Interactive ResourcesProductivity ResourcesSupport ResourcesWellbeing ResourcesEducational ResourcesImproveWellbeingCare ResourcesSupport ALoved OneLearn AboutMental HealthIf you are experiencing distress or need immediatesupport, call the US Suicide and Crisis Hotline, 988 .Not in the US? Find help here.Make TheWorkday EasierTake Charge inThe MomentFind Care &Get Supporten español
MakingSense ofStressStress is a normal part of life. Our bodies engage in a stressresponse to protect us from danger - allowing us to reactquickly in high-pressure situations. Often, we experience stresswhen we are not in danger, but when stress lasts for a longtime, it can be detrimental to your health. Science offers insights into ways we can calm our body‘sstress response. Click the buttons below to explore.LISTEN NOWPR A CT I CEGE T I D EA SBack To HomeTake Charge In The Moment Equip yourself with tools to help youpause and decompress.Listening to nature sounds can reducestress and improve wellbeing.Practicing controlled breathing cancalm nerves and feelings of worry.Stress relief techniques can helpregulate the nervous system.
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Take Charge In The MomentBack To HomeTips to Take ChargeSpend time with family, friends, orloved ones to connect Invest time into hobbies to unplugand express creativity (e.g., puzzle,book, painting, baking, sports) Journal to organize your thoughtsinto words Listen to music to connect with youremotionsTry these techniques to manage stress,emotions & feelings of overwhelm...Take a break to pause your train-of-thoughtWalk outside for a change in scenery Play with a stress ball, fidget spinner or puttyEngage in progressive muscle relaxation orstretchesTry breathing exercises or meditationSpend time with a pet to boost mood... In the Moment ... As Part of a Routine
LISTEN NOWLEARN MOREFIND OUT MOREBack To HomeMake The Workday EasierInterpersonal energy management is linkedto overall wellbeing and productivity.Setting SMART goals promotes self-discipline, progress, and overall purpose.Music can improve focus, memory, andmood. Here is a playlist made for focusing.Work has a significant impact on our mental, physical andoverall wellbeing. By effectively managing our mood, energyand focus, we can enhance our productivity and help maintainpositive wellbeing.Work &WellbeingThere are many strategies to boost your efficiency duringthe workday. Click the buttons below to explore.
Focus PlaylistClassic pianoSmooth jazzInstrumentalBack To HomeImprove Workday
Sources: Oxford Dictionary, Harvard Business Review, ForbesImprove WorkdayTo Be More Productive, Manage Your Energy LevelsWHAT IS ENERGY?Energy is defined as the strength and vitality required forsustained physical or mental activity. Our energy levels fluctuatethroughout the day based on circadian rhythms, types of tasks, andour environments. Tips to Manage Your EnergyPick a day, and monitor your energy levels; note your moods,environment, and tasks. Identify your peak energy periods; align your most importanttasks with these times.An individual’s energy levels may be impacted by their mentalhealth. Stress, life transitions and mental health conditions affectsindividuals functionality and the ability to do their best work.Schedule breaks into your day; identify ways to recharge. Listen to your body-- feeling fatigued, hungry, or unfocused?Determine if your body needs a break.To reach a flow state, engage in your most enjoyable projectsand reduce distractions. Choose projects that strike a balance: challenging yetmanageable. Flow is a highly productive state where an individual is fully immersed in a task.1Establish energizing habits by incorporating mid-day walks, eatingnourishing meals rich in vital nutrients, maintaining a regular sleeproutine, and staying well-hydrated.A U D I T Y O U R E N E R G Y L E V E L ST A K E A M P L E B R E A K SE N G A G E I N E N E R G Y - B O O S T I N G H A B I T SF I N D Y O U R F L O W S T A T EBack To Home
Know your why!Knowing WHY you want to work toward a goal & reflectingoften along the way can help you stay focused.Back To HomeImprove WorkdaySpecificHone in on exactly what you want to address.What are you trying to do? How and where will itbe accomplished?SMART Goals are a proven way to achieve a desired outcomeand increase your likelihood for success. Setting SMART goalscan help you manage your time, track progress, overcomeobstacles, and stay in tune with your purpose! The acronym, SMART stands for the following:MeasurableGet clear on how you will measure your progress. Are there specific indicators of success you will rely on?AttainableEnsure your goal is realistic & within your grasp. Do you have the necessary skills, abilities, and resources toaccomplish the goal?RelevantYour goal must matter to you!What is the reason or benefit of accomplishing the goal?Does this goal inspire you?TimelyGive yourself some deadlines and/or parameters.What is the date you want to complete this by and/or doesthat completion date create a practical sense of urgency?1Source: Doran, G., Miller, A. and Cunningham, J.Setting Goals That Stick
