.939.2427 ext. 136 / jcross@hnws-fl.comDownload nowHelpful terms & resourcesGetting startedWe've removed as much jargon as possible.But you’ll probably still encounter some terms as you enroll in and use your benefits, and wewant you to be prepared!
Medical insuranceFlorida BlueGroup: 454641.866.946.2583www.floridablue.comTelemedicineHealthiestYouGroup: HY74001.866.703.1259www.healthiestyou.comEmployee Assistance Program (EAP)PrincipalProgram Name: Principal Core1.800.450.1327www.member.magellanhealthcare.comDental insurancePrincipalGroup: 11634721.800.986.3343www.principal.comVision insurancePrincipalGroup: 11634721.800.986.3343www.principal.comLife and AD&D insurancePrincipalGroup: 11634721.800.986.3343www.principal.comDisability insurancePrincipalGroup: 11634721.800.986.3343www.principal.comLegal Insurance & Identity ProtectionLegalShield850.380.8838Tiffany informationGetting startedYour advocate, Wes Jenkins, is here to help you with claims, ID cards,coverage questions, and more!Phone: 239.301.4341 Email:
In-network careBlueOptions Plan 3559Network name:BlueOptions PPOAnnual Deductible (DED)Out-of-pocket maximum$500 Individual$1,500 Family$2,500 Individual$5,000 FamilyPreventive carePrimary care visitSpecialist visit100% covered$20$40Urgent careEmergency roomInpatient hospital careOutpatientAdv Imaging / X-Ray$45$100Option 1: $600 Option 2: $1,000$200$150 / $50Prescription drugsGeneric Preferred brand Non-preferred brand(30 days)$10 $30$50Out-of-network careAnnual deductible Out-of-pocket maximum Balance billing applies$750 / $2,250$5,000 / $10,000EMPLOYER PAID BENEFITEmployee onlyEmployee + SpouseEmployee + Child(ren)Employee + Family$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00See plan detailsMedical insuranceFind a ProviderThe information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.You'll get in-network preventive care at 100%, prescription drug coverage,and an annual limit on your expenses.Your medical plan is through Florida Blue.See your plan documents for out-of-network benefits.Deductible and Out-of-pocket maximum run on a CALENDAR YEAR (Jan 1 - Dec 31)
Access quality care in the convenience of your own home, on your lunch break,or on the way to your child’s soccer game! Whether it's a nagging cough, middle-of-the-night fever, or a suspicious-looking mole or rash — telehealth through HealthiestYou is here when youneed it. Connect with a board-certified physician 24 hours a day, 7 days aweek.Telehealth: virtual health care that fits your scheduleTotal wellbeing:caring for all of youSupport for your health, finances, and life.See Plan Details
Employee AssistanceProgram (EAP)Confidential. No one at Holley-Navarre Water System, Inc. will ever knowyou called or what was discussed.Available 24/7/365. Life doesn't happen during office hours. The EAP ishere when you need them.Family care is included. Anyone living in your home is eligible for EAPservices at no cost.Face-to-face visits. When needed, each person can receive up to threeface-to-face (or virtual) visits with a licensed counselor per issue per year.At no cost. Additional visits - if needed - will go through your healthinsurance.EAP features:24/7/365 access to care. Program Name: Principal CoreThe benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.mental health concerns (including substance abuse or addiction),adoption, parenting, or caregiving needs,financial or legal support,familial relationships and friendships,coping with day-to-day challenges, andso much more.Our Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) is a confidential service with access toguidance and resources at no cost for: Essentially, if it's part of your life, our EAP is here for you.Access support online, through live chat, or over the phone. 24/7/365.Everyone needs support sometimes (even superheroes)Care for your mind – and your life – with support throughPrincipal.Confidential care designed for all that life brings.See plan details
Stay in-network to avoid balance billing (the difference between what an out-of-network provider charges and the amount your insurance pays). Learn about dental care categoriesIn-network careDental planNetwork name:National PPOAnnual Deductible (DED)$25 per person $75 family maxAnnual maximum benefit$1,500Preventive care100% coveredBasic careDED then you pay 20%Major careDED then you pay 50%Orthodontic careCoverageLifetime maximum benefit50% (Children to age 19)$1,500EMPLOYER PAID BENEFITEmployee onlyEmployee + SpouseEmployee + Child(ren)Employee + Family$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00See plan detailsDental insuranceThe information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.You'll get in-network preventive care at 100% along with coverage for basicand major dental services.Orthodontic care is covered.Your dental coverage is through Principal.Deductible and Annual maximum benefit run on a CALENDAR YEAR (Jan 1 - Dec 31)
Vision insuranceYour vision plan covers either glasses (lenses and frames) or contact lenses each year. If you receive contact lenses, they will be instead of your glasses benefit. Benefits and frequencies are based onyour last service date.In-network careVision planNetwork name:VSPAnnual eye exam (every 12 months)$10 copayMaterials copay(lenses & frames)$10 copayLenses (every 12 months)Included in materials copayFrames(every 24 months)$150 allowanceContact lenses(every 12 months)Elective: $150 allowanceMedically necessary: 100% coveredEMPLOYER PAID BENEFITEmployee onlyEmployee + SpouseEmployee + Child(ren)Employee + Family$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00See plan detailsYou'll get an annual exam with coverage for lenses and frames, or contacts inlieu of glasses.Your vision coverage is through Principal.The information shown in this presentation is an illustrative summary only. The underlying plan contract or document governs all aspects of the plan. Finalrates are dependent on actual enrollment, insurance carrier or plan rules, plan selection, and eligibility criteria. Please refer to the plan document, contract,and other notices contained in this document, applications, and other corresponding communications for additional information.Frequencies and benefits are based on your last service date.
