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OneDigital's Psychological Safety Guide

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Psychological Safety OverviewAccording to Gallup, psychologicalsafety efforts could lead to...Decrease in turnover27%Decrease in safety incidents40%Increase in productivity12%1— Amy Edmondson 1 “How to create a culture of psychological safety.”, November 2017.2“The ROI OF TRUST: How psychological safety impacts your bottom line.” OneDigital, October 12, 2023.3“Ensure psychological safety at work.” Accenture, October 28, 2021.4“8 ways to create psychological safety in the workplace.” The Predictive Index, September 21, 2023.5“New Wiley Survey Reveals Gaps in Levels of Psychological Safety Between Employees and Executives.” John Wiley & Sons, Inc., September 27, 2023.6“Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing.” HHS, 2022.IN THIS GUIDEIdentify successes and areas of opportunity for your team with a brief reflection activity.Understand some of the critical components to foster psychological safety. Learn how to make tactical, marginal improvements.1.2.3.Leaders have a critical opportunity to build workenvironments where psychological safety is the standard.Psychological safety is not rooted in appeasement;instead it facilitates transparency and productive,respectful disagreements amongst teammates.Psychological safety is a team phenomenon catalyzedby leaders and embraced by all members of a team.Psychological safety is the belief that one can openly express thoughts, ideas, and concerns,make mistakes and show up as their authentic selves without fear of negative consequences orretribution. When workplace teams encourage individuals to contribute, they see an increase inmotivation, confidence, and wellbeing, leading to a rise in productivity. Prioritizing psychologicalsafety helps employees feel valued and supported at work, and creates an environment thatempowers individuals to speak with candor, share ideas, take risks and show up as the bestversion of themselves-- regardless of the situation. 321 in 4 organizations report that psychological safety isthe top driver of employee retention. Yet, despite agrowing body of research on the effectiveness of takinginterpersonal risks and sharing ideas at work, studiesshow that only 53% of individual contributors feel safedoing so. Additionally, a lack of psychological safety isassociated with lower productivity as 2 in 5 workersreport that concerns regarding safety contribute toheightened stress levels at work. 4562

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Psychological safety is not only an admirable goal, but an innate human need. The Hierarchyof Needs was developed by Abraham Maslow in the 1940's and it exhibits the progression ofneeds humans will have during their lifetime in order to feel fulfilled. The first tier includes basic physiological needs such as food,water and shelter. After receiving these basic needs, humanswill pursue safety and security until they are reached.Psychological safety is a part of total safety, especially withinthe workplace. Therefore, without psychological safety,employees’ basic, instinctual needs may not be met.Self-ActualizationSelf-EsteemLove & BelongingSafety & SecurityPhysiological NeedsMASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDSThe United States Surgeon General’s 2022 well-being framework includes five essentials forworkplace mental health and well-being: protection from harm, connection and community,work-life harmony, mattering at work, and opportunity for growth. The Science Behind Psychological SafetyU.S. SURGEON GENERAL’S FRAMEWORK FOR WORKPLACE MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEINGPsychological safety is included directly in this frameworkthrough its “protection from harm” component, which coversthe needs for security and safety. Even more, psychological safety is inherent in every othercomponent of this framework; for example, these componentscover the needs for belonging, social support, learning,dignity, meaning, autonomy, and accomplishment. Psychological safety is an expansive objective and it touches onvirtually every aspect of workplace well-being.BelongingSocial SupportLearningDignityMeaningAutonomyAccomplishment7“What is Psychological Safety?” Hogan, 2022.8“Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing.” HHS, 2022.7883

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Providing equitable pathways for continuous learning & career development in theworkplace grants individuals a sense of meaning and direction in their day-to-daylives. Learner safety means pursuing new knowledge and skills without the fear ofbeing reprimanded for mistakes. Further, in a learner safe environment, employeessupport and motivate each other as they reach their learning goals.LEARNER SA F E T YCONTRIBUTO R S A F ETYA productive and safe work environment fosters autonomy and creativity.Contributor safety means allowing employees the freedom to offer ideas, complete tasks, and develop projects without feeling restrained by their superiors.Contributor safety encourages innovation and rewards employees for theircontributions, boosting productivity as employees feel empowered to perform.Additionally, when contributor safety is present, employees feel comfortable tocooperate with their peers and openly suggest ideas. An inclusive work environment is fundamental to building a psychologically healthyand safe workplace. Inclusion involves creating a culture that defends against biasand celebrates all employees' unique voices, perspectives, and skills. An inclusiveworkplace ensures equitable accessibility for all employees including physical andcommunicative accommodations.INCLUSION S A F E T YBuilding a foundation of psychological safety is a necessity for teams to becomeadaptive and high-performing. Four stages of psychological safety have beenrecognized: inclusion, learner, contributor and challenger safety. Each of these serveas a fundamental piece of a healthy workplace.Challenging the status quo and offering new ideas is necessary for organizationalgrowth. Challenger safety gives employees the protection and freedom to questionwhy things are done a certain way, and what could be improved. Importantly, withina challenger safe environment, employees do not feel afraid to voice theirdissatisfactions and offer new strategies. CHALLENGER S A F E TYSupporting Psychological Safety4