FIND OUTVIEW HEREGET INFOBack To HomeGO NOWFinancial wellbeing directly impacts mentalhealth. Get financial tools to help guide you.Sleep is your body’s superpower; make sureyou get the recommended amount of sleep.Living well is more than just living for a longtime; here are some tips for living a quality life.Simple habits promote long term success.Total wellbeing encompasses all aspects of our lives: physical,mental, social, financial, and purpose. A challenge in one areaof wellbeing affects all other areas. To improve totalwellbeing, focus on each of these aspects of health.ImproveWellbeingImprove your mental health by focusing on total wellbeing.Click the buttons below to explore!
School Age6-12 yearsHow much sleep isneeded to supportyour daily functions? Teen13-18 yearsAdult18-60 years Adult61-64 years Adult65+ years 9-12 hoursper 248-10 hoursper 247 hoursper night7-9 hoursper night7-8 hoursper nightSleep Is Your Body’s Superpower; Here IsHow To Make The Most Of It...Set a consistent sleep/wake schedule and stick toit on weekends.Implement a nightly routine, including 1 hour awayfrom electronic devicesLimit caffeine intake later in the day Avoid big meals at night and alcohol Upgrade your sleep environment by opting for acooler temperature in your room, dim lights, andcomfortable bedding.Source: CDC, Sleep FoundationSleep is our body’s natural way of recharging. It allows us to healthrough cellular regeneration, boost our immune systems, generateenergy, process memories, and more.Harness your body's natural superpower by ensuring restful,abundant sleep. Try the following to improve sleep hygiene: Back To HomeImprove Wellbeing
Start by setting goals to give yourself something tangible towork towards. Consider the reasons behind your goals to fuelyour motivation. For adults, 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exerciseand two days of strength training per week is recommended.Consider joining a local gym, visiting outdoor trails and parks,using a fitness app and investing in a standing desk.To Increase Your Life Span, Focus On Your Health SpanLife span, the total number of years lived, is a way of measuringthe health of our societies; however, health span, the totalnumber of years lived without disease may be a better indicatorof total wellbeing. Source: TIME, Mayo Clinic, NIDDK,, Stanford, WaldenUniversity NIH Seek out whole foods and limit unnecessary sugars,saturated fats, sodium, and alcohol. Moderation is key—focus on foods you enjoy eating and that make you feelenergized. Visit your doctor regularly to track your health.Quality relationships with family and friends are associatedwith high levels of wellbeing. Invest time and energy in yourrelationships and seek opportunities to connect in yourcommunity. Try the following to maximize your years, focusing on your quality of life:Tap into what matters for you: Spirituality or faith, lifelonglearning, exercise, social groups or clubs, hobbies, philanthropicinitiatives, and more.P R I O R I T I Z EM O V EN O U R I S HC O N N E C TT U N E I N T O P U R P O S EImprove WellbeingBack To Home
Find Care & SupportLISTEN HEREWATCH NOWReach out for immediate assistance, available24/7 via phone or text chat through 988(United States).Combat confusion around available optionsfor mental health care with this podcast.Learn how your Employee Assistance Program(EAP) can help with this brief video.Mental health care resources can be challenging to navigate -whether you are looking for therapy, on-demand tools,medication management or education. Support looks differentfor everyone-- work to identify what will best meet your needs.FindingSupportExplore various options you can utilize for mental health care.Click the buttons below to learn more.GET HELP (US)Back To HomeGET HELP(global)
Suicide and Crisis Hotline Call 988 Text 988 Website Universal Emergency Number 911 National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 LGBTQ National Hotline 1-888-843-4564If you or someone you know is experiencing amental health crisis, please use the followingpreventative hotlines.Seek Immediate HelpSource: NAMIHelp is available.Back To HomeFind Care and Support
If you or someone you know is experiencing amental health crisis, please use the followingpreventative hotlines.Back To HomeFind Care and SupportSeek Immediate HelpSource: NAMIHelp is available.Reach out for immediate assistance, available 24/7 to theappropriate hotline for your location using the Search byCountry tool.
