2024–2025Benefits Guide
WELCOME TO YOUR 2024- 2025 BENEFITS!Your health and the health of your family is as important to us as it is to you. That’s why we have carefully considered the available healthcare options and selected the plans that we feel offer first-rate benefits at a good value. During this enrollment period, please carefully review each of your options so that you can choose the plans that will best meet your needs. If you have any questions regarding your benefits, please contact us in Human Resources.Regards,HR at Retail Industry Leaders Association:Stephanie Standish, VP, AdministrationTABLE OF CONTENTS3. Important Contacts4. Enrollment & Eligibility 5. Common Terms6. Medical Insurance7. Make The Most Of Your Medical Plan8. Carrier Resources9. Health Savings Account10. Health Reimbursement Account11. Dental Insurance12. Vision Insurance13. Finding In-Network Providers14. Flexible Spending Account15. Life Insurance16. Disability Insurance17. Supplement Insurance18. Help When You Need It19. How to Enroll20. Notices & Enrollment2
YOUR BENEFITS TEAMMEDICAL UnitedHealthcare | Group #03S4015 POS, #03X4136 HDHP(800) 357-0978 | www.myuhc.com DENTAL MetLife | Group # 6511085(800) 275-4638 | www.metdental.com VISIONMetLife | Group # 6511085(855) 638-3931 | www.metlife.com/vision HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT (HSA)Flores & Associates | Group # 1003074309(800) 532-3327 | www.flores247.comFLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT (FSA)Flores & Associates | Group # 1003074309(800) 532-3327 | www.flores247.comHEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT (HRA)Flores & Associates | Group # 1003074309(800) 532-3327 | www.flores247.comLIFEGuardian | Group # 049995(888) 600-1600 | www.guardianlife.com LONG TERM DISABILITY & SHORT-TERM DISABILITYGuardian | Group # 049995(888) 600-1600 | www.guardianlife.com EAP PlanGuardian(800) 386-7055 | www.worklife.uprisehealth.com IMPORTANT CONTACTSReturn to Table of ContentsCARRIER CONTACTSRETAIL INDUSTRY LEADERS ASSOCIATIONSteph Standish, VP, Administration(202) 869-0462 | stephanie.standish@rila.orgONEDIGITAL Advance Resolution Team (ART)Employee Advocate Contact(866) 802-6311 | ART@onedigital.com3
Your dependents can be enrolled on the plan with you if they meet one of the following requirements: • Legal Spouse or qualified domestic partner• Dependent Children (under the age of 26 for medical, dental, vision, and voluntary life)• Children of your spouse or domestic partner • Dependent children of any age who are incapable of self-sustaining employment because of mental or physical handicap, and who receive from you or your spouse all of their support and maintenance, and who were continuously enrolled on the current medical plan before the age of 26.You can enroll on the plans included in this guide if you are an employee who is consistently working 30 hours or more per week. As a new hire, your benefits will be effective the first of the month following 30 daysEMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITYFAMILY ELIGIBILITYWHEN CAN I MAKE CHANGES?HOW MUCH WILL IT COST?Mid-year, you can make changes if one of these occur:Marriage, Birth of a child, Adoption, Involuntary loss of coverage from a qualified group plan, Divorce, Legal separation, Death of spouse or dependent child.Open Enrollment happens once a year and allows you to freely make changes to your plans and who is enrolled. Your company’s annual Open Enrollment takes place in April for an effective date of May 1st.You will pay for your portion of the benefit cost through payroll deductions. The deduction amounts are subject to change at any time as deemed appropriate. Any revisions and changes will be provided in writing with a minimum of 30 days prior to the implementation of the change in contributions.ENROLLMENT & ELIGIBILITYReturn to Table of ContentsDEPENDENT AGE LIMITATIONSYour dependent children will no longer be eligible to be enrolled on your plan beyond these age limits:MEDICAL: Until age 26DENTAL: Until age 26VISION: Until age 26CHILD VOLUNTARY LIFE: Until age 264
COMMON TERMSThroughout this Benefits Guide, you may come upon a few terms that you don’t recognize or fully understand. Refer back to this page as needed to define common benefits terminology you come across. HMO NETWORK PLANA Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plan limits coverage to care from doctors who work for/contract within a specified network. An HMO requires you and enrolled dependents to select a Primary Care Physician (PCP) & Medical Group who will direct the majority of your health care needs.PPO NETWORK PLANWith a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan you have greater flexibility and choice to use both in-network and out-of-network physicians. However, you are encouraged to receive services from the in-network doctors, specialists or facilities. By doing so, you obtain a higher level of benefit than