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Quadrant 1: Inclusion SafetyQuadrant 3: Contributor SafetyReflectionBegin by assessing the current state of psychological safety in your organizationaccording to the four stages of psychological safety. Consider the following four-quadrant survey questions. Ask team members to respond anonymously or to providefeedback in a one-on-one setting. S U R V E Y Q U E S T I O N SQuadrant 2: Learner SafetyQuadrant 4: Challenger SafetyE V A L U A T I O NIf you or your employees answer “no” to any of these questions, look for opportunities toimprove the psychological safety of your team. Focus on the areas which appear to be lackingthe most. For example, if you most of your “contributor safety” questions were responded towith a no, it may be useful to hone in on developing contributor safety within your team. Share this guide with others in your organization to spread awareness; psychological safety is beneficial to all teams and employees, organization-wide. Continue through this guide forrecommendation and strategy checklists.5

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Organizational Strategies Inclusion Safety ChecklistCulturally competent leaders see higher rates of productivity, retention, and employeesatisfaction. Ensure company policies, work environment, and cultural norms promoteand support psychologically safe practices. Evaluate Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion policiesCreate workplace policies, programs, and clubs that support equal opportunity,embrace diversity, and protect against discrimination. Provide education and mentorship on DEI&B topics.Confirm that recruitment policies prioritize talent from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.Learn employee names and pronouns; find interest in team members’ culture,identity, and background.Make Accessibility a PriorityEnsure physical accessibility in all environments by eliminating obstacles. For example consider wheelchair access to buildings, elevators, spaciousbathrooms & adequate transportation.Provide assistive equipment or devices. For example, invest in screen readers &alternative fonts for employees with visual impairments.Implement reasonable accommodations to give all employees equal opportunityto do their best work. Facilitate Understanding and ConnectionModel the importance of empathy, humility, and self-awareness.Lead with curiosity, first. Create lines of open communication between employeesand leaders for reciprocal feedback and engagement opportunities. Plan activities for colleagues to connect and socialize together, within or outside of the office. Structure welcoming onboarding processes. Designate mentors or implement abuddy system to familiarize new team members with the organization.99“Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing.” HHS, 2022.6

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Organizational Strategies Learner Safety ChecklistPeople feel a sense of purpose when learning and growing in their careers. A collectivesense of contribution towards a shared goal generates pride, meaning, motivation, andreduces stress..1011Foster a Culture of Continuous LearningEncourage employees and organizational leaders to engage in the learning process byasking questions, giving and receiving feedback, and making mistakes without fear.Designate times for teams to openly share ideas and feedback; replace blame withcuriosity; appreciate and acknowledge all ideas; and embrace a learning mindset. Promote Purpose for Individuals and TeamsFoster a sense of shared purpose by promoting the organization’s and/or team’s mission;encourage individuals to connect their work to overall goals. Introduce organization-wide opportunities to support the community and other colleaguesthrough community service opportunities, giving programs, and volunteering.1213Provide Clear, Equitable Paths to DevelopmentFacilitate transparency regarding career pathways; break down systematic barriersensuring everyone has opportunities to succeed and advance. Encourage goal setting and offer training for skills and proficiencies that are required toadvance. Suggest the utilization of available resources and tools. For example, career navigationsupport, accessible professional training programs, and mentorship programs. Consider reimbursing employees for external learning ventures. Support the continuededucation interests of employees.12“What drives a culture of belonging?” Gallup, July 26, 2022.13“What is psychological safety at work?” CCL, January 10, 2023.10“The Search for Purpose at Work” Mckinsey & Company, June 3, 2021.11“Help your employees find purpose-or watch them leave.” McKinsey & Company, April 5, 2021.1110137

