CriticalillnessinsuranceCritical illness insurance may help youcover expenses not covered by yourhealth insurance.It’s a cash payment you receive if you ever experiencea serious illness like cancer, a heart attack, or a stroke,giving you the financial support to focus on recovery.Who is it for?Critical illness insurance is a supplemental policy for people who alreadyhave health insurance. It provides you with an additional payment tocover expenses like deductibles, treatments, and living costs.What does it cover?Critical illnesses include strokes, heart attacks, Parkinson’s diseaseand cancer. Our policies can cover over 30 major illnesses, helpingyou stay financially stable by paying you a lump sum if you’rediagnosed with one of them.Why should I consider it?Health coverage is becoming more expensive, with higher co-pays,premiums, and deductibles. Critical illness insurance is an affordableway to supplement and pay for additional expenses that your healthinsurance doesn’t cover. Our policies typically provide payments forthe first and second time you’re diagnosed with a covered illness.Plus, critical illness insurance is portable and payments are madedirectly to you.Watch our videoHow critical illness insurancehelps cover the costs of treatment.You will receive these benefits if you meet the conditions listed in the policy.Critical costsJohn is hospitalized after a heartattack, and has to cover the costof five days as an inpatient.Average heart attackhospitalization expense: $53,000Average Major Medical deductible:$1,500Major Medical covers 80% of the costafter the deductibleismet, butJohn’sstill responsible for 20%: $10,300.Total out-of-pocket amount for John(deductible + coinsurance): $11,800.John has a $10,000 Guardian CriticalIllness policy, which covers themajority of these out-of-pocketexpenses.This example is for illustrativepurposes only. Your plan’s coveragemay vary. See your plan’s informationon the following pages for specificamounts and details.GUARDIAN® is a registered trademark of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of AmericaMotionpoint Corporation Kit created 08/17/2023ALL ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES Group number:000550122020-104305 (07/22)27
Your critical illness coverageGUARDIAN® is a registered trademark of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of AmericaMotionpoint Corporation Kit created 08/17/2023ALL ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES Groupnumber: 00055012CRITICAL ILLNESSBenefit Amount(s)Employee may choose a lump s um benefit of $ 5,000 to $20,000 in$5,000 increments.CONDITIONSCancer 1stOCCURRE N CE2ndOCCURRENCEInvasive Cancer 100% 50%Carcinoma In Situ 30% 0%Benign Brain Tumor 75% 0%Skin Cancer $250 per lifetime Not CoveredVascularHeart Attack 100% 50%Stroke 100% 50%Heart Failure 100% 50%Coronary Arteriosclerosis 30% 0%OtherOrgan Failure 100% 50%Kidney Failure 100% 50%ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 1stOCCURRENCE ONLYAddison's Disease 30%ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) 100%Alzheimer's Disease 50%Coma100%Huntington's Disease 30%Loss of Hearing 100%Loss of Sight 100%Loss of Speec h 100%Multiple Sclerosis 30%Parkinson's Disease100%Permanent Paraly s is 50% for 1 limb, 100% f or 2 limbsSevere Burns 100%Childhood Conditions 1stOCCURRENCE ONLYCerebral Palsy 100%Cleft Lip/Palate 100%Club Foot 100%Cystic Fibrosis 100%Down's Syndrome100%Muscular Dystrophy 100%Spina Bifida 100%Type 1 Diabetes 100%28
GUARDIAN® is a registered trademark of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of AmericaMotionpoint Corporation Kit created 08/17/2023ALL ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES Groupnumber: 00055012Your critical illness coverageCRITICAL ILLNESSSpouse BenefitMay choose a lump s um benefit of $5,000 to $20,000 in $5,000increments up to 100% of t he employee's lump s um benefit.Child Benefit- c hildren age Birth t o 26 years 25% of employee's lump sum benefitBenefit Reductions: Benefits are reduced by a certain percentage asan employee ages50% at age 70Guarantee Issue: The ‘guarantee’ means you are not required toanswer health questions to qualify for coverage up to and including thespecified amount, when you sign up for coverage during the initialenrollment period or the annual open enrollment period.WeGuaranteeIssueupto:$20,000For a spouse:$20,000For a child: All AmountsHealth questions are required if the elected amount exceedsthe Guarantee Issue.Portability: Allows you to take your Critical Illness coverage withyou if you terminate employment.IncludedPre-Existing Condition Limitation: A pre-existing conditionincludes any c ondition f or which y ou, in the specified time period priorto coverage in this plan, c ons ulted with a physician, received treatment,or took prescribed drugs.Not ApplicableWELLNESS BENEFITEmployee Per Year L imit$50SpousePerYearLimit$50Child Per Year Limit$50Condition Definitions• Stroke: Stroke must be severe enou gh t o cause neurological def icits at least 30 days after the event.