if services were rendered from an out-of-network provider.HDHP NETWORK PLANThe High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) allows you to see both in-network and out-of-network physicians, like a PPO network plan, but most benefits other than preventive care will be subject to the plan’s high deductible. Because members of this plan will have higher out–of-pocket costs when seeing the doctor, the premiums of this plan are usually lower than a standard PPO plan. Additionally, to help you pay for those out-of-pocket healthcare costs, you are able to open and contribute to a Health Savings Account.PREMIUMA premium is the total cost for your medical insurance. You and your company share this cost. You pay your portion through payroll deductions.DEDUCTIBLEA deductible is the amount you must pay before the medical plan begins sharing the cost of services. You pay this full amount, if required by your plan, before the plan pays benefits.• Embedded Deductible: A policy with a deductible for each person covered. Benefits kick in for a family member when they meet their individual deductible and for the whole family when at least two members do so. Embedded policies tend to have higher premiums to accommodate lower deductible options.• Non-Embedded Deductible: A policy with a single, combined deductible for all covered individuals. No benefits begin for any covered individual until this deductible is met either by one member or a combination of several members. The non-embedded policy’s higher deductible level carries a lower policy premium than embedded policies.COPAYA fixed amount (for example, $15) you pay for covered health care services to providers who contract with your health insurance or plan. In-network copayments usually are less than out-of-network copayments.COINSURANCEYour share of the costs of a covered health care service, calculated as a percent of the allowed amount for the service. You pay coinsurance plus any deductibles you owe.OUT-OF-POCKET MAXIMUMThe annual out-of-pocket maximum protects you from major medical expenses. This is the most you would pay, including your deductible and copay, for eligible expenses during the year. Once you reach the out-of-pocket maximum, the plan pays 100% of the usual, customary and reasonable charges for covered services.EVIDENCE OF INSURABILITY (EOI)Evidence of Insurability (EOI) is a record of a person's past and current health events. It's used by insurance companies to verify whether a person meets the definition of good health. You may have to submit this form to a carrier before you are able to elect certain amounts of coverage for voluntary plans.SBC & UNIFORM GLOSSARYYour employer is required to provide you with an easy-to-understand summary about the health plan benefits available to you, aka Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) and a Uniform Glossary that outlines insurance definitions.• SUMMARY OF BENEFITS & COVERAGE (SBCs) are available free of charge. Please reach out to Human Resources to obtain copies of the medical plans that are offered to you during your plan year.• The UNIFORM GLOSSARY is a glossary of insurance definitions in standard, consumer-friendly terms. You may find this helpful as you are evaluating your options. To access the glossary visit: www.healthcare.gov/glossary.Return to Table of ContentsLEARN MOREClick HERE to watch a video on the Language of Insurance 5
Choice Plus DirectPlan Summary Click HereChoice Plus Advantage HSAPlan Summary Click HereIN-NETWORK BENEFITSDF5N DF5CCalendar Year Deductible(Single / Family)$1,500 / $3,000Embedded$2,700/$5,400EmbeddedCalendar Year Max Out-Of-Pocket (Single / Family)$6,000 / $12,000Embedded$7,500 / $15,000EmbeddedOffice Visits (PCP/Specialist)$30 Copay / $70 Copay$40 Copay* / $60 Copay*(Designated Network)Urgent Care$60 Copay $60 Copay*Laboratory/X-RayNo copay(Designated Network)No copay*(Designated Network)Inpatient Care (Includes Maternity)20%* $500 copay*Outpatient Surgery20%* No copay*Emergency Room (Waived if Admitted)$400 Copay* $450 Copay*RX Deductible$250 Medical deductible appliesRx Generic$10 Copay $20 Copay*Rx Brand$40 Copay** $50 Copay*Rx Non-Formulary$105 Copay**20%* You will not pay less than $150Rx Specialty$250 Copay**30%*You will not pay less than $300MEDICAL INSURANCEYOUR COST FOR COVERAGEFor a more complete listing of what is covered and to learn about out of network benefits please consult the detailed benefit summary from the insurance carrier.COST PER MONTH(12 deductions per year)Choice Plus DirectChoice Plus Adv HSAEmployee Only$111.07 $101.72Employee + Spouse$222.13 $203.44Employee + Child(ren)$216.58 $198.36Employee + Family$327.65 $300.08Return to Table of Contents*Benefits with an asterisk (*) require that the medical deductible be met before the plan begins to pay.**Benefits with double asterisk (**) require that the Pharmacy deductible must be met before you pay a copay6