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Inspire PassionEncourage Contribution, Autonomy, and AccountabilityFacilitate Respectful Collaboration and TeamworkOrganizational Strategies Contributor Safety ChecklistEncourage employees to take ownership of tasks without extensive supervision; aim notto micromanage employees, allowing them to confidently pursue challenges. Instill confidence; ensure leaders demonstrate standards of competence, determination, and trust.Guide team members to take accountability for their mistakes and learn from them.Check-in regularly; request employee feedback to establish a safe space for reciprocal exchanges. Actively listen and reflect on the input of all team members, highlighting the value ofunique perspectives.Ensure team members feel comfortable using their strengths, skills, and abilities tocontribute to the best of their ability.Recognize when employees feel that their contributions are not being valued and allow an open forum for sharing as appropriate. Encourage effective team communication: model respectful body language, use clear andpositive language, use correct personal pronouns, and ask open-ended questions.Explore peer-to-peer recognition programs to enhance team comradery.Ask team members about their passions and coordinate tasks that align with these passions.Encourage excitement and interest towards organizational goals. Remind employees of the importance and reasoning behind daily, mundane tasks. Allow employees to express their creative processes and work in the ways they feel most productive.Fostering a sense of autonomy can help employees stay motivated and boost creativity.Alternatively, a lack of autonomy is associated with added stress and feelings of tensionduring the workday.1615,161617“2023 Work in America Survey.” APA, 2023.15“Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being - Current Priorities of the U.S. Surgeon General.” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2022.“4 Stages of Psychological Safety.” LeaderFactor, 2023.171518“What drives a culture of belonging?” Gallup, July 26, 2022.188

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Acknowledge Dilemmas and DifficultiesEncourage Bravery and Reward InnovationChallenge The Status-Quo and Accept ChangeOrganizational Strategies Challenger Safety ChecklistEncourage team members to share ideas, even if they feel their ideas are far-fetchedor unrealistic.Embrace vulnerability; avoid shaming teammates for sharing their ideas. Acknowledge and celebrate individual contributions and team successes; expressgratitude; consider public recognition.Encourage employees to venture out of their comfort zones and consider projectsoutside of their job requirements.Encourage employees to challenge current processes or ideas; motivate teammembers to brainstorm solutions to problems.Remind colleagues that change is associated with growth. Support team members ifthey feel uncomfortable with changes, and express positivity.Promote curiosity; encourage a culture of asking questions, admitting concerns, andoffering unique opinions.Do not sugarcoat problems that arise. Remind team members to talk about theseissues in order to overcome obstacles.Recognize the importance of respectful disagreements. Allow employees to challengeeach other’s ideas remembering to be respectful, honest, and understanding.Accept and acknowledge uncertainties.Be realistic; ensure colleagues have realistic expectations of deadlines, workloads, and processes.Challenger safety is necessary for organizational and personal growth. Innovation issparked through the ability to challenge norms, encourage imagination, and workthrough identified problems.20“What Is Psychological Safety in the Workplace?” Great Place to Work, 2023.19“2023 Work in America Survey.” APA, 2023.19191919209

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COUNTINUE LEARNING & DEVELOPMENTAdditional Guidance To Support Psychological SafetyNormalize attention to mental health and wellbeing; 81% of employees say they seekworkplaces supporting mental health.PROMOTE TOTAL WELLBEINGSupport mental health and wellbeing through leading by example-- set boundariesaround time, allow for transparency when personal concerns arise, create private spacefor breaks, and focus on work-life balance.Work to break the stigma around mental health and wellbeing; use positive, inclusivelanguage and discourage the spread of misinformation. Focus on the whole person. Understand that personal challenges outside of theworkplace may affect an employee's performance, and offer support as appropriate.Constantly remind employees of employer-sponsored resources and benefits; ensurebenefits are inclusive of what employees want and value.AWARENESS & ACCESSIBILITY OF AVAILABLE RESOURCESProvide adequate education around stress management and healthy living. Ensure accessibility for employees by considering relevant barriers to gaining quality care.For example, aid in transportation, consider childcare, allow flexible scheduling for doctorvisits, and assist when language barriers apply. 9A Leader’s Guide to Mental HealthOneDigital’s Stigma-Free Blueprint21“What is psychological safety at work?” CCL, January 10, 2023.21While Psychological Safety is an organization wide effort - it starts at the top. Leaders who prioritize building a psychologically safe work environment and tune intothe wellbeing of their employees set their people up for success. Looking for resourcesto share with your employees? Visit OneDigital's Total Wellbeing Calendar.10

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Contributors11Lucy Roberts, PhD, Mental Health & Wellbeing LeadAlexandra Tedesco, Wellbeing SpecialistAbout OneDigital OneDigital’s team of fierce advocates helps businesses and individuals achieve their aspirations of health, success,and financial security. Our insurance financial servies and HR platform provide personalized, tech-enabled solutionsfor a contemporary work-life experience. Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Atlana, OneDigital maintainsoffices in most major markets across the nation. For more information, visit

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Creating PsychologicalSafety In The WorkplaceBest practices for developing teams built oninclusivity, trust, and mutual respectW W W . O N E D I G I T A L . C O M