Basic lifeBasic AD&DHolley-Navarre Water System, Inc.provides$25,000$25,000See plan detailsFor youFor your spouseFor your child(ren)Coverageincrements$10,000$5,000$5,000 or $10,000($1,000 Birth - 14 days)Coveragemaximum$300,00050% of Employee Amount$10,000Medicalquestion limit$150,000$30,000$10,000See plan detailsyour beneficiary if you passaway due to an accidentyou a partial benefit if youlose specified bodily functions(sight, limbs, etc.)What's AD&D?Accidental death anddismemberment (AD&D)insurance may pay:Medical question limitWhen you’re first eligible (a newhire), you can purchaseadditional life insurance up tothis limit without any medicalquestions required. At Open Enrollment, you canincrease your election by 2increments ($20k for EE, $10k forSP, and $10k for CH).Medical questions and approvalwill be required for additionalpurchase requests.You may also purchase additional coverage for you, your spouse, and youreligible child(ren). Additional life and AD&D insuranceLife insurance pays a benefit if you pass away while you're covered. AccidentalDeath and Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance offers additional support if youpass away or are seriously injured due to an accident.Financial peace of mind through Principal.Life and AD&D insuranceAge reduction 35% at age 65 and an additional 15% at age 70.The benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.Basic life and AD&D insuranceHolley-Navarre Water System, Inc. provides life and AD&D insurance at no costto you.Make sure to designate a beneficiary for your life insurance coverage to ensureyour family is cared for according to your wishes.
Benefits beginAccident: On the first day you're unable to work Illness: After 7 days of inability to work Coverage amount66.67% of your income up to $1,500 per weekPayments may continueUp to 13 weeks if you’re unable to return to workSee plan detailsSee plan detailsPre-existing conditionlimitations If you make a disability claimwithin the first year of beingcovered, check your plan detailsto see how pre-existingcondition limitations mightimpact your coverage.Benefits beginAfter 90 days of inability to work (once short-termdisability ends)Coverage amount66.67% of your income up to $6,500 per monthPayments may continueUntil your Social Security Normal Retirement Age if youremain unable to work.Wish you knew moreabout finances? Nowyou can - at no cost!Disability insuranceThe benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.Protect your paycheck with disability insurance throughPrincipal.Disability coverage insures your paycheck, replacing a portion of your income ifyou’re unable to work due to a covered illness or injury.Short-term disability coverage can replace part of your paycheck if you’re unableto work for a shorter period of time. You are automatically enrolled in thisemployer-paid coverage.Short-term disabilityLong-term disability coverage can provide lasting income protection if youremain unable to work. You are automatically enrolled in this employer-paidcoverage.Long-term disability
IDSHIELD / LEGAL SERVICES PLANIdentity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America. Identity theft isupsetting and can hurt you financially for years to come. IDShield offers acomprehensive tool to monitor your presence online and be notified of anyunusual activity so you can take action before you before a victim of identifytheft.LegalShield gives you the ability to talk to an attorney on any matter withoutworrying about high hourly costs. Attorneys can offer advice on a variety ofissuesSee plan detailsThe benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.Additional benefit plans are a great way to customize your benefits package.Additional benefit optionsDedicated Law FirmLegal Advice/ConsultationLetters/CallsContracts/Documents ReviewedResidential Loan Document AssistanceWill PreparationSpeeding Ticket AssistanceIRS Audit AssistanceTrial DefenseUncontested Divorce, Separation, Adoption and/orName Change Representation25% Preferred Member Discount24/7 Emergency AccessLegalShield Membership Includes:Continuous Credit MonitoringHigh Risk Application and Transaction MonitoringDark Web MonitoringUsername/Password (Credential) MonitoringIdentity Threats and Credit Threat AlertsUnlimited ConsultationFull-Service Restoration24/7 Emergency AccessIDShield Membership Includes:
The benefit plan information shown in this guide is illustrative only. To the extent the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlyingplan details specified in the insurance documents that govern the terms and conditions of the plans of insurance described in this guide, the underlyinginsurance documents will govern in all cases.Additional benefit plans are a great way to customize your benefits package.Additional benefit optionsAccident coverageAccident coverage through AFLAC pays you a cashbenefit to help with your expenses –your deductible orcopays, transportation, groceries and more – if you or acovered family member is injured due to an accident.The money is yours to use as you choose.See plan detailsHospital indemnityHospital Indemnity coverage through AFLAC pays youa cash benefit to help with your expenses - yourdeductible or copays, transportation, groceries andmore - if you or a covered family member is admitted tothe hospital. The money is yours to use as you choose.See plan detailsCritical illness coverage through AFLAC pays you acash benefit to help with your expenses– yourdeductible or copays, transportation, groceries andmore – if you or a covered family member is diagnosedwith a covered critical illness. The money is yours to useas you choose.Critical illnessSee plan detailsEven with medical insurance, you could still be subjectto unexpected out-of-pocket expenses in the form ofcopays, deductible, and coinsurance. AFLAC Benefitsprovide lump sum payments to be used towards yourhealth care expenses, or however you see fit.See plan detailsCancer