cMAKING THE MOST OF YOUR MEDICAL INSURANCEWHERE TO SEEK CAREYou can benefit from significant savings using an urgent care or virtual care facility versus a hospital Emergency Room (ER) without sacrificing quality of care. Please consult the previous pages of this booklet or plan documents for urgent care and emergency room costs and benefits.USING YOUR IN- NETWORK PREVENTIVE CARE BENEFITSPreventive care visits can help detect unhealthy habits before they become a risk and potentially save your life. Our health plans offer an annual in-network well check at no cost to you. When you get these services from doctors in your plan’s network, you don’t have to pay anything out of your own pocket.Get more out of your well checks by preparing yourself:• Make a list of health concerns.• Make a list of medications you are taking.• If you are seeing a new doctor, get copies of your medical records and your family medical history.• Review your health plan in advance to be sure you understand your coverage.• Call your doctor in advance to see which tests and screenings are usually run. You can request that your doctor not perform tests not covered by your health plan.URGENT CAREEMERGENCY ROOMVIRTUAL CAREFor injuries and illnesses that aren’t life threatening but need fast care. • Sprains• Strains• Minor broken bone• Mild asthma attacks• Minor infections• Small cuts• Minor burns• Urinary tract infections• Pelvic infectionsFor serious and/or life-threatening conditions.• Heavy bleeding• Trouble breathing• Severe head injury• Chest pain or pressure• Sudden or severe pain• Coughing or vomiting blood• Sudden dizziness, weakness, or changes in vision• Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea• Changes in mental status, such as confusion• Loss of consciousness• Major burns• Spinal injuriesFor minor conditions and convenience. Get care from the comfort of your own home or on the road. • Flu• Minor rashes• Tooth pain• Pink eye• Allergies• Cold & fever• Sore throat• Skin infections• Headache• DiarrheaSee page 8 for your Virtual Care details.Return to Table of ContentsLEARN MOREClick HERE to learn more about the differences between Urgent vs ER7
CARRIER MOBILE APPS & ONLINE PORTALSYou can access your medical, dental and vision member ID cards and enrollment details any time, anywhere through your carrier mobile app or carrier website.MEDICAL:• Visit www.myuhc.com • Download the UnitedHealthcare mobile appDENTAL, AND VISION:• Dental visit www.metdental.com• Vision visit www.metlife.com/visionGUARDIAN EAP:• Web: www.worklife.uprisehealth.com o Access Code: worklifeVIRTUAL CAREVirtual care through Telehealth combines in-office quality with in-home privacy and convenience. See and talk to a doctor from your mobile device or computer without an appointment! Most visits take about 10-15 minutes and doctors can write a prescription, if needed, that you can pick up at your local pharmacy. This service is part of your health benefits offered through your medical carrier.Click Here for more information.HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?Telehealth is covered at the same cost share as in the office.GETTING STARTED:• Web: www.myuhc.comCARRIER PERKSCARE CASH A preloaded debit card program, $200 for individuals and $500 for families, that helps inform you about eligible care options and helps to pay for them. Available for the Non-HSA plan only.Click Here for more information.REAL APPEALA weight management program designed to help you get healthier and stay healthier. Available to you and eligible dependents at not additional cost. Click Here for more information.UHC EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Your health plan benefits include a 1-year Peloton App Membership — available to you at no additional cost. Click Here for more information..Return to Table of Contents8
A Health Savings Account (HSA) allows you to save pre-tax dollars for current and future healthcare expenses. The HSA is completely owned by you and allows you to have more control over your healthcare dollars. Unused funds and interest rollover without limit from year to year. Administered by Flores & AssociatesYou are eligible to open and fund an HSA if:• You are enrolled in the HSA medical plan as your sole health plan coverage• You are not eligible to be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return• You are not enrolled in Medicare or TRICARE for Life• You have not received Veterans Administration (VA) Benefits within the past 3 months (excludes VA benefits received for a combat- related condition/disability)AM I ELIGIBLE FOR AN HSA?AN HSA CAN BE A POWERFUL RETIREMENT TOOLThe funds in an HSA can be used for general non-medical purposes, without penalty, once you reach age 65. While HSAs are not intended to be used for retirement — they're designed for you to use funds to pay for qualifying healthcare expenses — they are a tax-friendly investment vehicle and can act as a powerful retirement-savings tool if you let