LEARN MOREFIND OUT HOWVIEW HERELearn about the multiple ways to support others - family,friends or colleagues. Click the buttons below to explore.Meaningful social relationships are essential for overallwellbeing. Supporting others in our lives can have a hugeimpact for ourselves and for others. Support A Loved OneBeing a caregiver is an important role,but it can be a challenging task.Being an ally reduces discriminationand promotes mutual respect.Awareness and recognition of mentalhealth challenges is key.Support ALoved OneBack To Home
Plan to address an individual privately, free of distractionsExpress general concern; avoid pressuring anyone to talkAcknowledge and validate an individual’s emotions/ experienceEncourage appropriate professional help like therapyBack To HomeSupport a Loved OnePhysical and mental changes: mood changes,exhaustion, disorientationFall off from productivityor normal routinesDecline in hygiene orappearanceComplaints of relationshipor money problemsIncrease in substanceuse or abuseNotice & RespondIt is not always easy to recognize signs of mental distress.Pay attention to these signals which may indicate you orsomeone else is experiencing a mental health challenge:T I PTRY THIS NOT THISREMEMBER: Not all communication is helpfulAvoid insertingyour ownexperienceThat sounds like areally tough situation;it is natural to feel theway you do.I remember whenthat happened tome. What youshould do is...Refrain fromjudgment oraccusationsI’m here for you. Thereare also people who aretrained to help you workthrough your feelings. I care about you and Ihave noticed a changein ____ (mood, etc.)You will get overit; just throwyourself into work.Do not bedismissive orflippantYou are nothandling this in ahealthy way.Help Another Individual By Responding:
H A C K T H E H E A L T H Y H A B I T ST R Y T R A N S P A R E N C Y A N D T E A M W O R KO P T I M I Z E Y O U R T I M E3 Techniques To Manage StressAs A CaregiverAim to divvy up responsibilities based on needs, previous experiences,and personal strengths. Consider delegating certain tasks like grocery shopping, landscaping,and transportation.Being a caregiver is arguably one of the most demanding jobs. Caringfor loved ones can take a toll on an individual’s wellbeing, affectingphysical and mental health. Tuning into your own needs is critical inorder to be equipped to support others.Park further away in parking lots and take the stairs instead of anelevator or escalator. Take a 15-minute walk around lunchtime toavoid afternoon drowsiness. Try to plan your meals ahead of time and keep nutritious snackswith you throughout the day. Find your ideal sleep number and stick to it. Mentally taxing rolesand tasks may require more rest and recovery.Keep a schedule to help you manage your time. Make a list of whatyou need to accomplish. Include work tasks, caregiving tasks, andpersonal tasks in one calendar. Set aside some time each day that is devoted to you. If you are having difficulty managing your daily-to-day activities,support is available. To start, speak to your HR team or youremployee assistance program.Back To HomeSupport a Loved One
Becoming A Better Ally - Here’s How To StartHistorically, sexual and gender minority groups havefaced prejudice, discrimination, and social exclusion.Becoming an ally to the LBGTQIA+ community can helpend ignorance, create safe spaces, rally for acceptanceand promote mutual respect¹.Source: Human Rights Campaign FoundationThe LGBTQIA+ community encompasses individuals who identifyas Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and/or Gender Expansive,Queer and/or Questioning, Intersexual, Asexual, and Two-spirited. The + symbolizes the ongoing evolution and inclusivity ofthe community, reflecting the full diversity of sexual and genderexpression.²Support equitable practices; adopt a “see something, saysomething approach” Utilize inclusive, gender neutral language and include personalpronouns in communications Participate in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging initiatives Confront your own biases Join LGBTQIA+ organizations or causes, or attend events Educate yourself; learn from others’ experiences and researchimportant topics Take action; speak upBe an ally by acknowledging and supporting the LGBTQIA+community in the following ways:H O W T O B E A N A L L Y T O T H E L G B T Q I A + C O M M U N I T Y ?W H O M A K E S U P T H E L G B T Q I A + C O M M U N I T Y ?Back To HomeSupport a Loved One