• Heart Failure: An insured must be placed on an organ transplant list in order to be eligible for the Heart failure benefits.• Coronary Arteriosclerosis: Coronary Arteriosclerosis must be severe enough t o require a coronary artery by pass graft .• Organ Failure: Organ failure includes both lungs, liver, pancreas or bone marrow and requires t h e insured to be placed on an organtransplant list.• Kidney Failure: An insured must be placed on an organ transplant list in order to be eligible for the Kidney failure benefits.29
GUARDIAN® is a registered trademark of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of AmericaMotionpoint Corporation Kit created 08/17/2023ALL ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES Groupnumber: 00055012Critical Illness Cost IllustrationTo determine the most appropriate level of coverage, you should consider your current basic monthly expenses andexpected financial needs during a Critical Illness.Spouse coverage premium is based on Employee ageChild cost is included with employee election.Monthly Premiums DisplayedElection Cost Per Age Bracket< 25 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+†Employee$5,000$1.95 $2.00 $3.00 $3.85 $5.45 $8.05 $11.30 $15.70 $21.00 $28.05 $36.10$10,000$3.90 $4.00 $6.00 $7.70 $10.90 $16.10 $22.60 $31.40 $42.00 $56.10 $72.20$15,000$5.85 $6.00 $9.00 $11.55 $16.35 $24.15 $33.90 $47.10 $63.00 $84.15 $108.30$20,000$7.80 $8.00 $12.00 $15.40 $21.80 $32.20 $45.20 $62.80 $84.00 $112.20 $144.40Benefit Amount Up To 100% of Employee Amount to a Maximum of $20,000Spouse$5,000$1.95 $2.00 $3.00 $3.85 $5.45 $8.05 $11.30 $15.70 $21.00 $28.05 $36.10$10,000$3.90 $4.00 $6.00 $7.70 $10.90 $16.10 $22.60 $31.40 $42.00 $56.10 $72.20$15,000$5.85 $6.00 $9.00 $11.55 $16.35 $24.15 $33.90 $47.10 $63.00 $84.15 $108.30$20,000$7.80 $8.00 $12.00 $15.40 $21.80 $32.20 $45.20 $62.80 $84.00 $112.20 $144.40†Benefit reductions may apply. See plan details.EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONSA SUMMARY OF PLAN LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS FOR CRITICALILLNESS:We will not pay benefits for the First Occurrence of a Critical Illness if it occursless than 3 months after the First Occurrence of a related Critical Illness forwhich this Plan paid benefits. By related we mean either: (a) both CriticalIllnesses are contained within the Cancer Related Conditions category; or (b)both Critical Illnesses are contained within the Vascular Conditions category.We will not pay benefits for a Second occurrence (recurrence) of a CriticalIllness unless the Covered Person has not exhibited symptoms or received careor treatment for that Critical Illness for at least 6 months in a row prior to therecurrence. For purposes of this exclusion, care or treatment does not include:(1) preventive medications in the absence of disease; and (2) routine scheduledfollow-up visits to a Doctor.We do not pay benefits for claims relating to a covered person: taking part inany war or act of war (including service in the armed forces) committing a felonyor taking part in any riot or other civil disorder or intentionally injuringthemselves or attempting suicide while sane or insane.Employees must be legally working in the United States in order to be eligiblefor coverage. Underwriting must approve coverage for employees on temporaryassignment: (a) exceeding 1 year; or (b) in an area under travel warning by theUS Department of State, subject to state specific variations.Guardian’s Critical Illness plan does not provide comprehensive medicalcoverage. It is a basic or limited benefit and is not intended to cover all medicalexpenses. It does not provide “basic hospital,” “basic medical,” or “ medical”insurance as defin ed by the New York State Insurance Department.Health questions are required on late enrollees. This coverage will not beeffective until approved by a Guardian underwriter.This policy will not pay for a diagnosis of a listed critical illness that is madebefore the insured’s Critical Illness effective date with Guardian.The policy has exclusions and limitations that may impact the eligibility for or entitlementto benefits under each covered condition. See your certificate booklet for a full listing ofexclusions & limitations..If Critical Illness insurance premium is paid for on a pre tax basis, the benefit may betaxable. Please contact your tax or legal advisor regarding the tax treatment of yourpolicy benefits..Contract # GP-1-CI-1430