your balance compound over years.START ITYou can set up your own HSABUILD ITYour contributions to your HSA are pre-tax through payroll contributions! (Limits apply)USE ITYou can use the money in your HSA to pay for covered health care for you and your qualified dependents (like the deductible and coinsurance).Withdrawals from your HSA (for qualified expenses) are tax-free!GROW ITUnused money in your account will roll over to the next year. Your account will earn interest and grow over time.KEEP ITYou always own the money in your HSA, including all contributions and any interest and other investment earnings. You can also take the account with you if you change employers.USING YOUR HSAHEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT CARRIER2024 IRS MAXIMUM ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONEnrolled as Employee Only$4,150Enrolled with Dependent(s)$8,050HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT If you are 55 or older, you can contribute an extra $1,000 each year through the HSA Catch-Up Contribution. Return to Table of Contents9
Lucky you! Your employer offers two non-traditional benefits to support you and your family as you juggle life’s demands. These benefits are offered through a Health Reimbursement Account, and they are administered by Flores & Associates.This plan is designed to reimburse eligible employees who may use forms of transportation to seek medical services. Reimbursement up to $4,000 annually for Employee and Dependents. Transportation may include bus, taxi, train, or plane fares (including those expenses incurred by a parent who must go with a child who needs medical care). Travel by car can be reimbursed at the medical mileage rate of $0.21 per mile for 2024Other eligible expenses include parking fees and toll, lodging and food cost when the primary purpose for being at the hospital or similar institution is seeking medical care.Lodging may be reimbursed at no more than $50 per night per person. The lodging cannot be lavish, no significant element of personal pleasure, recreation, or vacation. Meals are not included.MEDICAL TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTSTEP 1Incur an eligible expense and complete claim formSTEP 2You can file claims via: Upload through www.flores247.com, Smartphone app Flores Mobile, fax or mailSTEP 3Your claim will be processed and paid on a Weekly basis. If we have your email address on file, you will be sent an email notification when we receive your claim and when processed. Your reimbursement will be issued through check or direct deposit.REIMBURSMENT PROCESSHEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNTReturn to Table of Contents10MENTAL WELLBEING REIMBURSEMENTThis plan may reimburse medical care expenses related to mental wellbeing to employees even if the employee declines enrollment in the traditional group health plan.Reimbursement up to $175 per month (not to exceed $2,100 per year) for qualified expenses related to mental wellbeing services. (Psychiatric care, Phycologist, counseling, Substance abuse treatments.)This benefit is intended to supplement health insurance benefits and requires that you first submit a claim through insurance. HSA health plan participant are not eligible.
YOUR COST FOR COVERAGEDentalPlan Summary Click HereIN-NETWORK BENEFITSNetwork NamePPOCalendar Year Deductible (Single/Family)$50/$150Maximum Calendar Benefit$2,000PREVENTIVE SERVICESOral Exam0%X-Rays0%BASIC SERVICESFillings 10%*Root Canal 10%*Deep Cleaning 10%*Single Extraction 10%*Impaction 10%*MAJOR SERVICESComplete Denture 40%*Partial Denture 40%*Crowns 40%*Implants 40%*ORTHODONTICSChild/Adult50%$1,500 Lifetime Max BenefitCOST PER MONTH(12 deductions per year)SUNLIFEPPOEmployee Only$19.41Employee + Spouse$56.02Employee + Child(ren)$67.20Employee + Family$112.67The co-insurance percentages listed are the amounts that you must pay for the service. For a more complete listing of what is covered, including out-of-network benefits, please consult the detailed benefit summary from the insurance carrier.DENTAL INSURANCEReturn to Table of Contents*Benefits with an asterisk (*) require that the deductible be met before the plan begins to pay.11
YOUR COST FOR COVERAGEVisionPlan Summary Click HereBENEFITSIN-NETWORK OUT-OF-NETWORKNetwork NamePPOBENEFIT FREQUENCIESExamination12 monthsLenses12 monthsFrames24 monthsVISION EXAMExamination$10 copay Up to $45*LENSES & FRAMESSingle Vision Lenses$25 copay Up to $30*Bifocal Lenses$25 copay Up to $50*Trifocal Lenses$25 copay Up to $65*FramesUp to $150* Up to $70*CONTACTSElectiveUp to $150* Up to $105*The copays listed are the amounts that you must pay for the service. For a more complete listing of what is covered, including out-of-network benefits, please consult the detailed benefit summary from the insurance carrier.COST PER MONTH(12 deductions per year)SUNLIFE VISIONEmployee Only$7.57Employee + Spouse$15.17Employee + Child(ren)$12.84Employee + Family$21.18VISION INSURANCEReturn to Table of Contents*For In-Network, this is an Allowance Amount. For Out-of-Network, Insurance provider reimburses up to this amount.12