Learn More About Mental HealthCaring for our wellbeing is a lifelong journey. By continuouslyeducating ourselves and those around us, we can enhance our overall health in the long run.A fundamental understanding- or mentalhealth literacy contributes to overall wellbeing.GET INFOBREAK STIGMAStigma is a barrier to understanding mentalhealth and receiving appropriate support.Mental illness can impact anyone and thereare many risk factors and symptoms.WATCH NOWManaging mental health can feel confusing-take small steps toward success.LEARN MOREEducation serves as a foundation for our health & wellbeing. Click the buttons below to explore.GettingEducatedBack To Home
APRIL 2024Every individual must manage their mental health, everyday. Mental health encompasses how we think, how wefeel, and how we act. Half of the individuals in the United States will bediagnosed with a mental disorder at some point in theirlife². When we understand how common mental illness is,we can work to decrease the stigma surrounding it.Support your total wellbeing by maintaining a balanceddiet, socializing with friends and family, exercising regularly,and avoiding substance use. While mental disorders are common, there are multiple waysto prevent their development and progression througheducation, getting enough sleep, staying active, socializingwith others, and practicing mindfulness, screening, andreceiving help early.¹4 Things To Know About Mental HealthMental health literacy refers to our understanding ofhow to maintain positive mental health, which includesawareness of conditions, risk factors, and treatments.¹ Source: CDC ; Healthy People 2030Here’s what to know...E V E R Y P E R S O N H A S M E N T A L H E A L T HM E N T A L I L L N E S S I S C O M M O NM E N T A L A N D P H Y S I C A L H E A L T H A R E C O N N E C T E DP R E V E N T I O N I S P O S S I B L EBack To HomeLearn More
Sharing positive messages, words of encouragement, and personalstories about mental health can help create a safe space forindividuals to reach out, further reducing stigma.Physical and mental health are both critical to our overall wellbeing.Just as everyone manages their physical health, everyone managestheir mental health-- by handling stressors, spending time with lovedones, reaching out for support when needed, navigating a mentalhealth condition and more.Use person-first and identity-first language to show respect for anindividual and remove emphasis from their disability or condition.Always ask an individual what style of language they prefer. Engaging in self-reflection can help individuals understand their owninternal beliefs and work to combat any negative biases. Avoiddefining yourself or someone else based on a mental health condition. Stigma Still Exists; Try These StrategiesTo Break Down Barriers to Mental HealthSource: Mckinsey APA, NIHHow Can We Reduce Stigma?Mental health stigma arises from negative beliefs due to lack ofunderstanding, fear, shame, prejudice, or discrimination towardsindividuals with mental health conditions.¹ Actively breaking the stigma around mental health is critical for allindividuals to support one another and find care as needed.C H A L L E N G E Y O U R O W N B E L I E F SM A N T A I N A N O P E N D I A L O G U E A B O U T M E N T A L H E A L T HU S E P E R S O N - F I R S T & I D E N T I T Y F I R S T L A N G U A G EA C K N O W L E D G E M E N T A L H E A L T H ’ S P A R T I Y W I T H P H Y S I C A LBack To HomeLearn More