There are thousands or general dentists and specialists to choose from nationwide. You can receive a list of these participating dentist online at www.metlife.com/dental or call 1-800-275-4638.Sign in to myuhc.com click Find Care & Costs to find a network PCP, clinic hospital or lab based on location, specialty, reputation, estimated costs of services, availability, hours of operation and more. You can even see patient ratings and compare quality and costs before you choose a provider. If you would like more information about a provider’s qualifications, call the toll-free member phone number on your ID card.MEDICAL – UnitedHealthcareDENTAL - MetLifeVISION - MetLifeChoose from a large network of ophthalmologists, optometrists and opticians, from private practices to retailers like Costco Optical, Walmart, Sam’s Cub and Visionworks. Find a Vision provider at www.metlife.com/vision or call MetLife Vision at 1-855-MET-EYE1.13FINDING IN- NETWORK PROVIDERSYour insurance plan contracts with a number of doctors, specialists, hospitals, labs, pharmacies, etc. These providers make up your network. By selecting a provider within your network, you can secure your low costing health services while maintaining high quality of care. See below for instructions on finding an in-network provider near you:LEARN MOREClick HERE to learn more about the cost saving benefits of staying in-network!Return to Table of Contents
A flexible spending account (FSA) is a plan that is funded through pre-tax salary deductions elected by you each year. FSAs are among the most significant tax shelters allowed by the IRS. An FSA can provide significant tax savings on your out-of-pocket expenses. These accounts let you set aside pre-tax money for specific medical and dependent care expenses. Administered by Flores & Associates.HEALTH CARE ACCOUNT FSAYou can set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for health care expenses not covered under the medical, dental or vision plan. This also includes many medical related qualifying items as well, such as over-the-counter medications, contact lens solution, and prescription sunglasses.• 2024 Annual Maximum Contribution: $3,200• Grace Period* 75 days• Run-Out Period** 3 monthsSAMPLE LIST OF ELIGIBLE EXPENSES: Doctor visit co-payments, Prescription drugs co-payments, Hospital co-insurance payments, Dental co-payments, Contact Lenses, Prescription Sunglasses.DEPENDENT CARE ACCOUNT FSAYou can set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for dependent care expenses, such as a child’s day care, extended care, after school or assistance for an elderly parent or incapacitated dependent.• Annual Maximum Contribution: $5,000 ($2,500 max if married & filing separate tax returns)• Grace Period 75 days• Run-Out Period 3 monthsSAMPLE OF ELIGIBLE EXPENSES FOR CHILDREN: Nanny, babysitter, pre-K, before and after school care through age 12. Expenses paid to a relative are also eligible if they are age 19+ and are not a tax dependent of the FSA participant.SAMPLE OF ELIGIBLE EXPENSES FOR ADULT/ELDER CARE: Nurse fees, expenses paid to a relative are also eligible as long as they are age 19+ and are not a tax dependent of the FSA participant.HOW DOES IT WORK?• Regular elected amounts are deducted from your gross wages and credited to your spending account.• Health Care Account funds are completely available the first pay cycle of the plan year.• Dependent Care Account funds are available as they are deducted from your paychecks.• You can use the funds in your accounts to pay for applicable expenses as they arise.• Accounts abide by the “use it or lose it rule”, which means any funds remaining in your accounts at the end of the plan year will be forfeited.• IRS law states that you can’t have both a Health Care FSA and an HSA. You may only be enrolled in one of the two plans.*Grace period is the amount of time after a plan year has ended for you to incur expenses for the previous plan year.**Run-out period is an extension past the last day of the plan year to give you more time to file for reimbursement of claims incurred during the plan year.FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNTReturn to Table of Contents14
GROUP TERM LIFE & AD&D - GuardianYour employer provides you with life and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance coverage at no cost!• Coverage Amount: $150,000• Age Reductions: Age 70: 35%; Age 75: 50%Don’t forget to designate a beneficiary for your Life and AD&D benefits when enrolling!15LIFE INSURANCEReturn to Table of ContentsPlan Summary Click Here
SunLifeSHORT TERM DISABILITYWEEKLY BENEFITPercentage of Salary60%Maximum Weekly Benefit$2,500PLAN DETAILSWaiting Period (Accident/Sickness)8 days/8 daysMaximum Benefit Period12 Weeks16DISABILITY INSURANCEReturn to Table of ContentsEMPLOYER PAID SHORT- TERM DISABILITYLong term disability insurance will start paying out at the end of your short term disability coverage period.Please view the carrier’s full plan summary document for a detailed description of what is or is not covered. This benefit is 100% employer-paid!SunLifeLONG TERM DISABILITYMONTHLY BENEFITPercentage of Salary60%Maximum Monthly Benefit$10,000PLAN DETAILSElimination Period90 DaysMaximum Benefit PeriodSocial Security Normal Retirement Age (SSNRA)Pre-Existing Limitations3/12**Disabilities that occur during the first 12 months of coverage due to pre-existing condition during the 3 months prior to coverage are excluded.EMPLOYER PAID LONG- TERM DISABILITYAccidents and illnesses happen and often when we least expect them. Short Term Disability is available to employees.Please view the carrier’s full plan summary document for a detailed description of what is or is not covered.This benefit is 100% employer-paid!Plan Summaries Click Here
SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCEReturn to Table of Contents17Aflac offers supplement insurance plans that can help fill in some of the gaps that your primary medical coverage may not cover.The following plans are available for you and your dependents:• Buy up short term disability• Accident Insurance• Cancer Protection• Hospital Indemnity Insurance• Critical CareFor more information click HERE
ART@onedigital.com (866) 802-6311Insurance is confusing. We love to help. You have someone dedicated to assist you with the following:• YOUR ENROLLMENT: As a new hire, during open enrollment and if you have a mid-year qualifying event• ACCESSING CARE: Locating in-network medical, dental and vision providers, hospitals and urgent care facilities near you and how to receive treatment by a specialist through the referral and authorization process• UNDERSTANDING YOUR BENEFITS: Helping you understand the benefits available to you and how to use your insurance plans• DETERMINING YOUR COSTS: Explaining the cost of service for in-network providers• CLAIMS RESOLUTION: Effectively resolving claims disputes and confirming your claims were processed correctly by your carrierSometimes life is stressful. When situations seem too tough to get through on your own, you have a lifeline for help. You and your household members can access confidential, professional assistance from an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Every session is 100% confidential and can provide you with assistance for issues such as: • Marital conflicts• Mental health management• Substance abuse• Financial/legal concerns• And much more!Your EAP includes 3 face-to-face visits and unlimited calls. Click Here for more information.GET STARTED TODAY!• Phone: (877) 595-5281• Web: www.worklife.uprisehealth.com o Access Code: worklifeHELP WHEN YOU NEED ITReturn to Table of ContentsLEARN MOREClick HERE to learn more about the support that your EAP can offer18
HOW TO ENROLLReturn to Table of ContentsOur online enrollment platform is Employee Navigator! Quickly and conveniently make your enrollments online through a computer or with the convenience of a smart phone. No app required, just follow the directions below. HOW TO GET STARTED1ENROLL IN YOUR BENEFITS AND CONFIRM YOUR BENEFITS SELECTIONClick “Update Benefits” at the top left hand of the page to begin. Here you will be asked to Complete your profile information, Update your dependents information (if applicable) and select your benefits.Once you have made your benefits selections, refer to the Enrollment Summary tab. Click on the Agreed tab to finalize your enrollment.REGISTER YOUR ACCOUNTTo get started register your account at www.employeenavigator.com Create a user-name and password.MANAGE YOUR DASHBOARDOnce you are logged in, you can navigate through pertinent News & Articles as well as Plan Documents that will appear once you have completed the open enrollment process. Four tabs are located on your homepage: Employee Info, Benefits, Required Tasks and Resources2319
EMPLOYEE NOTICESReturn to Table of ContentsPlease review the required employee notices detailing your rights and options by clicking the link below. You can also request a paper copy of any of these notices at any time. EMPLOYEE NOTICESDOWNLOAD NOTICES HERE20The rates and benefit plan information shown in this guide are illustrative only. To the extent the rates or the benefit plan information summarized herein differs from the underlying plan details specified in the insurance documents and/or plan document(s) that govern the terms and conditions of the plans described in this guide, the underlying insurance and/or plan documents will govern in all cases. The insurance carrier will determine the actual rates based upon the final member enrollment, plan selection, funding, type, and eligibility criteria. Until that time, and the carrier's final communication, the rates will be subject to change.